Everything Worth Knowing About Compression Stockings


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2 Compression Stockings Phlebology

Dear ReaderYour compression stocking is the best possible way tostart a healthier venous life.It represents the basic therapy for vein patients.In combination with a healthy and vein-conscious wayof life including physical exercise, medical compressionstockings support your venous system and alleviatevenous symptoms. You will soon notice that yourmediven compression stocking is good for you andincreases your feeling of well-being and your quality oflife.As manufacturers of medical compression stockings,we feel particularly responsible for the success of yourtreatment.Therefore, we don’t just develop products that provide thebest possible medical support for your therapy but, withthis booklet, we are also giving you important tips for youreveryday life. The more you know about the causes andbackground of your illness as well as the required therapy,the better you can influence your venous health. Of course,our partners, the specialist retailers, are there to supportyou personally with assistance and advice.We wish you the very best of health for life.Phlebology Compression Stockings 3

8Veins8What function do theveins fulfil in theblood circulation?10 Why do veins gettired?11What promotes theformation of varicoseveins?12Questionnaire –“Do I have venousdisease”?14What are first signsof venous disease?15What venous diseasesare there?16What is the propertherapy for yourveins?1926CompressionstockingsTips19 How do compressionstockings work?20 Which compressionstocking is the rightone for me?21mediven – The brandin venous therapy22What should I knowabout mycompression stocking?24What should Iconsider whenwearing compressionstockings?25What problems mayoccur when wearingcompressionstockings?4 Compression Stockings Phlebology26 Tips for patients withvenous disease32 Tips for patients withoedema

34Handling34 How do I put mystocking on?36medi donning anddoffing aids50Products50 mediven – The brandin venous therapy52Product features54mediven elegance56mediven for men40 medi Butler58mediven active44 medi skin care60 mediven comfort48 medi textile care62mediven plus64 mediven forte66 mediven ulcer kit68 medivenProduct overview:round knit70medi travel socks72medi travel men74medi travel women76medi Productoverview travel socksPhlebology Compression Stockings 5

26 HeadlineCompression Stockings Phlebology

Driving the future incompression therapyA Strong brand. An extensive productrange. Better quality of life.medi World of Compression: signpost to thefuture with more than 65 years‘ competencein the field of compression. Products for thehighest demands on quality, innovation anddesign. Put your trust in first-class finishingand special comfort in wear, and activelyenhance your well-being!Phlebology Compression Stockings 7

VeinsWhat function do the veins fulfilin the blood circulation?Arteries and veinsAll of the cells in the body must besupplied with the necessary nutrients andoxygen. These are supplied by the arterieswhich constantly distribute oxygenatedblood around the body.The heart pumps the blood into thearteries at high pressure. The arterieshave a strong musculature which enablesthem to withstand this high pressure.Exchange of the nutrients takes placein the very fine vessels called capillaries.Once the blood reaches the smallestcapillaries the pressure has largelydissipated. Heart Vein Lung2. Systemiccirculation 1. PulmonarycirculationArteryCapillarySchematic diagram of the blood circulation8 VeinsFinally, the veins transport the usedblood back to the heart. The blood isthen replenished with oxygen in thelungs. Because the veins do not haveto withstand as much pressure as thearteries, their walls and their muscularlayer is thinner. Because the suctionpump action of the heart is not strongenough to transport the blood back upfrom the legs against gravity, naturehas equipped humans with variousmechanisms to help the blood toovercome the distance in height of around1.5 metres from the feet back up to theheart.In addition to the transport function forused blood, veins also have storage andtemperature regulation functions. At hightemperatures, the vessels dilate and cantherefore carry more blood which is thencooled at the skin surface.

Accessorysaphenous veinVena femoralisPerforator veinVenasaphena magna(Great saphenousvein)Front viewVenous valve openThe venous SystemThe veins run through the surface ofour legs and collect blood from thelayers of skin. This part is called thesuperficial venous system. From thissystem, the collected blood flowsthrough connecting veins (perforatorveins) into the deep venous system,which is surrounded by leg muscles.The deep venous system transportsthe blood back towards the heart bymeans of a muscle-pumping action.Physical exercise is the key to efficientvenous return.Venous valvesThe venous valves prevent the bloodfrom flowing back down again. Theyfunction like non-return valves, whichonly allow the blood to flow in onedirection, namely in the direction ofthe heart. They look like small sailsthat are anchored around the veinwall and meet in the middle of thevein. If the blood flows upwards asa result of pressure from musclepumping, the valves open. If the bloodtries to flow back again due to theforce of gravity, they close.Venous valve closedVeins 9

Why do veins get tired?As a result of our upright stance and alifestyle with too little exercise, humanbeings are the only life forms that sufferfrom the widespread problem of diseasedveins.A lack of exercise, and too much standingor sitting, places considerable pressure onthe venous system for many hours of theday. The muscle-pump action no longeradequately supports the return transportof the blood. A genetic predisposition andincreasing age or contributory hormonalfactors as well as multiple pregnanciesprovide further unfavourable conditions.The veins become increasinglydistended. Due to their increaseddiameter, the valves can no longer close.The blood flows backwards and thesuperficial veins, which are not heldin place by muscles or bone, becomedistended and appear as snakingvaricose veins.What are varicose veins?The word varicose is a medical term usedto describe unnaturally and permanentlydistended veins. These veins will neverregain their natural elasticity, whichmakes them unable to transport theblood properly.distended veinregurgitantblood flowbonemuscleskindeep veinsuperficial vein10 Veins

What promotes the formation ofvaricose veins?Essentially, the following factors canpromote the formation of varicose veins:Everything that impedes the upwardflow of blood from the legs: Tight clothing Pregnancy Sports involving abdominal muscletraining and heavy lifting Chronic coughing or constipation(straining causes strong backwardpressure in the leg veins) Prolonged sitting or crossing of the legs ObesityFamily historyVein diseases may be inherited, thereforeit is advisable to pay specialattention to whether further members ofthe family are affected.A simple vein test can give informationabout this.You will find a questionnaire on the nextdouble page.Anything that relaxes the wall of theveins: Hormones (birth control pill, menopausal hormones, pregnancy) Alcohol HeatAnything that impedes or eliminatesthe muscle-pumping action: Standing or sitting for prolonged periods High heels ParalysisVeins 11

Questionnaire – “Do I have venous disease”?*Early recognition safeguards your quality of lifeYesNoMember of the family with venous diseases You stand or sit a lot You are taking the birth control pill Several pregnancies Heavy legs in the evenings Swollen legs in the evenings Tired legs in the evenings Painful legs Spider veins Varicose veins Swollen leg and calf tender to pressure Pain in the leg on coughing Pain in the foot when walking Painless ulcer Stripy inflammation Painful, reddened patches on the legs Feeling of heaviness Painless swelling starting over the instep Pain and sensory disturbances in the leg Sock-shaped pain /sensory disturbances in the leg Cold feeling in the legs Cramp-like pain in the legs when walking Diabetes * Note: This questionnaire does not replace the personal contact to the doctor or the medical diagnosis.12 Veins

Test evaluationIf you have answered “Yes” once or more in one or more of the sections,please consult your doctor.You have risk factors. Please have your venous functiontested regularly to identify possible damage and havetreatment early.Please inform your doctor.The cause may be venous disease in your leg.Only consistent treatment can prevent progression.Please visit your doctor urgently.The cause may be a dangerous venous thrombosis.Please visit your doctor immediately.The cause may be venous inflammation.Please inform your doctor.Your lymphatic system may be damaged.If it happens again please inform your doctor.There may be a number of causes.Please inform your doctor.Your arterial vascular system may be damaged.Veins 13

What are first signs of venousdisease?Tired legs, swollen ankles, tinglingand itching or stabbing pain in thelegs may be the first signs ofvaricose veins developing, evenbefore any visible signs.Spider veinsBecause the blood is no longerflowing back to the heart quicklyenough, water escapes into thesurrounding tissue.Swelling occurs, especially aroundthe ankles.Varicose veins ( varices)Inflammation of theveins with stripedreddeningChronic venousinsufficiency ( CVI)14 Veinsmedi tip:If you notice such swelling everyevening, regardless of what you weredoing during the day, it is very likelythat your veins are already damaged.lf you can see swellings on the surfaceof your skin, you already havesuperficial varicose veins.

What venous diseases are there?Spider veinsThese are very fine blood vessels visibleas a spidery pattern just under the surfaceof the skin. They are a few millimetres orcentimetres in length and arranged ina fan pattern. Spider veins rarely causeproblems and are mostly only a cosmeticnuisance. However, they can be a warningsignal of underlying varicose veins.Varicose veins ( varices)If the vein wall becomes soft anddistended, the venous valves no longerclose properly. The blood stagnatesand the veins give way even further.With time, this leads to a network ofmeandering blood vessels. Without theproper therapy, the varicose veins mightcontinue to spread.Chronic venous insufficiency (CVI)A chronic venous disorder like varicoseveins might result in an advanced formcalled chronic venous insufficiency (CVI)with functional abnormalities of thevenous system producing edema, skinchanges (pigmentation) or even venousleg ulcers.Chronic wounds can be the result, whichcan only be healed if the cause ofthe condition is addressed, namely thedistended varicose veins.Inflammation of the veins (phlebitis)The signs of inflamed veins are a markedreddening, swelling, overheating andsevere pain along the course of the vein.ThrombosisIf the return flow of blood to the heartis impaired, there is a greater danger ofblood clots (thrombi) forming on thevessel walls. These clots block the veinand thus prevent the return flow of blood.Further damage to the venous system isincurred. The first signs are swelling ofthe lower leg, which may be accompaniedby overheating, pain and a feeling ofheaviness. Urgent treatment is requiredas thrombosis can lead to a clot enteringthe lungs, resulting in a life-threateningpulmonary embolism.Venous leg ulcer (Ulcus cruris venosum)Because the oxygen-deficient blood in theveins is not transported away,the exchange of nutrients and wasteproducts is impaired. This leads to cellsbeing seriously damaged and tissue dyingoff.Veins 15

What is the proper therapyfor your veins?Compression stockings, supportivemedication and a healthy lifestylefor your veinsVenous diseases cannot be cured.Unfortunately, defective venousvalves and distended veins cannot bereturned to their previous condition.We distinguish between invasivetreatment in which the defectiveveins are sclerosed or surgicallyremoved, and conservative therapywith medical compression stockings ,physical exercise, and medicines.MedicationIt has to be said: there is no cure forvaricose veins. However, medicationcan be used as a meaningfulsupplement to therapy.There are vein tonics, i.e. medicationthat activates the muscles in the veinwall and is aimed at acceleratingreturn blood flow by increasing theelastic force of the vein.16 VeinsOedema protective agents are designed tomake the vessel wall less permeable and thusprevent an increased collection of fluid inthe tissue.Both medications can support therapy withmedical compression stockings and noticeablyreduce the feeling of tension and heaviness inthe legs. The most important and best knownsubstance is horse chestnut extract (aescin).

Operation, sclerosis and laserYour doctor will decide which measuresare necessary.Very small spider-veins can be treatedby laser. The laser heats the blood in thesmall superficial veins and obliteratesthem.Sclerosis involves a substance beinginjected into the diseased vein with a verythin needle, which leads to inflammationof the vein and, with it, to its permanentclosure.Larger varicose veins are removedsurgically.Today, the surgical methods have beenperfected to the degree that theoperation leaves virtually no visible scars,and all healthy veins remain intact.Compression therapyConservative therapy is aimed atimproving the condition by means ofcompression, exercise therapy andmedication. Compression therapy is thebasis for this. In some cases, compressionbandages are necessary to begin with, i

www.mediusa.com 2 Compression Stockings Phlebology. Phlebology Compression Stockings 3 Dear Reader Your compression stocking is the best possible way to start a healthier venous life. It represents the basic therapy for vein patients. In combination with a healthy and vein-conscious way of life including physical exercise, medical compression stockings support your venous .