Tech Mahindra & Experitest Co-webinar:Selenium vs UFT:Which is Better for Your Mobile Testing Strategy?Feb 2015
SpeakersGuy ArieliMahendra SinghCTOExperitestProject Manager (MATE)Tech Mahindra
Agenda1What is UFT?5Demo2UFT for Mobile6Seleinum vs UFT for Mobile -Which3What is Selenium?4Selenium for mobileone is right for your testing team?7Case studies
UFT and Selenium - Tool Assessment
What is UFT, QTP?.UFT is the HP solution (previously called QTP) for Test AutomationRuns on VB scriptA UI based automation tool.Focus on Web and desktop technologies
UFT for MobileExperitest Mobile Add on for UFTMobile Menu – Devices & Applications ManagingFull & complete integration into HP UFT softwareRecord a test, edit it, run it, and view results (report)Integration of object repository (mobile object properties)Object Spy include Native & Web identification methodsIntegration into HP’s Quality Center & Performance Center
Competitive Landscape- Plug in for UFTMobilityCapabilitiesExperitestMobileAdd onfor UFTSupport all OS.EnterprisereadinessIntegration to all CIstabilitySupport allMobile devicesscalabilitySupport all apptypesRemote capabilitiesEnd to End solutionHP
What is Selenium ?Selenium is an open source test automation framework thatsupport cross browser test automationSelenium 2 also known as WebDriverSelenium supports perl, php, python, objective-c, java,Microsoft.net, ruby, and more.It is not a tool with a UI – it uses a programming language touse it specificallyThis project gain extremely high popularity and support dueto HP pricing and luck of support for SMBs
Selenium for MobileExperitest Mobile Plug in for SeleniumExperitest provide enterprise grade solution based on WebDriver API calledMobilWebDriverProviders interface to interact with Mobile ApplicationAll function of Seetest Automation Tool can be executed in Java Selenium environmentusing MobilWebDriver
Competitive Landscape- Plug in for eritestplug in forseleniumSupport all OS.Integration to all CIstabilitySupport allMobile devicesscalabilitySupport all apptypesRemote capabilitiesEnd to End solutionSelenium
UFT Vs Selenium –Which is better for your testing team
UFT vs Selenium – Which is better for Mobile Strategy?Supported languageMobile Add on for UFTExperitest Mobile Plugin forSeleniumVB ScriptJAVA
Language SupportedJavaMicrosoft VbScriptUsing IDEs like Eclipse made writing JavaScripting Language.easier then working with any otherscripting language.Every student that graduate BSC incomputer science knows Java.Java is Object Oriented, it can be veryimportant in large automation projects.Easy to integrate with yourenviourment backendLack full features of a programminglanguage.InterpretedConsidered to be easier to learnVbscript cannot run on MAC.
UFT vs Selenium – Which is better for Mobile Strategy?Mobile Add on for UFTExperitest Mobile Plugin forSeleniumSupported languageVB ScriptJAVAObject Identification DescriptivePrograming
Object Repository vs. Descriptive programmingUFT uses Object Repository (by default). ***Selenium uses 'descriptive programming' (by default).With Experitest Mobile plugin for Selenium you can use object repository or descriptiveprogramming in your WebDriver project.Object Repository- ProsObject Repository- consWhen identification of an object changed,Hard to source control.the update is done in a single place.Hard to merge.Support internal tools like 'Object Spy'.Can reduce the test visibility.Can cause inconsistency in behavior.
UFT vs Selenium – Which is better for Mobile Strategy?Mobile Add on for UFTExperitest Mobile Plugin forSeleniumSupported languageVB ScriptJAVAObject Identification Descriptive Programing Test Recordingcapabilities Xpath Object Spy
Programing skills? Yes / NOTo build a successful automation project youwill need to have programing capabilitiesNo coding, approach is very limitedand in many cases will failRecording capabilities can ease thetool learning curveMany testing team has programingknowledge in VbscriptMost of the computer science graduates hasgood Java knowledge !!!
UFT vs Selenium – Which is better for Mobile Strategy?Mobile Add on for UFTExperitest Mobile Plugin for SeleniumSupported languageVB ScriptJAVAObject Identification Descriptive Programing Test Recording capabilities Xpath Object Spy Parallel Executionx
Parallel ExecutionUFT can only performSelenium can perform multiple &one test per machine.simultaneous tests
End-to-End Product Suite - Manual, Automation, Monitoring, Load, Network Virtualization, al Automation tool Same test runs on different devices Plugs into all testing & CI environments: Manual testing tool Mini-recorder for automating short,repetitive, manual scenarios Report with screenshots of each step Manual to Automation Script ConvertorMobile Add-On for UFTU Full & complete integration into HP UFT: Record a test, edit it, run it, and view results Integration of object repository and more SeeTestCloud Device Lab located onsite (in the customer VPN) Devices can be reserved and accessed by any remote user Used in conjunction with SeeTestAutomation/Manual for testing of remote devicesNLSeeTestNetworkVirtualization Device performance under varying network conditions Simulating mobile network bandwidth latency and reception while on the moveSeeTestLoad Real device generated mobile load Full integration to LoadRunner, Jmeter, etc.FreeTool!
Case StudyBanking
Customer Profile:Multinational banking and financial services companyMajor global financial services provider engaged in personalbanking, credit cards, corporate and investment banking andwealth and investment management.Headquartered in UKWhat needed to be tested?Spans over 50 countries across Europe,The bank’s personal and businessAmerica, Africa & Asiaaccount management apps 150,000 employeesMobile applications in tens of languagesRanked in top 10 largest banks worldwideRevenue of 30 Bn.
ImplementationYears working with the tool: 1Over 25 SeeTestAutomation stationsNumber of Automation engineers working on the project: 252 geographical locations around the world (US, Europe, Africa and China)Number of tests before: 0Number of tests today: 2,000Number of executed tests: 200,000 (each test can run on more than one device)Build single test that can run on Chrome / IE / Firefox and Safari for DesktopAnd Chrome / Safari / IE for mobile (iOS, Android and WP8.1).
Coverage Total coverage: 90%. Number of executions of the full cycle: Once a day Full app test coverage for all OS-Cross platform testing ofAndroidiOSWindowsPhone8 Full end-to-end coverage of test scenario Support for multiple languages (including English, Spanish, French)
ROIWhat if we did it manually?A single QA engineer: 56 man years to finish the cycle (lifetime).For one day we would need 20,000 trained manual QA engineers.Another AdvantageThe R&D engineers can work faster and take more risksAccording to the bank R&D managers the development speed is3-4 times faster!
Case StudyTransportation
Customer Profile: Major National RailroadPassenger CorporationUS national rail operator operating over 300 trainsand an average of 85,000 passengers a day in USA &Canada. Last year served more than 30 millionpeople.Headquartered in Washington DC, USAMore than 20,000 employeesRevenue: 3 Bn5
The needsTesting User’s ApplicationsTesting Integration with 3rd PartiesAmtrak mobile websiteSave tickets to your phone calendarAmtrak mobile native applicationIntegration with Apple Passbook Many user flows such asor Samsung Wallet Book one-way and round-trip ticketsSearch for station informationCheck train status, board using eTicketAnd more
The RequirementsTest the Android, iOS and WindowsPhone8 mobile applicationHave a full testing environment deployed onsite for end-to-end systemtesting including the integration with Apple Passbook or Samsung Wallet Monitoring capabilities (such as memory and CPU usage) of the Android/iOS devicesto ensure large quantities of data do not hamper the app’s functionality
SeeTestAutomation Deployment - DescriptionWithin 3 Months of Project Kick-OffImplementationCoverage 10 floating licenses SeeTest Automation Coverage of customer’s app & websiteExperitest Mobile Add on for UFTincluding the integration with AppleOver 20 test machines running on iOS ,Passbook or Samsung Wallet Android and WindowsPhone8Support for multiple languagesOnsite deployment with integration to the(including English, Spanish)existing UFT/QC test environmentParallel execution of testsOnsite mobile lab using SeeTestCloud80% Automation; 20% manualOn Premise Mobile Device Lab located in USA
Thank you
Selenium is an open source test automation framework that support cross browser test automation Selenium 2 also known as WebDriver Selenium supports perl, php, python, objective-c, java, Microsoft.net, ruby, and more. It is not a tool with a UI -it uses a programming language to use it specifically