WELCOME!ABOUT RENNERT NEW YORK TESOL CENTERThank you for your interest in theRennert New York TESOL Center!Rennert International (originally named Rennert Bilingual) was established by César Rennert in 1973. Fromits modest beginning as a foreign language school, it has grown to offer TESOL training and ESOL teacherprofessional development, general English and exam preparation, professional English, foreign languages andtranslations services. Rennert is located in the heart of midtown Manhattan near Grand Central Terminal.We are a teacher training facilityin the heart of Manhattan thatspecializes in training teachersin the field of Teaching Englishto Speakers of Other Languages(TESOL). We provide top qualityteacher education to new andexisting educators around theglobe. Our staff consists of awonderful group of experiencedteacher trainers who are more thanhappy to help you achieve yourgoals of professional developmentand/or TESOL Certification.Rennert’s TESOL department was established in 2005 and then transformed into the Rennert New York TESOLCenter in 2015. All of the TESOL Certificate teacher trainers undergo a rigorous training and licensure process.Rennert New York TESOL Center's programs include two TESOL Certification courses offered in partnershipwith the World Learning SIT Graduate Institute. The TESOL Center also provides a wide range of specialty courses for new and current teachers. The TESOL Center is also responsible for the ongoing professional development of Rennert New York and Rennert Miami’s general English, professional English and foreign languagesteachers.Rennert New York TESOL Center’s premises include wireless internet, printing and a computer lab. The TESOLCenter’s students also have access to a resource library with course books, activities books, reference booksand CDs. The Center’s classrooms come equipped with, or have access to, projectors or large flat-screencomputer screens for showing videos or websites in the classroom. Students all receive the materials binderin digital form on a complimentary flash drive, which they can also use to store their lesson plans, essays, etc.Some lessons are conducted using E-Beam (portable Smartboard) technology and students are able to use thisin their practice teaching lessons.We invite you to review theprograms that the TESOL Centerhas to offer, and to contact us forfurther information.See you in class!
The Rennert New YorkTESOL Center AdvantageSince 2005, Rennert New York TESOL Center has demonstrated a strongcommitment to providing high quality language teacher training to peoplefrom all over the world.Teaching Communication: It’s a Human EndeavorCAREER ADVANCEMENTMENTORINGHIGH QUALITY, SHORT TIMEYou will gain the essential skills and qualificationsyou need for a career in TESOL. At the end of yourcourse, we are committed to helping you in anyway we can. We offer job placement assistanceto SIT TESOL Certificate graduates legally ableto work in the U.S. and, to graduates of all ourprograms, resume and cover letter assistanceas well as professional references.We offer significant one-on-one attention and atrainer-trainee relationship that is similar to anapprenticeship program. Each course is adaptedto meet the needs of every student who passesthrough our doors. We are here to support yourlearning needs and part of our mission is to helpyou meet your professional goals.Our courses cover content equal to longer,more expensive certificate programs. In fact,our Certification program includes much of thesame material you will find in a Master's programat a fraction of the cost. Due to the practicaland hands-on nature of our courses, you will beputting what you have learned into practice withreal students as early as the first week of thecourse. We understand that your time with us isprecious and we do all we can to maximize eachlesson with you.LEARN, TEACHAND REFLECTREAL TEACHINGEXPERIENCETEACH INMULTICULTURAL NYCOur practice-based courses support teachers inbuilding their skills to plan lessons, teach lessonsand reflect on lessons. Through this cycle, you willnot only improve your teaching skills, but also yourcommunication skills, public speaking skills andknowledge of English as a language.Our TESOL Certificate courses offer you thechance to learn how to teach through real teachingpractice. This practical hands-on approach impartsour graduates with real classroom-based skillsand people finish our program with the ability toeffectively manage a classroom.Each day you come to our school you will walk bythe Chrysler Building and Grand Central Terminal.New York is an exciting place to visit and an excitingplace to learn; it is also known as a melting pot ofpeople and cultures. In our courses you will meetpeople from many different walks of life and in ourTESOL Certificate courses, you will be teachinga multicultural group of motivated learners. Theopportunities to share cultural points of view arefound in every classroom at our school.INTERNATIONAL RECOGNITIONWe are a host-site of the SIT TESOL Certificate, a graduate-levelcertificate course offered in partnership with the World LearningSIT Graduate Institute, an accredited American university.Rennert New York TESOL Center is also ACCET accredited anda licensed career school with the New York State Departmentof Education. Our programs are recognized internationally andexceed international standards.RENNERT NEW YORK TESOL CENTER 1
TESOL COURSES OVERVIEWTESOLCertificatesSIT TESOL CERTIFICATEThis is an intensive, internationally recognized TESOL Certificatethat is issued by the World Learning SIT Graduate Institute, aprestigious American graduate university. This course is forstudents who are highly proficient in English (whether youspeak English as a first, second or foreign language). January 8–February 2March 5–March 30April 2–April 27June 4–June 29July 9–August 3August 6–August 31September 10–October 5October 22–November 16Length: 4 weeks (intensive) or 15 weeks* (extensive) *March 16 – June 23 *September 14 –December 22SIT BEST PRACTICES IN TESOL CERTIFICATEThis is an intensive, internationally recognized TESOL Certificatethat is issued by the World Learning SIT Graduate Institute, aprestigious American graduate university. This course is forstudents who speak English as a second or foreign language whoplan to teach or are currently teaching in their home countries. Theminimum language level to join this course is Intermediate. January 15–February 23April 2–May 11July 2–August 10October 29–December 7Length: 6 weeksSpecialtyTESOLCoursesThese courses can betaken in addition toyour TESOL course orseparately.TESOL/TEFLPracticum2 RENNERT NEW YORK TESOL CENTERTEACHING ENGLISHTO YOUNG LEARNERSCERTIFICATETEACHING BUSINESSENGLISH CERTIFICATEREFRESHER COURSE FORENGLISH TEACHERSIf you plan to teach childrenabroad, this add-on isessential. It focuses onthe special needs of youngEnglish learners (ages3–10) and will give youpractical ideas to use in yourclassroom.Students must have a TESOL/TEFL Certificate.Teaching Business Englishis in high demand abroadand is popular in the U.S.This course will equip you toconfidently teach English tobusiness professionals.Students must have aTESOL/TEFL Certificate.The Refresher Courseprovides current ESL/EFL teachers with theopportunity to increasetheir awareness of the latesttechniques and skills inthe classroom in line withcommunicative methodologyand current TESOL bestpractices.Length: 2 weeksLength: 1 weekLength: 2 or 4 weeks January 8–January 19April 16–April 27July 2–July 13July 16–July 27December 10–December 21 January 21–January 27March 11–March 16May 20–May 25August 26–August 31October 7–October 12December 2–December 7February 26–March 9May 14–May 25August 13–August 24December 10–December 21January 8–January 12April 2–April 6August 6–August 10October 15–October 19This jam-packed course offers teaching practice with real ESLstudents with feedback from our licensed teacher trainers. It is theperfect companion to an online TESOL/TEFL Certification program.After finishing your training on-line, complete your practicum with us!Length: 1 week (This course meets from Sunday to Friday)
2018 Course DatesIntensive January 8–February 2 March 5–March 30 April 2–April 27 June 4–June 29 July 9–August 3 August 6–August 31 September 10–October 5 October 22–November 16Extensive March 16 – June 23 September 14 –December 22Course LengthIntensive: 4 weeks.160 hours total.Extensive: 15 weeks.160 hours total.Course Schedule (may vary)IntensiveMonday–Friday, 9:30 a.m. – 6:30 p.m.ExtensiveFridays, 6:00 p.m.–8:45 p.m.Saturdays, 9:00 a.m. – 6:25 p.m.SIT TESOL CertificatePriceTuition 2,595Registration Fee 100*Materials Fee 100**Registration Fee is non-refundable.Materials Fee is non-refundable after thestart of the course.What is the SIT TESOL Certificate?Developed by a leader in quality international education programs, WorldLearning’s SIT Graduate Institute (SIT), this intensive, internationallyrecognized course gives you the perfect balance between the theoryof TESOL and the practical skills and confidence you’ll need to be aneffective ESL teacher, here in the U.S. or abroad. This course offers 160hours of face-to-face instruction including workshop sessions on practicalteaching methodology, guided lesson planning, 6 hours of assessedpractice teaching with real ESL students, and guided feedback on lessonstaught. We offer this course as an intensive 4-week full-time course oran extensive 15-week part-time course. You will learn practical, provenmethods in language teaching with comprehensive training in teaching,speaking, listening, reading, writing and vocabulary.Why should you get the SIT TESOL Certificate? Get a job teaching English after just four weeks.Learn practical skills you can immediately apply.Travel and live abroad.Explore other cultures and languages.Meet international people.Work in New York or another country.Course Highlights An internationally recognized certificate from a leader in the field oflanguage education. 160 hours of training. Teaching practice with real ESL students. Job placement assistance provided* Small class sizes (6-1 student to trainer ratio). Free ongoing post-course professional development. Convenient midtown location near Grand Central Terminal. The chance to start your next big adventure!*Job placement assistance is provided to SIT TESOL Certificate graduates legallyable to work in the U.S.“I would tell anyoneinterested in Teaching Englishas a Second Language totake this course because itwill give them tools needed tocreate great lesson plans andgive them the practice theyneed in order to be effective.”—Mysteena Saunders“Totally do it!! It’s such arewarding experience, andyou graduate from the coursefeeling so prepared to take ateaching job.”—Claire Fields“For people interested inpursuing a career in TESOL,this course will allow youto jump right in and besuccessful by giving you allthe tools you need to go outand be effective.”—Alexio ChangRequirementsAll applicants must: be at least 18 years of age. have successfully completed high school. meet the minimum languagerequirement of an Advanced(C1/C2) level of competencein spoken and written English.“It is an amazing coursewhere you will learn so muchin just four weeks. You’ll beamazed how much you canlearn in so little time.”—Christopher LoraRENNERT NEW YORK TESOL CENTER 3
SIT TESOL Certificate Intensive Course Week One Sample Schedule* Morning LunchAfternoonHomeworkMondayTuesdayWednesday9:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.9:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.9:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.WorkshopCommunity BuildingActivitiesDiscussion of pre-coursetaskCourse History andLogisticsExpectations and GroupNormsExperience and the ELC WorkshopWarmerTeaching Game andFeedbackSpeaking AwarenessSpeaking DemoLesson 1Processing WorkshopWarmerTeaching VocabularyGiving ClearInstructionsPronunciationAwareness*Sample only —actual courseThursdayFriday may vary9:30 a.m. – 11 a.m.Feedback Warmer Feedback onPractice Teaching11 a.m. – 1 p.m.Workshop Speaking DemoLesson 2 Processing9:30 a.m. – 11 a.m.Feedback Warmer Feedback onPractice Teaching11 a.m. – 1 p.m.Workshop InformationActivities Concept Checking1 p.m. – 2 p.m.1 p.m. – 2 p.m.1 p.m. – 2p.m.1 p.m. – 2 p.m.1 p.m. – 2 p.m.2 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.2 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.2 p.m – 3 p.m.2 p.m. – 3 p.m.2 p.m. – 3 p.m.Workshop Language LearningExperience Processing LanguageLearning Experience Creating Variety Go over Portfolio andFocus on Learning Assignment (dueThursday) Closure to LearningModule Go over Teaching Gamefor tomorrowWorkshopObjectivesTeam Building ActivityPT LogisticsIntro to Lesson PlanningIntro to First DayPractice Teaching Day check-in Read article: “Objectives” Read article “The Group: Complete ‘Objectives’A Cycle from Birth toworksheetDeath” Do initial self-assessment Prepare for lesson Prepare for TeachingGameWorkshopWorkshopWorkshop Pronunciation: The IPA Pronunciation: The IPA ExtendedReflections Assignment and theELC Speaking Review End-of-Week Review& Feedback3 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.3 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.3 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.Team Meeting andLesson PlanningTeam Meeting andLesson PlanningTeam Meeting andLesson Planning4:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.4:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.PracticeTeachingPracticeTeaching Read article “AFramework forLanguage Teaching” Review PPUDocuments Review PhonemicChart File Lesson Plans inPortfolio Read article: “Givingand ReceivingFeedback” File Lesson Plans inbinder for Portfolio4:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.PracticeTeaching Read article “InquireWithin: ReflectivePractice in Teaching”DUE TODAYFocus on LearningAssignmentDue to the demanding nature of the course, potential students are required to complete an application and have a phone/Skype/in-personinterview with a member of the TESOL Center before they are accepted. Their educational backgrounds, reasons for taking the course andEnglish proficiency will all be evaluated during the application process.About the World Learning SIT Graduate InstituteThe World Learning SIT Graduate Institute (formerly the School for International Training), is a fully accrediteduniversity offering master degree programs in language teacher education and intercultural management aswell as more than 50 undergraduate study abroad programs.SIT is well-known nationally and internationally for its work in language teacher education and has been traininglearner-oriented, culturally sensitive and humanistic language teachers in their Master of Arts in TESOL coursefor over 30 years. It has prepared over 2,000 active professionals who are working in the field today makingsignificant contributions as classroom teachers, administrators or consultants throughout the U.S. and in over70 countries around the world.SIT is part of the World Learning organization, which offers teacher training programs around the world,including Korea, the Middle East, the USA, South America, and Europe.4 RENNERT NEW YORK TESOL CENTER
2018 Course Dates January 15–February 23 April 2–May 11 July 2–August 10 October 29–December 7Course Length6 weeks. 210 hours total.Course Schedule (may vary)Monday–Friday. 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.PriceTuition 3,750Registration Fee 100*Materials Fee 100 **Registration Fee is non-refundable.Materials Fee is non-refundable after thestart of the course.SIT Best Practices inTESOL CertificateWhat is the SIT Best Practices in TESOL Certificate?The SIT Best Practices in TESOL Certificate course was developed by TheWorld Learning SIT Graduate Institute, an accredited American graduateuniversity, and is an internationally recognized TESOL Certification. This6-week program is especially designed for aspiring and current Englishteachers who speak English as a second or foreign language and plan toteach English in their home countries. This very intensive course offers210 hours of face-to-face instruction which includes teaching practicewith a multicultural group of real ESL students. You will learn practical,proven methods in language teaching with comprehensive training inteaching, speaking, listening, reading, writing and vocabulary.Why should you get the SIT Best Practices in TESOLCertificate? The course is especially designed for teachers who speak English as asecond or foreign language. The certificate is issued by the SIT Graduate Institute, an accreditedAmerican graduate university. The course covers content equal to many longer courses. You will have the opportunity to learn about English and how to learnEnglish more effectively. The course is very practical and hands-on and focuses oncommunicative language teaching. You will gain invaluable international teaching experience that you canput on your resume.Course Highlights 210 hours of training.6 hours of teaching practices with real ESL students.Small class sizes (maximum 10 students: 1 trainer).Convenient midtown location near Grand Central Terminal.The chance to start your next big adventure!“If you are interested in thiscourse, don’t hesitate! Youshould try it. When you finishthis course, you will get manygood teaching skills and getsense of accomplishment.”— Jeonghyeon Mun, SouthKorea“This course is really highquality. You don’t only learnhow to teach, you also makelots of experiences how youcan learn more effectively.During the course I noticedthat I learned new thingsabout English as a languagethan I learned in school.”— Fabian Reif, GermanyRequirementsAll applicants must: be at least 18 years of age. have successfully completedhigh school. meet the minimumlanguage requirement of anIntermediate (B1) level ofcompetence in spoken andwritten English.“I am already a Portugueseteacher, but I was challengedin this course to teach ina learning-centered way.Now, I have a totally newunderstanding aboutteaching and focusingon my student’s learningobjectives.”— Juliana Faria do Vale,BrazilRENNERT NEW YORK TESOL CENTER 5
SIT Best Practices in TESOL Certificate Week One Sample Schedule* Morning Lunch Afternoon HomeworkMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday9 a.m. – 1 p.m.9 a.m. – 1 p.m.9 a.m. – 1 p.m.9 a.m. – 11 a.m.9 a.m. – 11 a.m.WorkshopCommunity BuildingActivitiesPre-course TaskCourse History andLogisticsExpectations and GroupNormsExperience and the ELC WorkshopWarmerTeaching Game andFeedbackSpeaking AwarenessSpeaking Demo Lesson 1Processing WorkshopWarmerTeaching VocabularyObjectivesResearchingVocabularyFeedback Warmer Feedback onPractice Teaching11 a.m. – 1 p.m.Workshop Speaking DemoLesson 2 ProcessingFeedback Warmer Feedback onPractice Teaching11 a.m. – 1p.m.Workshop PronunciationAwareness The IPA Concept Checking1 p.m. – 2 p.m.1 p.m. – 2 p.m.1 p.m. – 2 p.m.1 p.m. – 2 p.m.1 p.m. – 2 p.m.2 p.m. – 5 p.m.2 p.m. – 5 p.m.2 p.m. – 3 p.m.2 p.m. – 3 p.m.2 p.m. – 3 p.m.Team Meeting andLesson PlanningTeam Meeting andLesson PlanningTeam Meeting andLesson Planning3 p.m. – 5 p.m.3 p.m. – 5 p.m.3 p.m. – 5 ngWorkshopLanguage LearningExperienceProcessing LanguageLearning ExperienceCreating VarietyGo over Portfolio andFocus on LearningAssignment (dueThursday)Closure to LearningModuleGo over Teaching Gamefor tomorrow WorkshopGiving Clear InstructionsTeam Building ActivityPT LogisticsIntro to Lesson PlanningIntro to First DayPractice TeachingDay check-in Read article: “Letters from Read article “Objectives” Read article “ATeddy” Prepare for lessonFramework for Complete ‘Objectives’Language Teaching”worksheet Review PPU Do initial self-assessmentDocuments Prepare for Teaching File Lesson Plans inGamePortfolio Read article: “Givingand ReceivingFeedback” File Lesson Plans inbinder for PortfolioDUE TODAYFocus on LearningAssignment Read article “InquireWithin: ReflectivePractice in Teaching” Review PhonemicChart*Sample only —actual course may varyDue to the demanding nature of the course, potential students are required to complete an application and have a phone/Skype/in-personinterview with a member of the TESOL Center before they are accepted. Their educational backgrounds, reasons for taking the course andEnglish proficiency will all be evaluated during the application process.Meet one of our licensed SIT TESOL Certificate Trainers:CHRIS BERRYChris is from Tennessee and has lived in New York for over ten years. He has taught English-as-a-Secondlanguage in various settings across the city including elementary school, high school and private classes.He has been teaching General English for over five years and has been working as a teacher trainer since2014. He is a graduate of the NYC Teaching Fellows program and received his Master's in TESOL fromCity College. Chris also holds a BA in Anthropology from Middle Tennessee State University and a MA inAnthropology from the University of Florida. Chris enjoys traveling with his family and picking up languagesalong the way. He has had the good fortune to have lived in Madagascar for a year with his wife, Georgina,and was able to teach ESL in several high schools in the city of Maroantsetra. During this time he enjoyedproviding free, extra-curricular English classes and sponsoring a local English-language radio program.Chris' Malagasy is just so-so. In his free time, Chris enjoys making up songs with his daughter, Hazel, andmaking a mess in the kitchen.6 RENNERT NEW YORK TESOL CENTER
2018 Course Dates January 8–January 12 April 2–April 6 August 6–August 10 October 15–October 19Course Length1 week. 30 hours total.Course Schedule (may vary)Monday–Friday. 9:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.PriceTuition 650*Registration Fee 65***Tuition includes instruction and materials,including complimentary USB flash drive**Registration Fee is non-refundableTeaching BusinessEnglish CertificateWhat is the Teaching Business English Certificate?Teaching Business English is an important skill in increasing demand as theworld becomes more globalized. The Teaching Business English Certificatecourse was written by experienced teacher trainers with a wealth ofexperience in planning and delivering practical Business English classesand provides an introduction and guide to teaching Business Englishto adults. You will gain insight into valuable teaching techniques, plan arange of lessons and get useful activities for a range of business-basedlanguage items and skills. This course can be taken as an add-on to anyTESOL Certificate course or as a stand-alone course.“I would highly recommendit to people consideringentering the BE teachingworld and also for currentteachers, as it willbroaden out your optionson formulating the rightelements/structure forteaching Business English.”—Jefté MorazánYou may be: A business professional who has started a new career teaching ESOLand wants to expand their business English teaching skills. A new or experienced general English teacher who wants to transitioninto teaching business English. Working, or planning to work, in-company or in business Englishlanguage organizations.The course includes:“I would definitelyrecommend this courseto other teachers andpeople thinking of teachingbusiness English. It is a greatintroduction to a challengingtopic!”—Stefanie EspositoRequirementsAll applicants must: be at least 18 years of age. have successfully completedhigh school. have a TESOL/TEFL/CELTAcertificate. meet the minimum languagerequirement of a HighIntermediate (B2) level ofcompetence in spoken andwritten English. Hands-on and practical sessions on the best practices of teachingBusiness English and how to best integrate business and language skillsin your lessons. The opportunity to plan a week-long syllabus with feedback from anexperienced teacher trainer. Micro-teaching practice with your peers on the course with feedbackfrom an experienced teacher trainer.RENNERT NEW YORK TESOL CENTER 7
Teaching Business English Certificate Course Sample sdayFriday Getting To Know You and Structuring a Course Creating a Lesson Teaching Teaching CrossCourse LogisticsBased on Students’from Authentic TextsPresentationsCultural Awareness Business English vs.Needs Teaching the(creating a lesson from Final PresentationsGeneral English Introduction to BusinessLanguage ofpublished material) Language Terms andCourse BooksMeetings (creating a Teaching BusinessConcepts of the Business Other Business Englishlesson from a courseLexis (creating aWorldResources, Includingbook)lesson from an Needs AnalysisAuthentic Textsauthentic text) Teaching PrivateLessons Write introductory stageof project Design needs analysis Complete syllabusoutline for final project Start to plan lesson Finalize project and FINAL PROJECT DUEfor final projectprepare for presenting Start to read article:tomorrow“Cultural Differences Read article:in Business“Cultural DifferencesCommunication”in BusinessCommunication”*Sample only —actual course may varyMeet one of our Teaching Business English Teacher Trainers:RALPH HERDMANRalph has lived and worked in New York for many years, with a few years spent in the Bay Area. Aftercompleting an MBA in Finance, Ralph worked in the financial technology arena for over 15 yearsin different areas, including client services, product management and sales. He was very excitedto enter the TESOL field in 2010, at which time he completed his TESOL training at Rennert. Ralphspent several years teaching English for Academic Purposes and Business English, and currentlyteaches in the Professional English Program at Rennert, where he leverages the combination of hisvaried business expertise and passion for language teaching. Additionally, Ralph works as a teachertrainer at Rennert, leading the Teaching Business English certificate course and driving changesto the curriculum. While Ralph loves New York, he has enjoyed traveling to many cities around theworld, and is always open to suggestions for future adventures!8 RENNERT NEW YORK TESOL CENTER
2018 Course Dates February 26–March 9 May 14–May 25 August 13–August 24 December 10–December 21Course Length2 weeks. 35 hours total.Course Schedule (may vary)9:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. Monday–FridayPriceTuition 950*Registration Fee 95**Teaching English ToYoung Learners Certificate*Tuition includes instruction andmaterials, including complimentary USBflash drive**Registration Fee is non-refundableWhat is the Teaching English to Young Learners Certificate?The Teaching English to Young Learners (TEYL) Certificate course isdesigned for teachers who plan to teach or who are currently teachingyoung children between the ages of 3 and 10. The course aims to provideboth recent TESOL/TEFL graduates and practicing TESOL/TEFL trainedEnglish teachers with the necessary skills, confidence and ability toeffectively plan lessons for young learners, supplementing their existingknowledge about teaching. The course introduces a specific method oflesson planning used for young learners that takes into consideration thecharacteristics of children and the classroom management needssuitable for each age group. Ideas on how to teach in an engaging andactive manner that is suitable for children is also explored in this course.Course participants will complete a project that includes planning aone-week thematic unit, writing detailed lesson plans for a specific agegroup, and micro-teaching activities for young learners to peers on thecourse focusing specifically on how to incorporate songs, books and videointo the classroom. This course can be taken as an add-on to any TESOLCertificate course or as a stand-alone course for students who alreadyhave a TESOL/TEFL/CELTA certificate.You may be: A new teacher who would like to teach English to children internationally. A new or experienced General English teacher who wants to transitionfrom teaching adults into teaching English to young learners. A current teacher of young learners who would like more guidance onorganizing lessons for children.“If you’re an experiencedteacher who wants toimprove your teachingmethods, this course willhelp you do so. If you’venever taught before, thiscourse will help you take thefirst step and help you getready before you enter thereal teaching world.”—Hyacintha Vidanithya“I would recommend thiscourse and this school in aheartbeat!”—Peter PerezRequirementsAll applicants must: be at least 18 years of age. have successfully completedhigh school. have a TESOL/TEFL/CELTAcertificate. meet the minimumlanguage requirement of anIntermediate (B1) level ofcompetence in spoken andwritten English.“High-quality teaching, topclass learning environmentand a good reputation: It’stoo good an opportunity foryou to miss.”—Jing LiuThe course includes: Hands-on and practical sessions on how to teach kids at a variety ofages (3–10 years old). The opportunity to plan a week-long syllabus for the age group of yourchoice with feedback from an experienced teacher trainer. Multiple micro-teaching experiences with your peers on the course withfeedback from an experienced teacher trainer.RENNERT NEW YORK TESOL CENTER 9
Teaching English to Young Learners Certificate Course Schedule*MondayWeek 1 Getting To Know You and Under 5: DemonstrationCourse LogisticsLesson and Analysis Characteristics of YLs and Assessment andthe StandardsObjectives Classroom Management1: Group NormsMondayWeek 2Tuesday 8–10: DemonstrationLesson and Analysis Song Micro-teachingTuesday Variety with MultipleIntelligences Book Micro-teachingWednesdayThursday Classroom 6–7: DemonstrationManagement 2:Lesson and AnalysisStages of the Lesson Video Micro-teaching Using Books Using Songs Using VideoWednesdayThursday Talking to Parents Book Micro-teaching Activity Micro-teachingFriday Warmers and Games Transitions Micro-teachingFriday Using TheaterGames*Sample only —actual course may varyMeet one of o
We are a host-site of the SIT TESOL Certificate, a graduate-level certificate course offered in partnership with the World Learning SIT Graduate Institute, an accredited American university. Rennert New York TESOL Center is also ACCET accredited and a licensed career school with the New York State Department of Education.