advertisementDECEMBER 25, 1999MusicVolume 16, Issue 52 3.95FiN AR !DR roR Y mC8cHmRISTMASradioweGerman stations Roadrunnercreates newtake Action 2000 indie giantdb.M&M chart toppers this weekEurochart Hot 100 SinglesR. KELLYIf I Could Turn Back The HandsOf Time(Jive/Zomba)European Top 100 AlbumsCELINE DIONAll The Way.A Decade of Song(Epic/Columbia)European Radio Top 50JENNIFER LOPEZWaiting For Tonight(WORK/Columbia)Iby Gesa BirnkrautHAMBURG -Followingmonths of heated debate, 24commercial radio stations inGermany have agreed toAction 2000, which willlaunch in January, is a jointby Robbert Tillicollaboration between Germancommercial broadcasters' bodyHILVERSUM - Roadrunner's acquisition of the Netherlands -based ArcadeMusic Group (AMG), effective January 3, will create one the biggest inde-VPRT and BV Phono, themusic industry's trade association, and is the result of meet-team up with the country'smusic industry to launch anew initiative to promoteings which have been heldthroughout this year gearednew musical talent.continued on page 17pendent record companies in theworld, with a combined turnover inexcess150m).of Dfl 300 million (eurosRoadrunner, a specialised rockEuropean Dance Traxxlabel with offices in the US andJUNIOR JACKMy FeelingJapan, was set up by Dutch entrepreneur CeesWessels 20(Noise Traxx/RIA.S.)yearsAMG'sInside M&M this weekLET THERE BE LUZSpain's most successful singer ofthe '90s, launches a new yearattack on the European chartswith her eighth album, Un MarConfianza(Emi-Odeon).Page 6ECLECTIC DAZEDanish dance -pop act Daze areback on the charts with a newalbum They CameTo Rule (Adversiwhichty/Sony),takes them beyondtheir core sound toexplore other genres. Page 6LIVE IN LONDONUK public broadcaster the BBCis to replace its ailing AOR/talkservice GLR with a new station,BBC London Live. Page 17la-ROADRUNNERRECO R CI Sbels includeCNR (MOR, pop, national repertoire),Bit (dance) arid Arcade (TV merchandising, compilations). It will becomethe umbrella company for all Roadactivities,Europeanrunner'salthough the Roadrunner label itselfwill remain and will not be relocatingSpanish rock artist Luz Casal, Arcade's head office.In the same week as his return to The Cavern Club in Liverpool,which attracted an estimated Internet audience of three million, PaulMcCartney also played live on ;the UK BBC TV show Later With JoolsHolland. McCartney (third left) is pictured with (1-r): Travis' FranHealy; Pink Floyd's Dave Gilmour; Deep Purple's Ian Paice; Jools Holland; guitarist Dave Greene and keyboardist Pete Winfield.Programmers' Christmas cheer?Santa climbsdown radio masts to deliver a present most of Europe's programmerswould probably prefer not toEvery Christmas,receive: the Sleigh List."People just get totally pissedoff with it, every supermarketevery petrol station, every phoneline you pick up has got Christmasmusic," says Pete Wagstaff, man-aging and programme director ofAC station Telford FM in the UK." I think you can go too early on itif you're not careful."Yet like most stations, Telford FMrecognises that listeners want to hearsome music which will Put them inthe festive mood. The station intro-Arcade Music 'Group managingdirector Nico Geusebroek has beenactively looking for a new businesspartner since August, when Dutchmedia group Wegener decided tosell its music division in order toconcentrate on its core publishingARCADEactivities. "Wewanted a newpartner who would be willing toinvest in new artists to create a bigger market share," explains Geusebroek. "Roadrunner and Arcade area perfect fit. In one move we will beduced its Sleigh List on December 18,able to cover all of Europe, as wehave affiliates in the Benelux andScandinavian territories and Spain,and they have offices in the UK,continued on page 17continued on page 17the new album out ory.Comdistributed byRMG/Universal0990 310 310
NHSMusicMedia.Call M&M on:tel ( 44) 171 822 8302fax ( 44) 171 242 9138For direct lines dial 44 171 822,followed by the required extensionPublisher: Ron Betist (ext. 8312)Editor -in -chief Emmanuel Legrand (8318)Director of operations: Kate Leech (8307)EditorialDeputy editor: Jon Heasman (8316)UpfrontBut there is nothing that a radio station or a TV channel does on air that cannot be judged through common law.Obscenity? There are laws against that; incitement to cola-mit criminal offences?-ditto. Besides, the definition ofby Emmanuel Legrand, Music & Media editor -in -chiefAs we report in our Hotline column this week (page 18),the UK's Radio Authority (RA) has levied its heaviest everfines on two radio stations for "gross breaches of the statutory requirements regarding taste and decency and incitement to crime."The RA's decision has once again drawn attention tothe fact that, unlike the press (which is by and large ruledby common law) electronic media often has to face thesword of justice from bodies whose rulings frequentlystand, as in this case, without an appeals procedure.what is "good taste" is debatable, as what constitutes a sintoday can be acceptable practice tomorrow.Even within the broadcasting sector, it is striking tosee the difference in treatment between radio and TV.Take Brian de Palma's bad boys movie Scarface. By allaccounts, this film earns the Oscar for the most frequentuse of four-letter words in a single movie. But while thismovie can be broadcast on primetime TV, sample five seconds of Al Pacino's dialogue and play it on the radio, andyou'll soon be hearing from your regulator.This is not just a UK thing, it's asituation radio stations in most Euro-One of the arguments usually put forward to explain thispean countries face-not to mentionCharts 8c researchCharts editor: Rani. Cairo (8313)Charts researchers: Menno Visser (8322),different treatment is that broadcasters are using a scarcepublic resource (i.e. the radio spectrum) and that a strongregulatory system is a way of protecting the public frombroadcasters abusing their privileged positions. In the casethe US, where a four-letter word on air will immediately prompt a warning and/or fines from the FCC.Siri Stavenes Dove (8321)of the UK, the 1990 Broadcasting Act contains several rulesPrc ductionand requirements applicable to stations regarding "goodtaste," "incitement to crime" or matters "offensive to thethat radio is a gown -up medium forgrown-up audiences, and that moreroom should be left for commonpublic," which are left to the RA to implement in practice.sense and common law?News editor/New media correspondent:Lucy Aitken (8311)Features/specials editor: Terry Heath (8317)Production manager: Jonathan Crouch (8314)Designer: Mat Deaves (8323)CorrespondentsAustria: Susan L. Schuhmayer - (43) 1 334 9608Belgium: Marc Maes - (32) 3 568 8082Classical/jazz: Terry Berne - (34) 9 3458 3791Dance Grooves: Gary Smith - (34) 9 3488 2180Denmark: Charles Ferro - (45) 3391 9156France: Remi Bouton (radio and music business)- (33) 1 4586 8466; Cecile Thsseyre (artist profiles)- (33) 1 4909 0896Germany: Gesa Birnkraut (Hamburg) - (49) 410145930;Italy: Mark Dezzani - (39) 0184 292 824The Netherlands: Robbert Till) - (31) 20-672 2566Music & Media values its readers' opinions-you can e-mail the editor -in -chief at: Norway's 'missing link'?OsLo -Alternative rock station RadioSpain: Howell Llewellyn - (34) 9 1593 2429;Tango/Oslo is launching a new spin-offSales and MarketingInternational sales director:Ron Betist (UK, USA) - (31) 299 420274;mobile: (31) 653 194133Sales executives: Igor Rooselaar (Benelux;Scandinavia) - (31) 299 420274Francois Millet/Christophe Chiappa (France) (33) 145 49 29 33Beth Dell'Isola (US Radio) - (1) 770 831 4585;Lidia Bonguardo (Italy, Spain, Greece,Portugal) - (39) 031570056; Olav Bjerke(Germany) - (49) 221 868005.Sales & marketing co-ordinator:Claudia Engel (8315)International circulation marketingdirector: Ben EvaEuropean circulation promotion manager:Paul Brigden (8305)European circulation promotionco-ordinator: Stephanie Beames (8304)Accounts manager: Christopher Barrett (8303)Office manager: Linda Nash (8308)Directory assistant: Andrew Power (8320)toire may be small, it will contain amuch wider variety of music genrethan most Norwegian commercialstations. Sony Music Norway radiopromotion manager Espen Slapgdrdenthuses: "At last a radio station isby Kai R. LofthusNorway: Kai R. Lofthus - (47) 918 21 208Sweden: Fredrik Nilsson - (46) 8 735 9750Johan Lindstrom - (46) 8 470 3730Isn't it about time to recognisestation, XFM, on January 15 with aformat that will blend Top 40 hits,recognising the variety of musicalternative rock and dance music, fea-turing artists from Korn and FooFighters to Suede and Jennifer Lopez.Most music stations in Norway haveover 1,000 titles on regular rotation, butRadio Tango's music director SverreBjornsen says that XFM, targeting 1525 year olds, will be much tighter withjust 500 titles. Explains Bjornsen: "Fewlisteners stick to one station all dayevery day -and even fewer listen to astation for longer than a few hours."However, although XFM's reper-tastes among 15-25 year olds. If youare into Eiffel 65 or Jennifer Lopez,there is also a chance that you likehip hop or rock. MTV tries to have asemi -alternative profile, but theychicken out of that during daytime.For Norway, this station will be thecreation of an Internet portal and aLONDON - has signedSubscription rates: Europe: UK 170/euro 250;an exclusive on-line distributionimprints. He says: "On-line distribu-USA/Canada/Rest of the world US 325agreement with indietion is here tolabel Acid Jazz in adeal that includesaccess to repertoirestay. The amount-6Eillboord Music GroupPresident: Howard LanderVice presidents: Howard Appelbaum, MarieGombert, Irwin Kornfeld, Karen Oertley, KenSchlager, Joellen Sommer, Adam WhiteBPI CcrrrsrriunicciticansChairman: Gerald S. HobbsPresident & CEO: John B. Babcock, Jr.Executive vice-presidents: Mark Dacey,Robert J. Dowling, Howard LanderSenior vice-presidents: Georgina Challis, PaulCurran, Ann Haire, Rosalee Lovett, Craig ReissVice-president: Glenn HeffernanChairman Emeritus: W.D. Littlefordalso under way to become an Internetservice provider, which will include themobile phone operating company.Mudhut to deliver Acid JazzUNITED KINGDOM0 1999 by BPI Communications Inc.All rights reserved. No part of this publicationmay be reproduced, stored in any retrieval system,or transmitted, in any form or by any means,electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording,or otherwise, without the prior written permissionof the publisher.After all, there must be a reason whyOffspring sell so many units."XFM will replace Radio Tango on99.3 FM, while Tango will succeedclassic rock station Radio Tango 2 on105.8 FM. As a result, Radio Tangowill blend both classic and contemporary rock music on its new frequency.Bjornsen adds that Tango Gruppenis investigating carrying XFM's output"Absurdly enough, all of Oslo'scommercial stations occupy near -labels, and that the company may soonannounce deals with up to 20ISSN : 1385-612Voice and Radio Oslo are more dance oriented. We want to add other styles.via satellite and Internet. Plans arenegotiating with a number of indiePrinted by: Headley Brothers Ltd, Queens Road,Ashford, Kent TN24 8HII"Radio 1 is Hot AC, while NRJ, Themissing link between [public Alternative/CHR broadcaster] P3 and[CHR/Dance station NRJ."by Lucy AitkenMusic & Media50 - 51 Bedford Row, London WC1R 4LRidentical niches," notes Bjornsen.ofInternet in -siteRitmoTecawww.ritmoteca.cominvestmentthat has beenploughed into itamong others,James Taylor QuartetNewand Brandby,means that wehave passed thepoint of no return."Blanch,Markgeneral manager,Acid Jazz comments:"The deal will enableHeavies.The deal gives the on-line company exclusivedigital distribution rightsof all Acid Jazz artists, andThe first e-tailer dedicated to latinmusic downloads, Ritmo Teca,posts in Spanish, Portuguese andEnglish. Artists such as Marcincludes licensing for e -us to provide easyAnthony, Tito Puente and Albertcommerce and bespoke CDaccess to the oldestand newest of AcidJazz artists in multi-Zamora are available, as aregenres such as Merengue, rock enple formats."itself is simple to use and includescompilations. Artists willreceive a 50% cut of online sales.Music will be availableJAllfrom fromJanuary 1, 2000 in two download able formats-MP3 and Microsoft'sWindows Media Technology 4.Titus Ogilvy, CEO of,told M&M that the on-line operation isMUSIC & MEDIAOgilvy says thecompany has noflotation plans, as it wishes to retainits independence. It plans to launchEspanol and, Tejano. The sitea comprehensive search engine.News and chat rooms are alreadyup. Promised for the future arepersonal jukeboxes and a featureSpanish and Japanese operations,that will allow users to sendand has registered a dotcom site fore -mails with tracks attached.US browsers.0DECEMBER 25, 1999AmericanRadioHistory.ComChris Marlowe
NEWSON THE BEATSpanish radio listenersturning off the musicby Howell Llewellynblip." He believes that year -on -yearcomparisons are clearer than survey to -survey analysis.His sentiments are echoed by JavierHEFNER AND ARID TO SHOWCASE AT EUROSONICas many stations as M-80.MADRID - Some 300,000 listenershave stopped listening to music radioin Spain, according to the year's finalEGIVI ratings released on December 10.ParticulaTly hard hit compared to theprevious EGM survey covering April andMay was SER's AC/Gold network Cadena M-80, which saw 307,000 daily listen-ers desert the station to take its reachMerino admits that the general declinein music radio listening is a real concern."The third survey is traditionallynever the best for music radio, buteven so I hope that this year it is adel Castillo, communications direct
25.12.1999 · back on the charts with a new album They Came To Rule (Adversi-ty/Sony), which takes them beyond their core sound to explore other gen-res. Page 6 LIVE IN LONDON UK public broadcaster the BBC is to replace its ailing AOR/talk service GLR with a new station, BBC London Live. Page 17 German stations take Action 2000 by Gesa Birnkraut HAMBURG - Following months of heated