Doh-sumter County



DOH-SUMTER COUNTYHealth Equity Plan[A1][A2][A3]Table of ContentsI. Vision . 4II. Purpose of the Health Equity Plan . 5III. Definitions . 6IV. Participation. 7A. Minority Health Liaison . 8B. Health Equity Team. 8C. Health Equity Task Force. 9D. Coalition .10E. Regional Health Equity Coordinators .11V. Health Equity Assessment, Training, and Promotion . 12A. Health Equity Assessments .12B. County Health Equity Training.13C. County Health Department Health Equity Training13D. Minority Health Liaison Training .14E. National Minority Health Month Promotion14VI. ABOUT SUMTER COUNTY . 28VII. Social Determinants of Health (SDoH) Data. 29A. Education Access and Quality.30B. Economic Stability .32C. Social and Community Context.37D. Health Care Access and Quality .38VIII. SDOH Projects . 39A. Data Review .39B. Barrier Identification .39C. Community Projects.39IX. Health Equity Plan Objectives . 41A. Obesity .41B. Obesity and Education .43X. Performance Tracking and Reporting . 45XI. Revisions . 468/8/2022 4:02 PM8/8/2022 3:30 PM2

DOH-SUMTER COUNTYHealth Equity PlanXII. ENDNOTES . 47[A4]8/8/2022 4:02 PM8/8/2022 3:30 PM3

DOH-SUMTER COUNTYHealth Equity PlanI. VISIONAfter a two-year delay due to COVID-19, the Steering Committee is reconvening. The healthdepartment uses the Community Health Assessment (CHA), Community Health ImprovementPlan (CHIP), and PACE-EH vision and assessments to guide the initial planning process todevelop the vision of the Health Equity Team.This Community Health Improvement Planning (CHIP) initiative identifies and prioritizescommunity public health issues and their contributing causes and describes the resources thecommunity may use to address them. This Community Health Assessment (CHA) reportcomprehensively analyzes the four MAPP assessments conducted over the previous twoyears. The CHA and its associated assessments identify prioritized health issues, outlinespecific goals to address them, and describe the resources used to realize these goals.This document will help to inform Sumter County Community Health Improvement Plan(CHIP). As a result, the CHIP will have concrete and measurable action steps focused on theissues identified. These identified issues will ultimately lead to improved heal th and quality oflife for the Sumter County community. First, we are working on a vision statement by theHealth Equity Task Force and Coalition.Our Vision StatementEngage and empower people to create the healthiest Sumter County byincreasing access to resources and opportunities that maximize all residents’health.The following pages briefly describes the identified three key public health issues and targetedgoals.8/8/2022 4:02 PM8/8/2022 3:30 PM4

DOH-SUMTER COUNTYHealth Equity PlanII. PURPOSE OF THE HEALTH EQUITY PLANHealth Equity is achieved when everyone can attain optimal health.The Florida Department of Health’s Office of Minority Health and Health Equity (OMHHE)works with government agencies and community organizations to address the barriersinhibiting populations from reaching optimal health. Focusing on health equity meansrecognizing and eliminating the systemic barriers that have produced disparities in achievingwellness. In response to Chapter 2021-1700 of the Florida Statutes, effective July 1, 2021,each county health department (CHD) has the resources to create a Health Equity Plan toaddress health disparities in their communities.The Health Equity Plan should gu ide counties to create and improve systems andopportunities to achieve optimal health for all residents, especially vulnerable populations.County organizations have a critical role in addressing the social determinants of health(SDOHs) by fostering multi-sector and multi-level partnerships, conducting surveillance,integrating data from multiple sources, and leading approaches to develop upstream policiesand solutions. This plan acknowledges that collaborative initiatives to address the SDOHs arethe most effective at reducing health disparities.The Health Equity Plan aims to increase health equity within Sumter County. To develop thisplan, the Sumter County Health Department [A5]followed the Florida Department of Health’sapproach of multi-sector engagement to analyze data and resources, coordinate existingefforts, and establish collaborative initiatives. This plan addresses key SDOH indicatorsaffecting health disparities within Sumter County. This Health Equity Plan is not a countyhealth department plan; it is a county-wide Health Equity Plan. The Health Equity Task Force,including various government, non -profit, and other community organizations, will address thecounty's SDOH impact on health and well-being.8/8/2022 4:02 PM8/8/2022 3:30 PM5

DOH-SUMTER COUNTYHealth Equity PlanIII. DEFINITIONSHealth equity is achieved when everyone can attain optimal healthHealth inequities are systematic differences in the opportunities groups have to achieveoptimal health, leading to avoidable differences in health outcomes.Health disparities are the quantifiable differences, when comparing two groups, on aparticular measure of health. Health disparities are typically reported as rate, proportion, mean,or some other measure.Equality each individual or group of people is given the same resources or opportunities.Social determinants of health are the conditions in which people are born, grow, learn, work,live, worship, and age that influence the health of people and communities.Food security definitions 1:Food secure households had access, at all times, to enough food for an active, healthy life forall household members.Food-insecure households are uncertain of having, or unable to acquire, at some time duringthe year, enough food to meet the needs of all their members because they had insufficientmoney or other resources for food. Food-insecure households include those with low foodsecurity and very low food security.Very low food security are households which are food insecure to the extent that normaleating patterns of some household members are disrupted at times during the year, with selfreported food intake below levels considered adequate.8/8/2022 4:02 PM8/8/2022 3:30 PM6

DOH-SUMTER COUNTYHealth Equity PlanIV. PARTICIPATIONCross-sector collaborations and partnerships are essential components of improving healthand well-being. Cross-sector collaboration uncovers the impact of education, health careaccess and quality, economic stability, social and community context, neighborhood, builtenvironment, and other factors influencing the well-being of populations. Cross-sectorpartners provide the range of expertise necessary to develop and implement the H ealth EquityPlan. The Health Equity Liaison met with several individuals representing variousorganizations who have previously worked with the Health Department and someorganizations who have not but operate in Sumter County. Based on these meetings, aninformal survey about their role in the county and what they perceive as the number one issue,either social or health, was discussed. The feedback from the informal survey helped to createthis plan.This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY8/8/2022 4:02 PM8/8/2022 3:30 PM7

DOH-SUMTER COUNTYHealth Equity PlanA. Minority Health LiaisonThe Minority Health Liaison supports the Office of Minority Health and Health Equity inadvancing health equity and improving health outcomes of racial and ethnic minorities andother vulnerable populations. Through partnership engagement, health equity planning, andimplementation of health equity projects to improve social determinants of health. The MinorityHealth Liaison facilitates health equity discussions, initiatives, and collaborations related toelevating the shared efforts of the county.Minority Health Liaison: Yvette Desrosiers-Alphonse, MPHMinority Health Liaison Backup: Robbin WashburnB. Health Equity TeamThe Health Equity Team includes individuals who each represent a different program within thecounty health department. The Health Equity Team explores opportunities to improve healthequity efforts within the county health department. Team members assess their program'scurrent understanding of health equity and strategize ways to improve it. The Health EquityTeam also relays information and data concerning key health disparities and SDOH in SumterCounty to the Health Equity Task Force. The Minority Health Liaison guides these discussionsand the implementation of initiatives. The membership of the Health Equity Team is listedbelow.NameKeith HunterRobbin WashburnMegan McCarthyEric WitzgallLeah Caldi-RaynoKaren McKeeTitleAssistant CHD DirectorOMC IIEpidemiology SESEH ManagerNursing DirectorNursingProgramAdministrationHealth Education/ITEpidemiologyEnvironmental HealthClinicNursing[A6]Michael SykesOMC ManagerDisaster PreparednessChloe CastrodadSr. Health EducatorAvah MonteithSr. Health EducatorHealth Education (HealthiestWeight, Healthy Baby)Health Education (PMQI,Employee wellness)The Health Equity Team met on the below dates during the health equity planning process. Inaddition, since the Health Equity Plan was completed, the Health Equity Team will meet atleast quarterly to track progress.Meeting DateTopic/Purpose2.15.22Health Equity Focus Group8/8/2022 4:02 PM8/8/2022 3:30 PM8

DOH-SUMTER COUNTYHealth Equity Plan4.6.22 & Extension AdvisoryRacial Wealth Gap Learning Simulation – jump start theconversation of health equity with community partners.Sumter CAPSumter Children’s Alliance CoalitionTobacco Free Florida – Sumter County4. Health Equity Task ForceThe Health Equity Task Force includes CHD staff and representatives from variousorganizations that provide services to address multiple SDOHs. Individuals on the HealthEquity Task Force gave input to the Sumter County Health Equity Plan. In addition, this taskforce brought their knowledge about community needs and SDOH. Collaboration within thisgroup addresses upstream factors to achieve health equity. The Task Force will oversee thedesign and implementation of projects. Health Equity Task Force members are listed below.NameTitleCHD StaffSusan WoodardExecutive DirectorDebbie GreelDanielle StroudJena SullivanJanine RogersMildred MulliganCindy HarrisonKatina StephensLuAnn DuncanDanielle HeiderMelissa TuckerJoelle AboytesOrganizationEarly LearningCoalitionCoordinatorAmerican RedCrossCEOHabitat forHumanityEDIWDDirectorNC UMCEDParsons CircleCommunityOutreachEDPlyoga FitnessCoordinatorSCL Foundation(SCLF)Family & Consumer UF/IFAS ExtensionScienceUWLSHR/Risk DirectorCircuit 5CommunityDevelopmentAdmin8/8/2022 4:02 PM8/8/2022 3:30 PMCity of WildwoodDepartment ofChildren & FamiliesSocial Determinant ofHealthEducation (0-6 yo)EducationHousingEducationFood Security, HousingFood Security, Housing,EducationEducationFood Security, HousingFood Security, IncomeFood Security, Housing,IncomeBuilt EnvironmentMCH9

DOH-SUMTER COUNTYHealth Equity PlanBarbara SpragueEDDeborah SmithCynthis ThiedeMarketingL&S CommunityLiaisonCommunityCentral HealthyRelations Specialist StartProgram ManagerAlzheimer’sAssociation of CFPrincipalSumter PREPAcademyCoordinatorE3 – Sumter CAPPastor/ExecutiveFind Feed RestoreDirectorHealth EditorThe Villages MediaGroupExecutive DirectorThe Villages GrowExecutive DirectorFlorida ImpactSupervisorKids ConnectionDentistLangley FQHCBlair CopeConnie StormsJames PresleyRozanne GradyBrian BroadwayCurt HillsJennifer WaxmanKim JohnsonShawanna FeltonIrina Matthews,DMDCommunity FoodBank of CitrusCountyUF HealthVitas HealthcareFood SecurityEducation, , IncomeEducationFood SecurityFood SecuritySocial ServicesOral HealthThe Health Equity Liaison met with members of the community and organizations with interestin the health issue and health disparities. As a result, these organizations represent thecommunity and will participate as a member of the Task Force. The Health Equity Task Forcewill meet at least quarterly to track progress.Meeting DatePendingOrganizationsTopic/PurposeD. CoalitionThe Coalition will discuss strategies to improve the health of the community. The strategyfocused on the social determinants of health: education access and quality, health care accessand quality, economic stability, social and community context, and neighborhood and built8/8/2022 4:02 PM8/8/2022 3:30 PM10

DOH-SUMTER COUNTYHealth Equity Planenvironment. Membership includes community leaders working to address each SDOH andany relevant sub-SDOHs. In addition, the Coalition will assist the Health Equity Task Force byreviewing their Health Equity Plan for feasibility. A list of Coalition members is pending.E. Regional Health Equity CoordinatorsThere are eight Regional Health Equity Coordinators. These coordinators provide the MinorityHealth Liaison, Health Equity Team, and Health Equity Task Force with technical assistance,training, and project coordination .NameCarrie RickmanQuincy WimberlyRegionEmerald CoastCapitolDiane PadillaNorth CentralIda WrightNortheastRafik BrooksLesli AhonkhaiWestCentralFrank Diaz-GinesNatasha McCoy (Interim)SouthwestSoutheast8/8/2022 4:02 PM8/8/2022 3:30 PMExpertiseNursingInclusive Strategies in PublicHealth and Technical AssistanceNon-Profit Engagement andProject ManagementCommunity EngagementHealth Care LeadershipFaith-Based Engagement, PublicHealth Leadership, PH WorkforceCapacity Building and MentoringHealth InsurancePublic Health Practice, Grantwriting, and Partnership11

DOH-SUMTER COUNTYHealth Equity PlanV. HEALTH EQUITY ASSESSMENT, TRAINING, AND PROMOTIONA. Health Equity AssessmentsPACE-EH (2022)CHA (2018)CHIP (2018-2023)Assessing the knowledge, skills, organizational practices, and infrastructure necessary toimprove health outcomes and inequities is critical. Health equity assessments are needed toachieve the following: Establish a baseline measure of capacity, skills, and areas for improvement to supporthealth equity-focused activities. Meet Public Health Administration Board (PHAB) Standards and Measures 11.1.4A,which states, “The health department must provide an assessment of cultural andlinguistic competence.” Provide ongoing measures to assess progress towards identified goals developed toaddress health inequities Guide CHD strategic, health improvement, and workforce development planning Support training to advance health equity as a workforce and organizational practice.Sumter County Health Department will conduct a health equity assessment(s) to examine thecapacity and knowledge of Sumter CHD staff and county partners to address socialdeterminants of health. The Health Department has not completed a Health EquityAssessment with the partners as we have been building relationships.DateAssessment NameOrganizations AssessedTBA8/8/2022 4:02 PM8/8/2022 3:30 PM12

DOH-SUMTER COUNTYHealth Equity PlanB. County Health Equity TrainingThrough the pending assessment, assessing the capacity and knowledge of health equityhelped the Minority Health Liaison identify knowledge gaps and create training plans for theHealth Equity Task Force, the Coalition, and other county partners. Below are the dates,SDOH training topics, and organizations who attended training.DateTopicsOrganization(s) receivingtrainingsTBAC. County Health Department Health Equity TrainingThe Florida Department of Health in Sumter County (DOH-Sumter) recognizes that ongoingtraining in health equity and cultural competency is critical for creating a sustainable healthequity focus. At a minimum, all DOH-Sumter staff receives TRAIN online training inthe Cultural Awareness: Introduction to Cultural Competency and Addressing Health Equity: APublic Health Essential training. In addition, the Health Equity Team provides regular trainingto staff on health equity and cultural competency. The Sumter County Health Departmentconducts bi-annual staff training in July and December. Throughout the year, the staff isencouraged to enroll in TRAIN Florida online courses. The training is recorded below.DateTopicsNumber of Staff inAttendance4.19.22Racial Wealth Gap2July/DecemberHE updates and Activity40During thecalendar year 8/8/2022 4:02 PM8/8/2022 3:30 PMAddressing Health Equity: APublic Health EssentialDeterminants of HealthThe National Standards forCulturally and Linguistically4013

DOH-SUMTER COUNTYHealth Equity PlanAppropriate Services in Healthand Healthcare Review.D. Minority Health Liaison TrainingThe Office of Minority Health and Health Equity and the Health Equity Regional Coordinatorprovides training and technical support to the Minority Health Liaison. The training covers thehealth equity planning process and goals, facilitation, prioritization techniques, reportingrequirements, and a systems approach to address health disparities. The Minority HealthLiaison training is recorded below.DateTopics3.29.22-3.30.22MHL On-boarding4.26.22 & 4.27.22ToP Facilitator Training5.10.22-6.14.22Grant writingE. National Minority Health Month PromotionIn recognition of Minority Health Month, the Health Department hosted the Racial Wealth GapLearning Simulation. The simulation was the kick-off event for developing individuals andorganizations interested in health equity. There are many ways of talkin g or thinking aboutrace. The intent is in talking about race is not to make anyone uncomfortable. Feelinguncomfortable with the topic can be a barrier to engaging in conversation. Yet theseconversations are essential, especially if we will end U.S. h unger and poverty. Bread for theWorld, Ms. Florence French, the trainer, developed an educational tool, The Racial WealthGap Learning Simulation, to help break down some of the barriers we may have in engaging inthese conversations. At Bread for the World, they have seen the simulation change people’shearts and minds and inspire them to become committed to applying an equity lens to theirwork. How does policy create wealth gaps where poverty, hunger, and homelessness thrive?The Racial Wealth Gap Learning Simulation is an interactive tool that helped participants learnhow federal policies created structural inequalities and how these policies increase hunger andpoverty in communities. Participation in this simulation was not mandatory. However, therewas a lot of excitement among the participants to further launch a conversation about equity.8/8/2022 4:02 PM8/8/2022 3:30 PM14

DOH-SUMTER COUNTYHealth Equity PlanThese simulation participants were the core group to begin approaching their organizationsand the communities they serve.Prioritizing a Health DisparityThe Health Equity Team identified and reviewed health disparities data in Sumter County.Multiple data sources include Florida CHARTS, US Census, and the Community HealthAssessment and Community Health Improvement Plan.The Health Department is conducting programs to address the health of the community.However, there are still issues to address. The data identified the following health disparities inSumter County: Obesity in the Built Environment and Education . Using the availability ofsolutions and resources to address the problem, the Health Equity Team decided to work on lowliteracy (Education), food insecurity (Built Environment), and oral health (Education) in the HealthEquity Plan. Data concerning these prioritized health disparities is, 20218/8/2022 4:02 PM8/8/2022 3:30 PM15

DOH-SUMTER COUNTYHealth Equity PlanObesityAbout two in five adults and one in five children and adolescents in the United States areobese,2 and many others are overweight. In addition, many children and adolescents in theUnited States have obesity. Obesity is linked to a higher risk for diseases and conditions 3 likehigh blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, asthma, anxiety, and depression. In 2019,43.8% of the Sumter adult population was overweight compared to the state’s 37.6%. 43% ofthe population were overweight or obese.4 Obesity among women has increased by 13%,from 29.5% in 2002 to 42.5% in 2019. Whereas the obesity data for men has decreased by1.5%. The obesity data has increased for each of the following age groups: 18-44, 45-64, andover 65. The impact of obesity is sometimes more significant in some priority populations inrural areas, low-income, and racial/ethnic minorities.Special populations: Ruralo 35% of Sumter County is rural and 65% is urban. *The Villages is a specialpopulation that may skew county data.Low-Incomeo In 2020, the percentage of Families Below Poverty Level with Related Children(Aged 0-17 Years) in Sumter County was 28.5% compared to Florida at 15.2%.Racial and Ethnic Minoritieso In 2019, in Sumter County, 71.4% of adults were overweight or obese(Overall) compared to 64.6% statewide. There is no specific data for SumterCounty Black and Hispanic populations. However, 70.1% of Blacks and 67.2%of Hispanics are overweight or obese statewide.Persons with Disabilitieso In 2021, the percentage of Infants and Toddlers Served by Early Steps (Aged 0-2Years) in Sumter County was 33.3% compared to Florida at 46.3%. Early Stepsprogram serves infants and toddlers under three years who have developmentaldelays or an established condition likely to result in a developmental delay.5o The Knowli study of persons between 18 and 65 with BMI over 25 is small(N 75) and not generalizable.6o BRFSS report has only gender data for Sumter County.LGBTQo This data is not available for persons who identify as LGBTQ and are obese oroverweight.o BRFSS identified 16 LGBT respondents across the 2017-2019 period.o The Gallup/Williams 2019 poll shows that 4.6% of Florida Adults (18 ) identify asLGBTQ.78/8/2022 4:02 PM8/8/2022 3:30 PM16

DOH-SUMTER COUNTYHealth Equity PlanObesity and Oral HealthSumter County has the opportunity to increase the oral health of the community byencouraging dentists to establish their practice in the county, expanding the Federally QualifiedHealth Centers' capacity, increasing the use of sealants among children, and oral healtheducation. In addition, improved oral health among workers and students will decrease daysmissed from work and school. Another benefit to encouraging dental practitioners to thecounty is that the visits to the emergency room will decrease and reduce the cost to thehealthcare system.However, tooth decay is the most common chronic disease in children and adults in the UnitedStates.8,9,10 Added sugars in foods and drinks can make it hard for people to get the nutrientsthey need without getting too many calories. People who overeat added sugar may be athigher risk for tooth decay and obesity. But many people in the United States consume toomuch sugar.In addition, regular preventive dental care can catch problems early, when they are usuallyeasier to treat.11 But many people do not get the care they need, often because they can notafford it. Moreover, untreated oral health problems can cause pain and disability and are linkedto other diseases, particularly those of low socioeconomic status.12 Both gum disease andtooth decay can lead to tooth loss if not treated. People who have lost all their teeth may havetrouble talking and eating. Although complete tooth loss is less common than it used to be,disparities by age, race/ethnicity, education level, and income remain.Tooth decay can lead to pain and infections, and some children with tooth decay have troubleeating. Dental sealants, fluoridated water and toothpaste, and dietary changes can help reducetooth decay in children and adolescents. For example, Sumter County has the Sumter MolarCoaster Program (a mobile unit), which provides: A visual dental exam. Sealants. Fluoride treatment. Education to any second-grade student that signs up (with parental approval) during theschool schedule.The program is growing; however, more students could participate.8/8/2022 4:02 PM8/8/2022 3:30 PM17

DOH-SUMTER COUNTYHealth Equity Plan[A7][A8][A9]Regular dental care can prevent these problems, but many children and adolescents in theUnited States — especially in low-income families — do not get preventive dental care. Usingthe Molar Coaster student data as an indicator of need, 1.17% of students (ages[A10] seven toeight) needed extensive oral health treatment, and 4.31% had five or more cavities.8/8/2022 4:02 PM8/8/2022 3:30 PM18

DOH-SUMTER COUNTYHealth Equity PlanFluoride is not in any Sumter County water systems. In 2020, the rate (per 100,000) ofLicensed Florida Dentists in Sumter County was 27 compared to Florida at 56.7. The rate(per 100,000) of Licensed Florida Dental Hygienists in Sumter County was 20.3 compared toFlorida at 58.9. As a result, in 2020, the rate per 100,000 Ambulatory Care SensitiveEmergency Department Visits from Dental Conditions (Aged 0-64 Years) in Sumter Countywas 796.3 compared to Florida at 546.1. Likewise, in 2020, the rate per 100,000 AmbulatoryCare Sensitive Hospitalizations from Dental Conditions (Aged 0-64 Years) in Sumter Countywas 26.9 compared to Florida at is provided by the Florida Department of Health, Division of Public Health Statistics and Performance Mana gement (2020)8/8/2022 4:02 PM8/8/2022 3:30 PM19

DOH-SUMTER COUNTYHealth Equity is provided by the Florida Department of Health, Division of Public Health Statistics and Performance Management (2020)Obesity and LiteracyEducation level is the strongest indicator of lifelong health. Education affects the type ofemployment and income potential, which then impacts the level of financial stress and healthrisk factors.13,14 Additionally, educational attainment is associated with health literacy, whichimpacts a person’s ability to navigate the health care system, use preventive health services,and manage chronic conditions.15,16,17,18 Overall, children from low-income and racial andethnic minority populations in the United States have lower academic achievement levels thanchildren from the higher-income and majority populations. As a long-term consequence, thesechildren often grow into adults with lower income levels and poorer health, perpetuating a"cycle of poverty" (Duncan et al., 1998). Out-of-school-time academic programs aim tointerrupt this cycle by assisting children who are at risk for low academic achievement. 19For much of the last two years, millions of students spent less face-to-face time with teachersduring a critical period of their reading development. Studies of reading performance during2020-21 showed that these students lagged the progress of their peers in previous years.Black and Hispanic students were especially hard hit, having stayed in remote classroomslonger on average than their white peers.20,21 22 23,24,25Students need support from other caring adults. Supportive family members, peers, andcaring adults inside and outside school are critical to helping students persist toward a highschool diploma. One of the life experiences that are predictive of dropping out is feelingacademically unprepared for school.268/8/2022 4:02 PM8/8/2022 3:30 PM20

DOH-SUMTER COUNTYHealth Equity ceFL Charts, 2020. United States Bureau of the Census, American Community Survey, Table C15002A, C15002B. C15002C, C15002D,C15002E, C15002F, C15002G, C15002H, and C15002I.Community Preventive Services Task Force. National Data 2015-2016Pre-kindergarten is essential because it provides a strong foundation for kindergarten andexposes children to an educational environment. However, Pre-kindergarten is voluntary inFlorida. Children in pre-kindergarten make significant gains in both the area of language8/8/2022 4:02 PM8/8/2022 3:30 PM21

DOH-SUMTER COUNTYHealth Equity Plandevelopment and classification/communication skills. Although more Sumter children (53.9%)are in Pre-kindergarten compared to in Florida (27.8%), there are still 46.1% of children notenrolled in Pre-kindergarten in Sumter is provided by the Florida Department of Health, Division of Public Health Statistics

The Health Equity Task Force includes CHD staff and representatives from various organizations that provide services to address multiple SDOHs. Individuals on the Health Equity Task Force gave input to the Sumter County Health Equity Plan. In addition, this task force brought their knowledge about community needs and SDOH. Collaboration within this