RE-IMAGINE JUSTICE:MASS INCARCERATION,REENTRY AND TRAUMAIntersections and Implicationsfor Social Work PracticeDECEMBER 6-7, 2016NYU Kimmel Center for University Life New York, NYCONFERENCE PROGRAM
ABOUT THE CONFERENCEHow competent are you to practice or advocate for themillions of people impacted by mass incarceration?There are currently 2.2 million people – disproportionately people of color – in prison or in jail in theUnited States. The enmeshed consequences of incarceration and prisons are omnipresent throughout thesocial work profession (James & Smyth 2014). Yet critical discourse in schools of social work pertaining tomass incarceration and criminal justice is marginal or in some cases completely absent (Epperson et al, 2011;James & Smyth, 2014).Welcome to Re-Imagine Justice: MassIncarceration, Reentry and Trauma– Intersections and Implicationsfor Social Work Practice. This twoday conference will enhance yourcompetency in practice skills necessaryfor working with people impacted bythe criminal justice system, increaseyour understanding of evidenced-basedinterventions, and fuel your advocacyfor criminal justice reform.It is our intent to stand with as allies,and when needed, lift the voices of theoppressed to demand that WE, ReImagine Justice in America for ALL.CONTINUING EDUCATION CONTACT HOURSThis event is both NYSED and ACE Approved for 12 Continuing Education (CE) Contact Hours.New York University Silver School of Social Work is recognized by the New York State Education Department’s StateBoard for Social Work as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed social workers {#SW-0012}.This organization (NYU Silver School of Social Work, 1415) is approved as a provider for social work continuingeducation by the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) www.aswb.org through the Approved ContinuingEducation (ACE) program. NYU Silver School of Social Work maintains responsibility for the program. ASWB ApprovalPeriod: 11/11/16 - 11/11/19. Social workers should contact their regulatory board to determine course approval forcontinuing education credits.
MESSAGE FROM DR. JAMES JACCARDInterim Dean and Professor of Social Work;Co-Director, Center for Latino Adolescent and Family Health,NYU Silver School of Social WorkDear Friends and Colleagues,On behalf of the New York University Silver School of Social Work, it is my greatpleasure to welcome you to the 2016 Re-Imagine Justice: Mass Incarceration,Reentry, and Trauma-Intersections and Implications for Practice conference. This twoday event will present social workers with a historical and contemporary understandingof mass incarceration, reentry, and their intersection with trauma. It will further providetools to facilitate holistic social work practice and advocacy with individuals, families,and communities impacted by this destructive phenomenon. Special attention will alsobe given to invisible populations, such as LGBTQ people, immigrants and women ofcolor.The United States, often considered “the land of the free,” currently holds the dubiousdistinction of having the world’s highest per capita prison population. While comprisinga mere five percent of the world’s population, the United States nonetheless accountsfor 25 percent of the world’s prisoners. No other country has managed to incarcerate somany of its inhabitants. To put this in perspective, the incarceration rate for the rest ofworld currently stands at 155 prisoners per 100,000 inhabitants; for the United States itis nearly quadruple that at 716 prisoners per 100,000 inhabitants.The conference is important as both an educational opportunity and a call to actionfor social workers. With fewer than five percent of all schools of social work offeringrequired coursework on criminal justice and mass incarceration, this conference fills avoid. We will hear from advocates, community organizers, formerly incarcerated peopleand those in reentry, as well as leading academics in the field about best practices andevidenced-based interventions for serving people caught in the criminal justice system.They will also speak to our core mission and values of helping communities in need.We hope you will find this conference personally rewarding, and leave with greatermotivation to address the important intersections of mass incarceration, trauma andsocial justice.Sincerely,JAMES JACCARD, PHDInterim Dean and Professor, NYU Silver School of Social Worksocialwork.nyu.eduRE-IMAGINE JUSTICE: MASS INCARCERATION, REENTRY AND TRAUMAIntersections and Implications for Social Work Practice1
MESSAGE FROM DR.KIRK A. JAMESClinical Assistant Professor of Social Work,NYU Silver School of Social WorkDear Conference Participants:Prison abolitionist and human rights advocate Angela Davis has long urged Americato radically examine its mass incarceration problem. By radical, she asserts we mustsimply get to the root — It is there we will find the understanding, which precipitates aninformed intervention.Today, it feels like we are finally getting to the root. We are in a moment where themirage of justice in America is slowly fading. People from all walks of life are awakeningto the injustices perpetuated under the guise of democracy.From Michelle Alexander’s The New Jim Crow, to the Ava DuVernay’s documentary“13th,” it’s clear that America has intentionally facilitated a perverse form of neo-slaveryunder the facade of “criminal justice.”It is imperative that the social work profession, with its organizing value of “socialjustice,” become a preeminent voice of opposition to mass incarceration. However, forthat to occur, it’s further imperative that as a profession we heed Angela Davis’s adviceand thus seek to understand the root causes which have instigated such a destructivephenomenon.One of my mentors and our keynote speaker Glenn Martin famously says: “peopleclosest to the problem are closest to the solution.” Re-Imagine Justice is thus ourattempt to bring the people closest to the problem of mass incarceration to the socialwork profession.Over two days, formerly incarcerated people (many now social workers), andprofessionals working at various intersections of mass incarceration, will engage thesocial work profession in critical dialogue. It is through this dialogue that we can reachthe roots; and it’s by reaching the roots that we can utilize that knowledge to inform oureducation, our practice and our advocacy as WE challenge America toRe-imagine Justice.Peace.KIRK A. JAMES, DSWClinical Assistant Professor of Social Work, NYU Silver School of Social Work2RE-IMAGINE JUSTICE: MASS INCARCERATION, REENTRY AND TRAUMAIntersections and Implications for Social Work Practice
Day 1: Tuesday, December 69:00 - 9:15AMWELCOME/OPENING REMARKSJames Jaccard, PhD, Interim Dean and Professor of Social Work; Co-director, Center forLatino Adolescent and Family HealthKirk A. James, DSW, Clinical Assistant Professor of Social Work9:15 - 10:00AMKEYNOTE ADDRESSGlenn E. Martin, Founder and President, JustLeadership USA10:00 - 10:15AMBREAK10:15AM - 12:00PMPLENARY PANEL #1: THOSE IMPACTED ARE CLOSEST TO THE SOLUTIONDAY 1 Tuesday, December 6CONFERENCE SCHEDULEFormerly incarcerated people discuss mass incarceration (pre-arrest—prison—reentry), andthe ways in which social work practice can advocate around the issues presented.Moderator: Marlon Peterson, BA, Founder, The Precedential GroupDerrick Cain, MA, Intake Specialist, The Brooklyn Bail Fund, Judicial Delegate, District 55Terrance Coffie, BSW, Graduate Student, NYU Silver School of Social Work; CollegePathways Adviser, The Doe FundShagasyia Diamond, Community Organizer, Red Umbrella ProjectColby Thompson, Artist, Author and Political Activist, RAPPCheryl Wilkins, MSW; Senior Director of Education and Programs, Columbia UniversityCenter for Justice12:00 - 1:00PMLUNCHProvided by Drive Change’s Snowday Food Truck1:00 - 2:00PMCONVERSATION WITH BAZ DREISINGER, PHDProfessor and Founding Academic Director, the Prison-to–College-Pipeline Project, John JayCollege of Criminal Justice; Author of Incarcerated Nations2:00 - 3:30PMPLENARY PANEL #2: REPORT FROM THE FRONT LINESSocial Workers discuss the various ways in which they work at the intersections of massincarceration.Moderators: Patricia Kim, MFA and Joshua Ware, BA Social Work Interns, NYU Silver Schoolof Social WorkJerry Davis-EL, BSW, Child and Adolescent CounselorNick Malinowski, MSW, Advocacy Specialist, Brooklyn Defender ServicesKingsley Rowe, LMSW, Reentry Program Administrator, NYU Prison Education ProgramDwight Stephenson, MSW, Family Services Specialist/Offender Workforce DevelopmentSpecialist (OWDS), Osborne Association Fatherhood Initiative3:30 - 4:00PMCLOSING REMARKS AND DISCUSSIONKirk A. James, DSW, Clinical Assistant Professor of Social Work, NYU Silver School ofSocial WorkRE-IMAGINE JUSTICE: MASS INCARCERATION, REENTRY AND TRAUMAIntersections and Implications for Social Work Practice3
CONFERENCE SCHEDULEDay 2: Wednesday, December 79:00 - 9:30AMWELCOMING REMARKSKirk A. James, DSW, Clinical Assistant Professor of Social WorkCONVERSATION WITH KATHY BOUDIN, EdDCo-Director and Co-Founder, Columbia University Center for Justice; Director, CriminalJustice Initiative and Adjunct Lecturer, Columbia University School of Social Work9:30 - 11:00AMPLENARY PANEL #3: HOLISTIC AND HUMANE PRACTICES IN AN ERAOF MASS INCARCERATIONDAY 2 Wednesday, December 7Moderator: Cameron Rasmussen, LMSW, Columbia University Center for JusticeStacey Barrenger, BA, AM, PhD, Assistant Professor and McSilver Faculty Fellow, NYU SilverSchool of Social WorkNancy Franke, MSW, Director, Goldring Reentry Initiative, University of Pennsylvania Schoolof Social Policy & PracticeVivianne Guevara, MSW, Director of Client and Mitigation Services, Federal Defenders NYJoe Madonia, LCSW-R, CASAC, Project Director, Brooklyn Treatment Court11:00AM - 12:30PMPLENARY PANEL #4: RE-IMAGINE JUSTICESocial Workers discuss ways in which our profession can empower itself to challenge massincarceration, while re-imagining justice for all.Moderator: Kirk A. James, DSW, Clinical Assistant Professor, NYU Silver School of SocialWorkTina Maschi, PhD, Associate Professor, Fordham University Graduate School of SocialServiceCarl Mazza, DSW, LMSW, Associate Professor, Department Chair, Lehman CollegeDepartment of Social WorkOnaje Muid, MSW, LMHC, CASAC, FDLC, Adjunct Lecturer, NYU Silver School of Social Work;Advisor, Columbia University School of Social Work; Clinical Associate Director, RealityHouse, Inc.Desmond Patton, PhD, Assistant Professor, Columbia University School of Social Work;Faculty Affiliate, Columbia University Social Intervention Group and Data Science Institute12:30 - 1:00PMBOX LUNCH1:00 - 2:30PMPLENARY PANEL #5: ADVOCACY & ORGANIZINGWhat is going on and how to get involved.Moderator: Five Mualimm-ak, Founder and Director, Incarcerated Nation CorporationTerry Banies, MSW, Co-Founder, Generating HopeDarryl K. Cooke, BSW, Author, After the Bridge Was Crossed (A Journey of Thought)Khalil Cumberbatch, MSW, Manager of Trainings, JustleadershipUSAXena Grandichelli, Advocate, Sylvia Rivera Law Project/Jails Action CoalitionColby Thompson, Artist, Author and Political Activist, RAPP2:30 - 3:00PMBREAK3:00 - 5:00PMCLOSING EVENT: “6X9” & TRANSFORMATIONS SUITECali GreenThe Mill & Guardian (“6 X 9”)Samora Pinderhughes4RE-IMAGINE JUSTICE: MASS INCARCERATION, REENTRY AND TRAUMAIntersections and Implications for Social Work Practice
SPEAKERS AND PANELISTSTERRY BANIES, MSWCo-Founder, Generating HopeTerry is the co-founder of Generating Hope, a social justice and support group at Governors State University(GSU) that advocates and mentor’s individuals who are returning to society from prison. Generating Hope wasfounded on the idea that obtaining an education produces hope for those who feel disenfranchised by theweight of mass incarceration. Terry has spent a better part of his life inside Illinois prisons. Since his release in2009, Terry has been working in the domestic violence field as a Partner Abuse Intervention Program (PAIP)group facilitator. He has obtained his Bachelors and Master’s degrees in Social Work and is a violence preventionadvocate helping adolescents, teens and young adults who are at risk live up to their full potential. Terry alsogives presentations on Teen Dating Violence, Family Violence and facilitate Boys Respecting Others (BRO)groups on anti-violence and respecting oneself in the Chicagoland area. He was also a contributing writer for theGSU Phoenix newspaper.STACEY L. BARRENGER, BA, AM, PHDAssistant Professor of Social Work; McSilver Faculty Fellow, NYU Silver School of Social WorkSilver School Assistant Professor Dr. Stacey L. Barrenger received her PhD in Social Welfare from the Schoolof Social Policy and Practice at the University of Pennsylvania. She earned an AM (MSW equivalent) from theSchool of Social Service Administration at the University of Chicago. As a mental health services researcher,Dr. Barrenger’s work examines the intersection between the mental health system and other systems of care:criminal justice, homelessness, substance use, and poverty. Her current research examines how peer specialistswith criminal justice histories incorporate their lived experience into their work, and how they benefit from thework in terms of their recovery and abstaining from recidivism. Previously, Dr. Barrenger worked in a communitymental health center in Chicago where she supervised two Assertive Community Treatment Teams, developed aprogram to transition individuals from the state psychiatric hospital to the community, and worked on initiativesto increase communication between Cook County Jail and local mental health providers. These experiences inpublic mental health inform her current research agenda.KATHY BOUDIN, EdDCo-Director and Co-Founder, Columbia University Center for Justice; Director, Criminal JusticeInitiative and Adjunct Lecturer, Columbia University School of Social WorkDr. Kathy Boudin’s work focuses on the causes and consequences of mass incarceration and the development ofstrategies to transform the current criminal justice system in the United States and to deal with the day-to-daydamage that the system has caused. Dr. Boudin, working with other women with whom she was incarceratedduring her 22 years in prison, focused on strengthening mother-child relationships across the separation ofincarceration including building the Teen Time program; bringing back college to Bedford Hills after the endingof the Pell grants; and on the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Since her release from prison in 2003, her projects include:founding the Coming Home Program at the Spencer Cox Center for Health in NYC, which provides health carefor people returning from incarceration; developing a restorative practice program inside prisons for longtermers, many of whom were sentenced as juveniles, and working on a policy initiative to release aging peoplefrom prison and to reform parole policies syst Her publications have appeared in such journals as The HarvardEducation Review, Journal of Corrections Education, and Columbia Journal of Gender and Law, and she is editorand co-author of the book Breaking the Walls of Silence: AIDS and Women in a New York State MaximumSecurity Prison. She received her undergraduate degree from Bryn Mawr College, her master’s degree fromNorwich University, and her doctoral degree from Columbia University Teachers College.Continued »RE-IMAGINE JUSTICE: MASS INCARCERATION, REENTRY AND TRAUMAIntersections and Implications for Social Work Practice5
SPEAKERS AND PANELISTS (continued)DERRICK CAINActivist, Service Provider and Lecturer; Judicial Delegate, District 55In 1995, Derrick Cain decided to take control of his destiny while serving a 15 to life sentence in New YorkState correctional facilities. Derrick has been engaged in activism for the past 13 years and specializes insocial advocacy, criminal and social justice, and servicing the underserved. Derrick is a spoken word poet andchampions the cause for post-secondary education for those who are incarcerated. Derrick graduated from BardCollege and earned a Masters from the New York Theological seminary. Currently, he is the Intake Specialistfor the Brooklyn Community Bail Fund. He previously worked on Rikers Island, with The Center for AlternativeSentencing, Madison Strategies and Grant Associates. He was featured in The New Yorker discussing punishmentversus education. In 2013, he entered politics was elected judicial delegate for District 55 in Brooklyn.TERRANCE COFFIE, BSWCollege Pathways Adviser, The Doe FundTerrance Coffie is a 2016 graduate of NYU, where he earned his Bachelor of Science in Social Work and washonored with both NYU’s President’s Service Award and NYU Silver School of Social Work’s Excellence inLeadership Award. Currently a graduate student at the Silver School and intern at the McSilver Institute forPoverty Policy and Research, Terrance developed NYU’s College Pathways Program, which assists young men ofcolor and the formerly incarcerated in obtaining higher educational opportunities, and has hosted and co-hostedvarious events on and off campus. Terrance has committed his life to advocating for social justice, specificallyin regards to the criminal justice system. After years of selling drugs, homelessness and incarceration, Terranceenrolled into Bronx Community College, from which he graduated with many honors in 2014. As a formerlyincarcerated person, Terrance relies heavily on his personal experiences of poverty and incarceration to addressthe social inequalities that leads to Mass Incarceration.DARRYL K. COOKE, BSWAuthor, After the Bridge Was Crossed (A Journey of Thought)Darryl K. Cooke is a nationally recognized speaker and author of the self-help family relations book After theBridge Was Crossed (A Journey of Thought). Darryl obtained his BSW from Governor’s State University in 2014and is currently enrolled in the school’s MSW program. He is certified in Civic Reflection, Peace Circle Training,and Restorative Justice. Mr. Cooke is a board member for Chrysalis Community Center in the South Suburbsof Chicago and he focuses on conflict resolution through the use of Cognitive Behavioral Theory (CBT), whichallows him to assist in preventing relapses, recidivism, as well as help our youth live meaningful and productivelives. Mr. Cooke is also a veteran of the USMC and he is the host of Darryl Cooke Live which airs on 106.3,Chicago’s R&B, Sundays from 9-10pm. Mr. Cooke gives presentations and workshops on CBT all over the nationwith substance and alcohol abuse service providers. Mr. Cooke was a part of the Behind the Bars forum atColumbia University in New York 2015 and was a presenter on Inclusion versus Exclusion at the Council of SocialWork Education Annual Program Meeting in 2014.KHALIL CUMBERBATCH, MSWManager of Trainings, JustLeadershipUSAKhalil Cumberbatch is a formerly incarcerated advocate for social justice movements within the New York Cityarea. He has worked within the reentry community in New York City since 2010 when he was released afterserving almost seven years in the New York State prison system. Since his release, Khalil has worked with variousnon-profits as a service provider, policy analyst, advisor, board member, collaborator, and consultant. Khalilgraduated from CUNY Herbert Lehman College’s MSW program in May 2014, where he was awarded the UrbanJustice Award for his work with underserved and marginalized communities that are negatively impacted bymass incarceration as well as high poverty and unemployment rates, lack of access to quality education, andother ineffective social “safety nets.” Khalil currently serves as Manager of Trainings at JustLeadershipUSA, anational non-profit dedicated to cutting the US correctional population in half by year 2030.6RE-IMAGINE JUSTICE: MASS INCARCERATION, REENTRY AND TRAUMAIntersections and Implications for Soci
Cheryl Wilkins, MSW; Senior Director of Education and Programs, Columbia University Center for Justice 12:00 - 1:00PM LUNCH Provided by Drive Change’s Snowday Food Truck 1:00 - 2:00PM CONVERSATION WITH BAZ DREISINGER, PHD Professor and Founding Academic Director, the Prison-to–College-Pipeline Project, John Jay