Software Development TemplatesDesign DocumentVersion 0.0Description of ProjectDOCUMENT NO:VERSION:CONTACT:EMAIL:Ivan WalshDATE:4/13/2004Distribution is subject to copyright.
Design Document Template - ChaptersCreated by: Ivan WalshDisclaimersThe information contained in this document is the proprietary and exclusive propertyof XXX except as otherwise indicated. No part of this document, in whole or in part,may be reproduced, stored, transmitted, or used for design purposes without theprior written permission of XXX.The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice.The information in this document is provided for informational purposes only. XXXspecifically disclaims all warranties, express or limited, including, but not limited, tothe implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, exceptas provided for in a separate software license agreement.Privacy InformationThis document may contain information of a sensitive nature. This informationshould not be given to persons other than those who are involved in the ProjectName project or who will become involved during the lifecycleTrademarks[Trademarks are added here]Version HistoryREVISION CHARTVersionPrefaceAuthor(s)Description of VersionDate Completedi
Design Document Template - ChaptersCreated by Ivan WalshDocument OwnerThe primary contact for questions regarding this document is:Author:Project NamePhone:Email:Document ApprovalDocument Name:Publication Date:Contract Number:Project Number:Prepared by:Approval:Name and OrganizationConcurrence:Name and OrganizationiiPreface
Design Document Template - ChaptersCreated by: Ivan WalshTable of Contents1Introduction1.1 Purpose of this document1.2 Document Overview1.3 Identification1.4 Scope1.5 Relationship to Other Plans1.6 References1.7 Methodology, Tools, and Techniques1.8 Policies, Directives and Procedures1.9 Key Stakeholders1.10 Points of Contact2Design Overview2.1 Background Information2.2 System Evolution Description2.3 Technology Forecast2.4 Application Overview2.5 Current Process2.6 Proposed Process2.7 Business Context2.8 Constraints2.9 Risks2.10 Issues2.11 Assumptions2.12 Dependencies99999991010101011113Scope of Work3.1 System-wide design decisions3.2 System Functions3.3 Similar System Information3.4 User Characteristics3.5 User Problem Statement3.6 User Objectives3.7 Performance Requirements3.8 Security Requirements3.9 Hardware Interfaces3.10 Communications iii
Design Document Template - ChaptersCreated by Ivan .224Software InterfacesDesign ConstraintsData DictionaryData AnalysisOutput SpecificationsDecision TablesLogical Database ModelData ConversionValue DefinitionsExternal System DependenciesData ValidationData Migration and TransformationSystem Design4.1 System Architecture4.2 Modules and Interaction4.3 Data Design4.4 Internal Data Structure4.5 Global Data Structure4.6 Temporary Data Structure4.7 Database description4.8 Object-Oriented Design4. ApproachDetailed Design5.1 System Structure5. Machine InterfacesExternal System InterfacesUser Interface[Module X] narrative for component nComponent n interface descriptionComponent n processing detailSoftware Interface Description5. diagramAlternativesDescription for Component n5. DecompositionMethod DecompositionData ModelUser Interfaces and FunctionalityInterface 181819191919191919192020202021212122Preface
Design Document Template - ChaptersCreated by: Ivan Walsh6.17Interface Description22User Interface Design7.1 User interface25257. imagesObjects and actionsInterface design rulesComponents availableUser Interface Development Description25252525258Non-Functional Requirements8.1 Performance8.2 Security8.3 Licenses8.4 Language8.5 Others2626262626269Testing9.1 Test Plan Objectives9.2 Test Strategy9.3 System Test9.4 Performance Test9.5 Security Test9.6 Automated Test9.7 Stress and Volume Test9.8 Recovery Test9.9 Documentation Test9.10 Beta Test9.11 User Acceptance Test9.12 Environment 9.139.14Test ScheduleControl Procedures9. Entry workstationsMainFrameReviewsBug Review meetingsChange RequestDefect ReportingTesting FunctionsResources and ResponsibilitiesDeliverables10.1 SchedulePreface292929292929303030303131v
Design Document Template - ChaptersCreated by Ivan Walsh10.210.310.4Suspension / Exit CriteriaResumption CriteriaDependencies10. ersonnel DependenciesSoftware DependenciesHardware quirementsDocumentationApprovalsAppendices11.1 Requirements Traceability Matrix11.2 Packaging and Installation11.3 Design Metrics11.4 Glossary of Terms3131323232323232323232323333333434343434Index of TablesTable 1 — RisksTable 2 — IssuesTable 3 — AssumptionsTable 4 — DependenciesTable 5 — Data AnalysisTable 6 — Decision TablesTable 7— Value DefinitionsTable 8 — External System DependenciesTable 9 — Roles and ResponsibilitiesTable 10 — ScheduleTable 11— ApprovalsTable 12 — Glossary of Termsvi101011111415151630313334Preface
1 IntroductionProvide a brief introduction to the system for which this design is beingundertaken.1.1 Purpose of this documentDescribe the purpose of the document and its intended audience.1.2 Document OverviewOutline the main sections in this document, e.g.: Chapter 1 – Describe the contents of this chapter. Chapter 2 – Describe the contents of this chapter. Chapter 3 – Describe the contents of this chapter. Chapter 4 – Describe the contents of this chapter. Chapter 5 – Describe the contents of this chapter.1.3 IdentificationInclude a full identification of the system and software to which thisdocument applies, including, identification number(s), title(s),abbreviation(s), version number(s), and release number(s).Identify all standards (ANSI, ISO, IEEE, etc) that apply to the designdocument.1.4 ScopeDescribe the scope of the design document (and also what is outside ofscope); scope of the requirements definition effort and outline therequirements elicitation team, e.g. users, customers, and developers.Design Document Template - Chapters Copyright XXX.7
1.5 Relationship to Other PlansDescribe this document’s relation to other plans, such as: Program Management Plan Configuration Management Plan Software Quality Assurance Plan1.6 ReferencesList any documents that are related to the document, e.g. technicalspecifications and administration guides. Include the version number, ifappropriate.1.7 Methodology, Tools, and TechniquesDescribe the software tools (or techniques) required for performing thedesign documents tasks, e.g. software for managing changes requests.1.8 Policies, Directives and ProceduresOutline the policies and procedures that apply to this document. Identify anyexternal constraints or requirements placed on this document by policies,directives, or procedures.1.9 Key StakeholdersOutline the project’s key stakeholders, for example: John Q Public, the client’s representative Jane Q Public, Head of IT Dept. James Q Public, Head of QA Dept.1.10 Points of ContactList the main points of contact for this document, e.g. for troubleshootingpurposes. Include the type of contact, contact name, department, telephonenumber, and e-mail address.List the organizations that require coordination between the project and itsspecific support function (e.g., Development Dept, Testing Dept., MarketingDept.). Include a schedule for coordination activities.Project Name Copyright XXX8
2 Design OverviewGive a brief introduction to the proposed system or application. Outline howthe system will fit into the company’s business and technologyenvironments, and discuss any strategic issues if appropriate.2.1 Background InformationOutline any background information that is relevant to the propose design.2.2 System Evolution DescriptionOutline the step-by-step procedure to migrate the existing system(s) to amore efficient system, or alternately moving an existing system to a futureimplementation.2.3 Technology Forecast[Optional] Outline the emerging technologies that are expected to beavailable in a given timeframe(s), and how they may impact the futuredevelopment of system the architecture.2.4 Application OverviewDescribe how the product was defined after the requirements elicitationprocess.2.5 Current ProcessDescribe the current process that is in place (if applicable).2.6 Proposed ProcessDescribe the proposed process. Reference any supporting documents, ifrelevant.Design Document Template - Chapters Copyright XXX.9
2.7 Business ContextIdentify the organization and project stakeholders sponsoring the productdevelopment, including the organization’s mission statement, goals, andobjectives.2.8 ConstraintsDetail any constraints that were placed upon the requirements elicitationprocess, such as schedules, costs, or the software engineering environmentused to develop requirements.2.9 RisksIdentify the risks associated with the document, including ble 1 — Risks2.10 IssuesList any outstanding issues that may affect the design document.RefIssueAction1.2.3Table 2 — IssuesProject Name Copyright XXX10
2.11 AssumptionsList all assumptions regarding the design effort.RefAssumptionImpact1.2.3Table 3 — Assumptions2.12 DependenciesList the main dependencies regarding the design effort.RefDependencyAction1.2.3Table 4 — DependenciesDesign Document Template - Chapters Copyright XXX.11
3 Scope of WorkIn this chapter, describe the business and technical requirements that thecustomer has requested. Outline the scope of work, including the inputs,processing functionality, and outputs.3.1 System-wide design decisionsProvide a functional decomposition chart detailing the functions performedby the systems and the information flow among system functions.Use a Physical Data Model to illustrate the implementation of the data of theLogical Data Model, e.g., message formats, file structures, physical schema.Divide this section into paragraphs as required to present system-widedesign decisions, e.g. system behavioral design.3.2 System FunctionsProvide an overview of the system’s main functionality. Include a graphicalrepresentation if appropriate.3.3 Similar System InformationDescribe the relationship of the system with any other systems. Confirm if itis stand-alone solution or a component of a larger system. In the latter case,outline the relationship among the systems.3.4 User CharacteristicsDescribe the features of the user community, and their proficiency withsoftware systems etc.3.5 User Problem StatementDescribe the major problem(s) experienced by the user community.Project Name Copyright XXX12
3.6 User ObjectivesOutline the users’ objectives and requirements for the new system. Whereappropriate, include a "wish list" of desirable features.3.7 Performance RequirementsDescribe the performance requirements.3.8 Security RequirementsDescribe the security, privacy, and control requirements.3.9 Hardware InterfacesDescribe interfaces to hardware devices.3.10 Communications InterfacesDescribe the network interfaces.3.11 Software InterfacesDescribe any additional interfaces not captured in the sections above.3.12 Design ConstraintsSpecify any constraints for the design team using this document. Standards Compliance Hardware Limitations And others as appropriateDesign Document Template - Chapters Copyright XXX.13
3.13 Data DictionaryOutline the data elements to be included in the physical schema. Each dataelement requires the following information: Data Element Name Data Format/Length Data Type Definition Specifications Synonyms User Defined Name User Synonyms3.14 Data AnalysisDescribe the data elements, characteristics, and their behavior values.Data ElementCharacteristicsBehaviorTable 5 — Data Analysis3.15 Output SpecificationsDescribe the output specifications that exist for this project.Project Name Copyright XXX14
3.16 Decision TablesOutline the decision tables required to make decisions during processing.Business Data ConditionActionOutputTable 6 — Decision Tables3.17 Logical Database ModelDescribe the logical database model. Include a graphical representation, ifappropriate.3.18 Data ConversionDescribe the process to convert the existing data from the legacy system,e.g. storage details, conversion process, database details, and location.3.19 Value DefinitionsDescribe the value of each unit of code in the system.FieldCodeValueTable 7— Value DefinitionsDesign Document Template - Chapters Copyright XXX.15
3.20 External System DependenciesDescribe the dependencies the new system has on other [external] systems.External SystemDependencyTable 8 — External System Dependencies3.21 Data ValidationDiscuss the process/procedures to maintain data integrity within thedatabase.3.22 Data Migration and TransformationProvide a data migration map and data migration/transformation plan.Outline the various options for managing ‘bad data.’Describe the process to move existing data and transform/migrate it into thecorrect values/format of the new application.Project Name Copyright XXX16
Design Document Template - Chapters Created by: Ivan Walsh Table of Contents 1 Introduction 7 1.1 Purpose of this document 7 1.2 Document Overview 7 1.3 Identification 7 1.4 Scope 7 1.5 Relationship to Other Plans 8 1.6 References 8 1.7 Methodology, Tools, and Techniques 8 File Size: 530KBPage Count: 17