Silo Busting: Statewide Data Governance And Data Sharing


Silo Busting: Statewide DataGovernance and Data SharingKay Meyer, Principal Industry Consultant, State and Local Government, SASTyler Kleykamp, Chief Data Officer, State of ConnecticutKrishna Iyer, Chief Data Officer, Illinois Department of Innovation and TechnologyJon Gottsengen, Chief Data Officer, Colorado Governors Office of Information Technology

Silo Busting: Statewide DataGovernance and Data SharingC o p y r ig ht S A S I n stitu te I n c . A ll rig hts re s er ved .

C o p y r ig ht S A S I n stitu te I n c . A ll rig hts re s er ved .

C o p y r ig ht S A S I n stitu te I n c . A ll rig hts re s er ved .

BUSINESSPROBLEMBUSINESSDECISION80%20%Finding, downloading, manuallymanipulating and aggregating dataneeded to solve the ISION20%80%Spend more time on effectiveanalysis of the data to arrive atbetter outcomesC o p y r ig ht S A S I n stitu te I n c . A ll rig hts re s er ved .

lanRevenueJail DataCorrectionData3rd ementEducationExtract, Transform and LoadGovernment Analytics Center of ExcellenceIdentity entInsuranceHR/PayrollWageand LaborINFORMATION DELIVERY PORTALC o p y r ig ht S A S I n stitu te I n c . A ll rig hts re s er ved .Future SolutionRetirement PlanAnalysisOtherSolutionsBudget sCriminal JusticeCriminal IncidentAnalysisMedicaid / SocialService AnalysisChild utcomesRevenueHealthcareHealth and Social dProgramIntegritySecuritySocial ServicesEligibilityData Mgmt.and AdminCriminalJusticeFraud and ComplianceAnalysis and AlertsWorkers CompComplianceDataStandardsDeathMaster FileMedicaidRecidivism/PrisonPopulation AnalysisEducationPolicy andProcedureCriminal 3rd Party DataState Health PlanBusinessIntelligenceUnemploymentInsurance FraudData GovernanceCorp.RegistrationsSocialServicesDOT/DMV

C o p y r ig ht S A S I n stitu te I n c . A ll rig hts re s er ved .

Challenges and OpportunitiesData Governance and Data SharingC o p y r ig ht S A S I n stitu te I n c . A ll rig hts re s er ved .

Kay Meyer, Principal Industry Consultant, State and Local Government, SAS Tyler Kleykamp, Chief Data Officer, State of Connecticut Krishna Iyer, Chief Data Officer, Illinois Department of Innovation and Technology Jon Gottsengen, Chief Data Officer, Colorado Governors Office of Information