WATER’SWORTH ITLET’S GOALL IN.NEWEA SpringMeeting 2018 CFA Postcard 9x6 R5.indd 1New England Water Environment Association Presents:NEWEA 2018Spring Meeting& ExhibitJune 3 – 6Gurney’s Newport Resort & MarinaNewport, Rhode Island
Please join us at Gurney’s Newport Resort &Marina in Newport, Rhode Island for the 2018 SpringMeeting. The Spring Meeting provides a time for ourmembers and others to network and discuss the technicaland operational challenges faced in our efforts working forwater quality. Attend the technical sessions for professionaldevelopment opportunities and don’t forget the everpopular Operations Challenge competition.Janine Burke-WellsNEWEA PresidentAmy AndersonProgram Committee ChairOur meeting begins on Monday with a breakfast andGeneral Opening Session. Our keynote speaker is theHonorable Sheldon Whitehouse, United States Senate,State of Rhode Island. Sheldon Whitehouse has spent morethan 30 years in public service, and is dedicated to helpingsmall businesses grow, making heath care affordable forevery family, and fighting to break through the barricade ofspecial interests in Washington that are blocking action onclimate change.Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday feature eight technicalsessions with topics ranging from climate change andresiliency to utility management and outreach. Mondaymorning features our “Keeping it Local —Hot Button Issuesin Rhode Island” session which focuses on local topicssurrounding Newport and Rhode Island. The OperationsChallenge runs all day Tuesday with the awards ceremonystarting at 4:00 PM. Come and cheer on your favorite teamor just come to see these water quality professionals inaction. The Exhibit Hall will open on Monday 7:30 AM andcontinue until 5:00 PM Tuesday.The Golf Tournament will be held on Monday at the GreenValley Country Club and take some time on Tuesday toexplore all Newport has to offer! Tuesday evening, we willhave the NEWEA Reception and Dinner with a traditionalNew England flair.While enjoying yourself at the Spring Meeting, reach out toany member of a NEWEA committee to find out how youcan become involved and do more. After all, it’s the Year ofthe Volunteer!On behalf of the Program Committee, we look forward toseeing you at the Spring Meeting in Newport, RI. It will bea fantastic way to reconnect with current colleagues, meetnew ones, and learn about our latest industry trends.Janine Burke-Wells, NEWEA PresidentAmy Anderson, NEWEA Program ChairNEWEA 2018 spring meeting 1
New England Water EnvironmentAssociation Presents:NEWEA 2018 SPRINGMEETING & EXHIBITCo-sponsor:Narragansett Water PollutionControl AssociationJune 3 – 6Gurney’s Newport Resort & MarinaNewport, Rhode IslandA graduate of Yale University and the University of VirginiaSchool of Law, Sheldon served as Rhode Island’s Director ofBusiness Regulation under Governor Sundlun before beingrecommended by Senator Pell and nominated by PresidentBill Clinton to be Rhode Island’s United States Attorney in1994. He was elected Attorney General of Rhode Islandin 1998. In 2006, Rhode Islanders elected Sheldon tothe United States Senate, where he is a member of theBudget Committee; the Environment and Public WorksCommittee (EPW); the Judiciary Committee; and the FinanceCommittee. He and his wife Sandra, a marine biologist andU.S. Senator, Sheldon Whitehouseenvironmental advocate, live in Newport.Exhibit Area Open.7:30 AM – 7:30 PMConference EventsTechnical Sessions 1 & 29:15 – 11:45 AMBreak 10:45 – 11:15 AMSaturday, June 2NEWEA YP Community Service Project. 7:30 AM – 4:00 PMWorking with ERICD, the NEWEA YPs are organizing the first community serviceproject in conjunction with the Spring Meeting. The project is to install greeninfrastructure BMPs on private and town properties as part of the “Soak Up theRain” program grant. If you are interested in participating as part of the VolunteerWorkforce on Saturday June 2nd, please register through the Spring MeetingRegistration form attached or online. ERICD will provide materials and tools for theworkforce, and we will end the day with a BBQ to thank the volunteers.Rain Date: Sunday June 3rdSunday, June 3Registration.Noon – 4:00 PMExecutive Committee Meeting.1:00 PMOperations Challenge Event.3:00 – 7:00 PMMonday, June 4Registration. 7:30 AM – 4:00 PMSpeakers’ Breakfast.7:30 – 8:30 AMBreakfast and General Opening Session.8:00 – 9:00 AMModerator: Amy Anderson, NEWEA Program Committee Chair, ArcadisWelcome: Janine Burke-Wells, NEWEA President, Warwick, RI Sewer AuthorityFeatured Speaker: Sheldon Whitehouse, United States Senator, Rhode IslandThe Providence Journal described Senator Whitehouse as “a strong-willed and articulatemember of the Senate on national issues and an energetic champion of Rhode Islandeconomic and other interests.” The examples set by people like his father, a World WarII veteran and diplomat, and by great figures in Rhode Island public life, like U.S. SenatorClaiborne Pell and Governor Bruce Sundlun, taught Sheldon the good that public servicecan do for our country and our state. Throughout his more than thirty years in public service,Sheldon has focused on the basic issues that make a real difference in people’s lives.NEWEA 2018 spring meeting 2KEEPING IT LOCAL—HOT BUTTON ISSUES IN RHODE ISLANDSESSION 1Moderators: Kate Goyette, KleinfelderMike Bonomo, ADS EnvironmentalNewport’s Effective Use of Mobile GIS for Field Services– Eamon Duane, City of Newport, RI– Edwin Roworth, Jacobs/CH2MHow the Goal of Resiliency is Influencing Rhode Island’s Wastewater Utilities– Jan Greenwood, Woodard & Curran– Jon Himlan, Woodard & CurranPlanning and Progress for Newport’s Long Term CSO Control Program– Peter von Zweck, Jacobs/CH2M– Julia Forgue, City of Newport, RILocal Environmental & Sustainability Challenges– TBDOUTREACH AND VOLUNTEERISM—WHAT YOU CAN DOSESSION 2Moderators: Kate Biedron, CDM SmithDeb Mahoney, Hazen and SawyerEngaging the Public – Groton, CT’s Outreach Program– Chris Lund, Town of Groton, CTLet’s Go All In—the Classroom in the Year of the Volunteer—Learn How To BeThe Best– Meg Tabacsko, MWRA– Ken Carlson, Woodard & Curran– Lenny Young, MWRAEngaging the Public in Billerica, MA– Ken Carlson, Woodard & Curran– Jeff Kalmes, Town of Billerica, MAOut of Sight, But Not Out of Mind– Robert Rak, Bristol Community College, Fall River, MALunch Break (on own).11:45 PMNEWEA 2018 spring meeting 3
Monday, June 4 (continued)Technical Session 3Tuesday, June 51:00 – 3:30 PMBreak 2:00 – 2:30 PMMUNICIPAL FACILITIES AND STORMWATER MANAGEMENTSESSION 3Moderators: Lauren Hertel, Woodard & CurranDenise Descheneau, Upper Blackstone WPADCollaborating for Public Facility Stormwater Success– Marc Gabriel, Nitsch Engineering– Jennifer Johnson, Nitsch Engineering– Sean McCarthy, Town of Scituate, MAMS4 Permitting in EPA Region 1—The Existence of a TMDL Does Not JustifyImposition of Requirements Upon all MS4 Dischargers– John Hall, Hall & Associates– Gary Cohen, Hall & AssociatesThe Changing Tide in Regulations, Permits and Environmental Standards—Where Will it Flow?– Paul Hogan, Woodard & CurranRefining Stormwater Rates and Improving Community Support– David Hyder, StantecSpring Meeting Welcome Reception (Exhibit Area).6:00 – 7:30 PMSelect Society of Sanitary Sludge Shovelers (5S) Induction Ceremony. 7:15 PMDuring the Monday evening reception, Influent Integrator Charles W. Tyler willinduct 12 new members into the Select Society of Sanitary Sludge Shovelers: LindaAustin, NEWEA; Mary Barry, NEWEA; Joe Boccadoro, AECOM; Mike Burke, SUEZ;Brad Hayes, City of Tavares, FL; Fred McNeill, City of Manchester, NH; JaniceMoran, NEWEA; Annalisa Onnis-Hayden, Northeastern University; Mac Richardson,Lewiston-Auburn WPCA; Marylee Santoro, City of Stamford, CT; Mike Spring,Narragansett Bay Commission; and Mary White, MWRANEWEA 2018 spring meeting 4Morning Bike Ride. 7:00 AMCoordinator: Adam Yanulis, Tighe & BondJoin the NEWEA cyclists for an informal morning bike ride to start the day offright. The pace is moderate but not competitive and all are welcome. No fee toparticipate.Registration. 7:30 AM – 4:00 PMSpeakers’ Breakfast.7:30 – 8:30 AMPresidents’ Breakfast (by invitation only).8:00 – 9:00 AMExhibit Area Open. 8:00 AM-5:00 PMOperations Challenge Event. 9:00 AM-4:00 PMWinning teams from New England will represent NEWEA in the WEF national eventto be held in Chicago in October.Technical Sessions 4 & 59:00 – 11:30 AMBreak 10:00 – 10:30 AMDESIGNING WITH RESILIENCY IN MINDSESSION 4Moderators: Kate Edwards, ArcadisTom Loto, KleinfelderBringing Flood Resiliency into MassDOT Asset Management– Samantha Roddy, MassDOT– Tim Dexter, MassDOT– Roy Schiff, Milone & MacBroomAnalysis and Communication of Flood Damage Cost Avoidance in the LampreyRiver Watershed– David Roman, Geosyntec– Cameron Wake, University of New HampshireConsidering Climate Resiliency in Common Stormwater Designs– Matthew Jones, Hazen and SawyerRestoring Flood Resiliency with a 120-MGD Flood Pump Station in Lowell, MA– Tiffany Labrie, Tighe & Bond– Michael Stuer, Lowell Regional Wastewater Utility– Mark Young, Lowell Regional Wastewater Utility– Todd Brown, University of HartfordNEWEA 2018 spring meeting 5
Tuesday, June 5 (continued)Wednesday, June 6ALTERNATIVES TO TRADITIONAL PLANT OPERATIONSSESSION 5Moderators: Tom Hazlett, Woodard & CurranMeghan Moody, CDM SmithHow to Harden Your Plant—One Storm at a Time– Kevin Cini, City of Groton, CTAlternative Project Delivery Methods for Water/Wastewater Facility Projects– Todd Moline, Stantec– Bryan Canzoneri, StantecComparative Energy Evaluation of Nutrient Recovery Technologies as anAlternative to Traditional Fertilizers and Nutrient Removal Technologies– Ranjani Theregowda, US EPA– Alejandra González-Mejía, Bangor University– Xin (Cissy) Ma, US EPA– Jay Garland, US EPAUse of Ballasted Flocculation for Phosphorus Removal to Ultra Low Levels– Craig Wagner, CDM Smith– William Lengyel, CDM Smith– Walter Veselka, City of Bristol, RI– Dustin Payanis, City of Bristol, RIBuffet Lunch in the Exhibit Area. 11:30 AM – 1:30 PMTechnical Session 61:30 – 4:00 PMBreak 2:30 – 3:00 PMCOLLECTION SYSTEMS—TOOLS FOR INSPECTIONSESSION 6AND REHABILITATIONModerators: Peter Garvey, DewberryMatt Formica, AECOMPump it, Grind it, Screen it—Current Best Practices in Handling CollectionSystem Modern Trash– Robert Domkowski, Xylem, Inc. – FlygtUsing GIS to Manage and Visualize Sewer System Inspections– Lindsey Donbavand, CDM Smith– Brittney Gibbons, CDM SmithTrenchless and Conventional Technologies Utilized for Installation of 5,550Linear Feet of 30- and 40-inch Relief Sewer in Connecticut– John Ososkie, Jacobs/CH2M– Jason Waterbury, The Metropolitan District Commission– Eric Muir, Jacobs/CH2MThe Pipe Work is Done—Why Are You Still Here? (Using Sewer Separation toLeave the Neighborhood Better Than We Found It)– Francis McPartlan, KleinfelderRegistration and Continental Breakfast. 8:00 – 8:30 AMTechnical Session 7 & 89:00 – 11:30Break 10:00 – 10:15 AMSTORMWATER MANAGEMENT FOR THE BUILTSESSION 7AND NATURAL ENVIRONMENTModerators: Miles Moffatt, Tighe & BondCharlie Tyler, MWRA (retired)Green Stormwater Infrastructure Parks: All Sizes, Designs and Funding Sources– Julie Stein, HDR– Derick Tonning, HDRDistributed Green Stormwater Infrastructure Systems—Philadelphia, PA– Bernadette Callahan, StantecNational Green Infrastructure Certification Program– Adriana Caldarelli, Water Environment Federation– Eddie Gonzalez, Water Environment FederationMatrix Approach to Stormwater Management for a Resilient Built Environment– Margaret Kurth, US Army Corps of Engineers– Cate Fox-Lent, US Army Corps of Engineers– Igor Linkov, US Army Corps of EngineersUTILITY MANAGEMENT —EFFICIENCY IS KEYSESSION 8Moderators: Scott Lander, Retain-ItHelen Gordon, Environmental Partners GroupUtilizing Enterprise Data Management Systems to Enhance Operation Efficiency– Brett Milburn, Langan Engineering & Environmental Services– Ricardo Ceballos, Greater New Haven WPCAOptimizing Operations Through Small Investments and Human Capital– Robert Pontau, Brunswick Sewer DistrictThe 25M Upgrade to the Middleborough Water Pollution Control Facility –From the Owner and Owner’s Project Manager Perspective– Paul Millett, Environmental Partners Group– Chris Peck, Town of Middleborough, MAIntegrating Asset Management Principals and Emergency Preparedness toAssess Risk– Corinne Ketchum, Arcadis– Marc Delzio, Arcadis– Kevin Slaven, Arcadis– Andrew Ohrt, ArcadisBox Lunch. NoonOperations Challenge Wrap-up and Awards Presentation. 4:00 – 5:00 PMNEWEA Reception and Dinner. 6:30 – 10:00 PMPlease check the final program for location and detailsNEWEA 2018 spring meeting 6NEWEA 2018 spring meeting 7
Hotel InformationOne Goat IslandNewport, RI401-849-2600Gurney’s Newport Resort & MarinaRates And ReservationsReserve by calling the Gurney’s Newport Resort &Marina at 401-851-3366 and refer to: NEWEA SPRINGMEETING or the online reservation form – https://gc.synxis.com/rez.aspx?Hotel 76390&Chain 19267&arrive 6/2/2018&depart 6/7/2018&adult 2&child 0&group NEWERoom rates and options vary.Single or double rooms start at 210 . The group rateis on a space and date availability basis. The deadlineto reserve and receive the NEWEA group rate isThursday, May 3, 2018.The resort is located about 84 miles from Boston(1 hour and 45 minutes), 181 miles from Portland, Maineand 88 miles from Hartford, Connecticut. Get DirectionsGuest ProgramMONDAY, JUNE 4Breakfast8:00 – 9:00 AMGolf TournamentJoin us at the Green Valley Country Club as we tee offas part of a “Shotgun” start with numerous prizes. Seepage for Golf Tournament further details. Separateregistration required, 110 per person.NEWEA Reception6:00 – 7:30 PMJoin us at the NEWEA Reception and SSSSS InductionCeremony in the Spring Meeting Exhibit Area.TUESDAY, JUNE 5Please contact Joy Lordfor questions regardingthis event—207-353-6593Breakfast7:30 – 8:30 AMMeet for continental breakfast before the day’sactivitiesGuest Tour and Program8:30 AM – 3:00 PM Coordinator: Joy LordRough Point TourRough Point was completed in 1891 for FrederickWilliam Vanderbilt. It was purchased by James Dukein 1922. Upon his death in 1925, he left the estate tohis daughter, Doris (age 12). In 1968, She establishthe Newport Restoration Foundation—creditedwith restoring 83 buildings. Rough Point has stayedmainly untouched since her death in 1993. The housefurnishings span seven decades, and includes artworkby Renoir, Flemish tapestries and oriental porcelains.The second part of our tour, will feature the landscapeand gardens—developed in the 1890s by FrederickLaw Olmsted. Lunch will follow.Operations Challenge AwardsReception4:00 PMReception & Dinner6:30 – 10:00 PMNEWEA 2018 spring meeting 8NEWEA 2018 spring meeting 9
New England Water Environment Association - Spring Meeting & ExhibitJune 3-6, 2018 Gurney’s Newport Resort & Marina, Newport, RICo-Sponsored by Narragansett Water Pollution Control Assoc.REGISTRATION FORM1. REGISTRATION INFORMATION (AS IT IS TO APPEAR ON YOUR NAME BADGE. USE ONE FORM PER PERSON.)Last Name: First Name: Nickname:Company: Email:Address: City: State: Zip:2. MEETING REGISTRATION/PRICINGNEWEA MEMBERSHIP ID #Full Meeting Registration (select below)BEST RATE(by May 18)STANDARD(after May 18)MemberNon MemberMemberNon MemberFull Meeting Attendee - incl. Mon/Tues. Reception and Tues. Dinner 380 480** 430 530**PWO/Young Professional Member* 300NEWEA Regulatory Agency* 120See reverse for regulator descriptionWEF Retired/Life Member or Student w/ID* 375 170 130Incl. regulator membership 0One-Day Registration (select day you will attend) 180Incl. regulator membership 0MemberNon MemberMemberNon Member 235/day 220/day 260/daySingle Day Attendee M T W 195/dayPWO/Young Professional Member* M T W 100/dayNEWEA Regulatory Agency * See reverse for description M T W 40/dayWEF Retired/Life Member or Student w/ID * M T W 0 125/day 90/day 50/dayIncl. regulator membership 100/dayIncl. regulator membership 0 Speakers may take a 30 discount on the registration fee. Narragansett Water Pollution Control Association (RIWPCA) Members may receive the member registration rate.*Event tickets may be puchased separately.**Non-members wishing to register at the member rate, may sign up for membership and submit the forms together to receivethe member rate. Please contact the NEWEA office at 781-939-0908 if you have any questions.Operations Challenge Teams: visit springmeeting.newea.org to download a team registration form.3. SPECIAL EVENT TICKETSBEST RATE(by May 18)STANDARDRATE 175 185Spouse/Guest Program - Tuesday, June 5, 8:30AM-3PMSpouse/Guest Name:Monday Reception - Monday, June 4, 6:00 PM@ 50 60Tuesday Reception & Dinner - Tuesday, June 5, 6:30 PM@ 80 90YP Community Service - Saturday, June 2, 7:30 AM - 4:00 PM4. PAYMENT INFORMATION Yes, I'd like to participate. (Rain Date: June 3rd)TOTAL REGISTRATION FEE: Charge VISA/MC/Amex/DiscoverCard # Exp. Date: Check #Signature: Security Code: Purchase Order #I authorize NEWEA to charge my credit card for the amount indicated.RETURN COMPLETE FORMS TO: NEWEA, 10 Tower Office Park, Ste 601, Woburn, MA 01801 or fax to: 781-939-0907 or registeronline at springmeeting.newea.org Preregistration Deadline: Friday, May 18, 2018QUESTIONS? Call 781-939-0908.CANCELLATIONS must be submitted in WRITING by Friday, May 18, 2018. A 20% service fee will apply to all cancellationsreceived before May 18; no refunds will be made on registration fees or special events after Friday, May 18. Due to Associationagreements and guarantees, fees are forfeited if you are not able to attend the conference.PLEASE SEE REVERSE FOR COMPLETE REGISTRATION INFORMATION
FREQUENTLYASKED QUESTIONSNew England Water Environment AssociationSpring Meeting & ExhibitJune 3-6, 2018 Gurney’s Resort, Newport, RICo-Sponsored by Narragansett Water Pollution Control Assoc.REGISTRATION INFORMATIONCONFIRMATIONS: Confirmations of receipt of registrationswill be emailed prior to the conference.ONLINE: springmeeting.newea.orgFAX:781-939-0907EMAIL: mail@newea.orgPHONE: 781-939-0908MAIL: NE
He was elected Attorney General of Rhode Island in 1998. In 2006, Rhode Islanders elected Sheldon to the United States Senate, where he is a member of the . Ken Carlson, Woodard & Curran – Lenny Young, MWRA Engaging the Public in Billerica, MA – Ken Carlson, Woodard & Curran