artswnewsar /ar tswnewsaugus t 2 014Fall Art Classes Jacob Burns Film CenterSo much to see and do in WestchesterThis issue is sponsored byFall Ar tClassesPage A 4(photo courtesy of Jacob Burns Film Center)Fall Art Classes Songcatchers(photo credit: Claude Lustin)Music in the Air: Gil Parris Yonkers Downtown BID(photo courtesy of Gil Parris)Music in the Air: Danny V's 52nd St. Band Yorktown Lion’s Club and Yorktown Parks & Recreation Dept.(photo courtesy of Danny V's 52nd St. Band)artsw
A2EXAMINER MEDIA artsWnewscontentsaugust 2014thisandthatbyjl.comnews in brieffall arts classesartsw briefshighlightsmusic in the aircalendarPage A3Page A4Page A7Page A8Page A10Page A15ArtsWNews (, your guide to artsand culture in Westchester County, NY, is publishedby ArtsWestchester, a private, not-for-profitorganization established in 1965. The largest of its kind in New York State, it servesmore than 150 cultural organizations, numerous school districts, hundreds of artists,and audiences numbering more than one million. The goal of ArtsWestchester is toensure the availability, accessibility, and diversity of the arts in Westchester.Froma Benerofe, Board PresidentJohn R. Peckham, Board ChairmanJanet Langsam, Chief Executive OfficerSalina Le Bris, Director of CommunicationsMary Alice Franklin, ArtsWNews EditorAlison Kattleman, Designer and Calendar EditorNathalie Gonzalez, DesignerThe work of ArtsWestchester is made possible with support from WestchesterCounty Government.Robert P. Astorino, County ExecutiveMichael Kaplowitz, Chairman, Westchester Board of LegislatorsWestchester Board of LegislatorsCatherine BorgiaKenneth W. JenkinsBenjamin BoykinJames MaisanoGordon A. BurrowsSheila MarcotteDavid B. GelfarbCatherine ParkerPeter HarckhamVirginia PerezThanks to our generous supporters:MaryJane ShimskyMichael J. SmithBernice SpreckmanJohn G. TestaAlfreda A. WilliamsLyndon WilliamsOARD F YA&A Maintenance, Aetna Foundation, Anchin Block & Anchin, Benerofe Properties, The Bristal,Clarfeld Financial Advisors, Con Edison, Curtis Instruments, Empire City Casino, Entergy, EthanAllen Interiors, The Examiner, First Niagara Foundation, Gabelli Asset Management Co., IBM,Inspiria Media, Jacob Burns Foundation, John Meyer Consulting, P.C., Joseph & Sophia AbelesFoundation, Inc., The Journal News, JP Morgan Chase, The Liman Foundation, Macerich Co.Cross County Shopping Center, Macy's, MAXX Properties, Nordstrom, Peckham Industries,Inc., PepsiCo, Inc., Pernod Ricard USA, Reckson, A Division of SL Green Realty, RegeneronPharmaceuticals, TD Charitable Foundation, The Thomas and Agnes Carvel Foundation, VENUMagazine, Wells Fargo Foundation, Westchester Family, Westchester Magazine, WestchesterMedical Center, Westfair Communications, White Plains Hospital, and WTP Advisors.STER C O U NTRead a digital version of ArtsWNews every Achieveby Janet Langsam(photo credit: Cathy Pinsky)Last week, I shouted a "Bravo"to NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio forallocating mega bucks to put artteachers back in the schools inunderserved communities. Artteachers are some of the unsungheroes of our education system.Don’t take my word for it. Take theword of NYC Chancellor CarmenFariña and the Mayor himself. Hesays that the arts have the abilityto help kids be stronger in a wholehost of disciplines. Take the wordalso of national studies that attestto the value of the arts in academicachievement. In a national sampleof 25,000 students reported byMayor Bill de Blasio and Schools ChancellorThe Education Commission of theCarmen Fariña (credit: Bruce Cotler for NewStates, those "with high levels ofYork Daily News)arts-learning experiences" earnedhigher grades and scored better on standardized tests than those with littleor no involvement in the arts, regardless of socioeconomic status. The lackof arts experiences is particularly acute in low income neighborhoods ofNew York City, according to a recent New York Times article.This week, a shout out goes to the New York State Assembly for allocating 500,000 to support arts programs in Yonkers schools.Many professional educators tell us that kids learn in different ways – someby hearing, some by seeing, and some by experimenting in art rooms. Theserooms are safe, non-judgmental places where kids are free to take risksand innovate. In these spaces, a work of art is a journey of trial and errorand there is no such thing as failure or even a right answer. After all, ifeverything had a right answer, there would be no need to push boundariesin our society, no need to invent new products, no need to find better waysof doing things, in fact, no need for entrepreneurs. For too long, the artshave been demonized as a frill. Thanks Mayor de Blasio and the NY StateAssembly for setting it straight.Don't miss Janet's weekly blog posts chester/ArtsWestchester
A3EXAMINER MEDIA artsWnewsaugust 2014news in briefNew Theater Manager atIrvington Town Hall TheaterGregory Allen (photo credit: Tom Schopper)Gregory Allen has been appointedTheater Manager of the IrvingtonTown Hall Theater by Mayor BrianSmith and the village trustees. Allencomes to the historic theater aftermore than seven years as ManagingDirector of the Westminster ArtsCenter at Bloomfield College and sixyears as Artistic Director of 4th WallTheatre in Bloomfield, New Jersey.Directing, contributing to HuffingtonPost, and acting among his manytalents, he brings new and diverseprogramming ideas to the theater.For more info, visit: www. Dances intoMt. Vernon Public LibraryBlue Cathedral Women, photo by Ellen CraneThe Mount Vernon Public Library, incollaboration with ArtsWestchester,is taking center stage during itsnew exhibition of renowned localartists who immortalize the grace,athleticism, and artistry of dancethrough photography. Grace inMotion: Photographing Dance features contemporary images of danceperformances from around theregion and the world. On view in thelibrary’s Rotunda Gallery throughAugust 2, the exhibition featuressixteen pieces that highlight theuniversality, beauty and expressivequality of dance. The show consists of selections from an exhibition of the same title showcased inArtsWestchester’s Peckham andShenkman Galleries this past winter.For more info, visit: ExhibitionRaises Funds for LocalCharityThe Preservation Company, a nonprofit organization that helps lowand moderate income families ofWestchester County to meet theirhousing needs, will host the BuildingHope exhibition and auction inArtsWestchester’s 9th floor gal-lery space, Gallery9. The featuredartwork, which is all for sale, hasbeen generously donated by localand international artists, many ofwhom are giving back after beingrecipients of the organization’s support. Building Hope is on view fromSeptember 2-6, from 12-5pm. For moreinfo, contact our gallery at 914-4284220 x330.Staples Foundation AwardsGrant For Arts EducationAllen Hart: In MemoriamStaples Foundation, the privatecharitable arm of Staples, Inc., hasawarded ArtsWestchester with a 5,000 grant to support arts education programs that integrate thearts to teach STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering andmath) in Mount Vernon schools. Ineach of the participating schools,professional artists will work withclassroom teachers and students tocreate meaningful curriculum-basedarts projects.Prolific artist and Dobbs Ferry resident AllenHart recently passed away at age 89. Hartworked predominantly with oil painting,mixed media and collage, using symbols andimagery from his own life to create highlypersonal and imaginative pieces. Over thecourse of his long career in art, which beganat 15 years old, Hart served the Director ofVisual Arts at the Children’s Aid Society inNew York City for 33 years and exhibitedhis work throughout New York City andWestchester County, including the UpstreamGallery in Dobbs Ferry and Blue Door GalleryArtsWestchester Partnerswith Steinway & SonsSteinway & Sons has joinedArtsWestchester’s growing list ofarts and business partners with acorporate sponsorship of the organization’s monthly arts calendar andwebsite. Recently, ArtsWestchesterlaunched an initiative to generate 50new arts and business partnershipsto celebrate its 50th anniversaryin 2015. To date, 42 new partnerships have been formed, all ofwhich are customized for each company. ArtsWestchester CEO JanetLangsam explains: “The Steinway &Sons partnership moves us closer toreaching our 50th anniversary goalby the end of next year.”1982 Self Portraitby Allen Hartin Yonkers.Jazz Forum Arts Vocal Jazz Competition WinnersPictured from left to right: Tyrha M. Lindsey, JFA BoardMember/Competition Producer; Kristen Lee Sargeant,Winner; Nabuko Kiryu, Winner; Julia Pernicone, Winner;and Lydia Young, Rising Star.The winners of JazzForum Arts’ VocalJazz Competition,accompanied by TheDavid Janeway Trio,recently performedas part of the DobbsFerry Summer MusicSeries. The seriescontinues throughoutthe summer with freeWednesday concerts on the lawn atEstherwood Mansionat The MastersSchool at 6:30pm.
A4EXAMINER MEDIA artsWnewsaugust 2014fall arts classestake a classArtsWestchester is a multi-faceted organization with more than 100 member organizations,many of which offer classes for both kids and adults. Here's a list of many places offeringcreative and professional learning opportunities. Some scholarships are available.VISUAL ARTSClay Art Center (White Plains) offers handbuilding clay classes for youthyear round. 914-937-2047. www.clayartcenter.orgConcordia Conservatory of Music & Art (Bronxville) offers a wide-range ofvisual arts classes and studio workshops for children, teens, and adults, aswell as evening and weekend classes, open studio time, private and semiprivate classes, and portfolio development. Visit the OSilas Art Gallery onConcordia College campus for student exhibitions and more. 914-395-4507.www.ConcordiaConservatory.orgThe Hudson River Museum (Yonkers) offers drop-in art workshops everyweekend led by Junior Docents and art professionals. Fall art projects byTeaching Artists in Residence will explore the art of the peacock throughpainting, fiber art and sculpture. Projects intended for ages 7 and up, butadaptable for smaller children. Contact the museum for the latest project listings. 914-963-4550. www.hrm.orgHudson Valley Center for Contemporary Art (Peekskill) offers programsinspired by selected works from their current exhibition. Second Sundays forfamilies and weekly programs for homeschoolers and preschoolers. 914-7880100. Glass class (photo courtesy Bullseye Glass Co.)ArtsWestchester (White Plains) offers classes in basic drawing and animetaught by artist Alan Reingold. 914-428-4220. www.artswestchester.orgBullseye Glass (Mamaroneck) offers glass fusing classes for children andadults. Projects include glass tableware, sculpture, painting and printmaking.914-835-3794. for the Arts at Westchester Community College (White Plains) offersart classes for students of all ages. Sign up for one class or more, at anylevel. All are welcome. Contact them to register for classes in drawing, painting, photography, sculpture, ceramics, jewelry and digital arts. Visit theirOpen House on Tuesday, September 9, 6:30pm – 8:30pm. 914-606-7500. for the Digital Arts at Westchester Community College (Peekskill)has five post-production studios and is dedicated to fostering digital artseducation. From digital video production to an Introduction to 3D Animation,the Center for the Digital Arts is an access point to creating art in the digitalage. 914-606-7300. Art Center (Port Chester) offers extraordinary clay classes and workshops in pottery and sculpture for adults and children seven days a week inall levels, year round. 914-937-2047. www.clayartcenter.orgJCC of Mid Westchester (Scarsdale) holds classes in clay, drawing, painting, cartooning and wheel throwing for people of all ages. The Summer ArtsCenter for children provides an opportunity for campers to focus on art,dance, theatre and more. 914-472-3300. www.jccmw.orgPort Chester/Rye-Brook Public Library is offering Discover, Create, Design:an art program dedicated to child’s observations, discoveries and creativity.914-939-6710. or Art Center (Pelham) has choice offerings for anyone looking tobroaden their artistic knowledge and talent. Fall classes include STEAMclasses, Minecraft, Girls’ Night Out Workshops, life drawing and much more.914-738-2525. www.pelhamartcenter.orgMUSICThe Cortlandt School of Performing Arts (Croton-on-Hudson) develops themusical talents of all ages on all instruments and voice, at both the pre-professional and recreational levels, with some of the finest music instructorsin the Tri-State area. Other services include discount instrument rentals andsales, special ensemble classes in drumming and also pre-school programs.Musical theatre for teens begins in the fall. 914-402-4250, www.cortarts.comHoff-Barthelson Music School (Scarsdale) offers a jazz studies program,Suzuki, private lessons on all instruments, voice, music programs for young
A5EXAMINER MEDIA artsWnewsaugust 2014Cortlandt School of Performing Arts studentYouth Theatre Interactions ballet classchildren, dozens of ensembles and performance opportunities. Its musi-Steffi Nossen School of Dance (White Plains) offers classes for dancersages 3 through adults in modern, ballet, jazz, hip hop and Moving WheelsN' Heels for dancers with special needs at its main site in White Plains andin Chappaqua. New this year is a full range of adult classes, Tiny Dancers(classes for 12-36 months), and Improvisation/Composition. 914-328-190
07.08.2014 · ing, photography, sculpture, ceramics, jewelry and digital arts. Visit their Open House on Tuesday, September 9, 6:30pm – 8:30pm. 914-606-7500. www. center for the Digital arts at Westchester community college (Peekskill) has five post-production studios and is dedicated to fostering digital arts education. From digital video .