& Handbook - Miller's College Of Nursing


STUDENTCATALOG& HandbookVolume VI May 2014“Imagine the Impossible”2015

TABLE OF CONTENTS4LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENTMILLERS COLLEGE OF NURSING 5MissionPhilosophyGoalFramework of Nursing5555ABOUT MILLERS COLLEGE OF NURSING 6Description of FacilityCorporationCollege Contact InformationHours of OperationLicensureProgrammatic Approval666677COLLEGE ADMINISTRATIONACADEMIC CALENDARCOLLEGE NOTICES81011Non-discrimination Policy Non-discrimination Statement Americans With Disabilities Act DisclaimerCommunication in the School of Nursing11111111111212121414ADMISSIONS Admissions CategoriesAdmissions Requirements and ProceduresProvisional AdmissionsDenial of ApplicationTUITION AND FEES 15Undergraduate Program CostsProgram Tuition and FeesStudent Financial ResponsibilityPayment PlansCancellation and Refund Policy1515151516STUDENT SERVICES 17Student Orientation ProgramAdmissions OfficeAcademic AdvisingAttendance PolicyStudent Lounge, Study Rooms and Computer Access StationsLibrary and Resource AreaREGISTRATION 20Eligibility for Course RegistrationCancellation of RegistrationDropping a CourseSchool Closing of a Course of Program20202020CLINICAL PLACEMENTS AND CLINICAL COURSE POLICIES Compliance RequirementsClinical LocationsMILLERS COLLEGE OF NURSING17171717191921212122014- 2015 Catalog

Transportation to Clinical PlacementsStorage of Personal Belongings and Valuables in ClinicalSettingsRegistration for Clinical CoursesObligatory RequirementsMalpractice InsuranceAccidents During Clinical ExperiencesPregnancyConfidentiality and Use of Medical RecordsMedication Calculation in PharmacologyClinical Uniforms and Dress CodesInappropriate AttireRequired EquipmentACADEMIC RULES, POLICIES AND PROCEDURES Student Code of Academic and Professional ConductHIPAATransfer CreditGeneral Grading PoliciesCourse Assignment PolicyIncomplete “I” Grade PolicyCourse Examination PolicyGrading and Satisfactory Academic ProgressAcademic WarningAcademic DismissalAcademic MonitoringReadmissionMaximum Time Frame in Which to CompleteStandardized Assessment/TestingAcademic AssistanceStudent Grievance PolicyDisability StatementVerification of EnrollmentUNDERGRADUATE DEGREE REQUIREMENTS Graduation RequirementsResidency RequirementsApplying for GraduationNursing Convocation CeremonyRecognition of Superior Scholarship at CommencementPlacement AssistanceBACHELOR OF SCIENCE – NURSING 29303030313232323232323334Program DescriptionAdmissions RequirementsDegree RequirementsProgram Breakdown by Semester34343437MCN COURSES DESCRIPTIONS AND OBJECTIVESMILLERS COLLEGE OF NURSING223382014- 2015 Catalog

Welcome to Millers College of Nursing!I pray that you share my vision and excitement for this academic year. Your successprevails on your endeavor for educational and intellectual growth. Millers College ofNursing takes pride in our ability to deliver a relevant nursing program to students fromdiverse backgrounds. In today’s challenging economy, it is essential that nursing programsprepare students for a gratifying and relevant career in nursing. MCN is committed tohelping our students achieve success by creating a learning environment conducive to thepromotion of employment-ready professional.MCN is a program that will prepare professionals the opportunity to advance theirproficiency, prepare for further specialization and the ability to position themselves forcareer and leadership within the high demand of nursing. MCN’s program will allowflexibility, accessibility and pertinence for nurses who seek to complete their degree whilebroadening their professional expertise, and value. MCN has conceived a vision andcommunicates it to others. The mission impels a fervent appeal to followers to invest into ashared goal, fortify others in a direction outside of comfort zone to discover their purpose,and to perceive that individuals are unique and they possess differences.Please be assured that Millers College of Nursing faculty and staff are available to assistyou with meeting all of your educational endeavors.Telva Miller, MSN, RN, Ed.D.PresidentMILLERS COLLEGE OF NURSING42014- 2015 Catalog

MISSIONThe mission of Millers College of Nursing is to prepare the next generation of nursingprofessionals for the ever-changing field of medicine and patient care.PHILOSOPHYThe philosophy of Millers College of Nursing is to develop knowledgeable nurses with anunderstanding of the human condition, a passion for the nursing profession, and a desire topositively contribute to the world around them. The college strives to empower students forlives of thoughtful inquiry, service, leadership, and care for persons, the community, andthe Earth.As we move forward into the 21st century, addressing the greater need for an educatedworkforce becomes essential. In a world that has become more competitive, the challengeto meet ever-growing standards of excellence must be met. It is the key to successfullymeeting the needs of an ever changing, diverse and multicultural world. It opens the doorto opportunities, and provides economic hope and promises in an unsure world.GOALThe goal of MCN is to provide quality nursing education with a strong emphasis in criticalthinking as well as to offer and assist the nurse graduates with the application of didacticmaterial necessary for the success of the National Council Licensure Examination(NCLEX).FRAMEWORK OF NURSING“A professional nurse, with special knowledge and skills, and a client in need of nursing,with knowledge of self and perception of personal problems, meet as strangers in naturalenvironment. They interact mutually to identify problems, establish and achieve goals.”-Imogene KingThe conceptual framework that Imogene King developed involves three interactingsystems: Personal Systems, Interpersonal Systems and Social systems. The essence ofgoal attainment theory is that the nurse and patient work together to define and reach goalsthat client and nurse have set together.According to King, health involves dynamic life experiences of a human being, whichimplies continuous adjustment to stressors in the internal and external environment throughoptimum use of one’s resources to achieve maximum potential for daily living.Function of a Professional Nurse: “To interpret information in nursing process to plan,implement and evaluate nursing care.MILLERS COLLEGE OF NURSING52014- 2015 Catalog

ABOUT MILLERS COLLEGE OF NURSINGDESCRIPTION OF THE FACILITYMillers College of Nursing is committed to offering quality instruction in an atmospherefavorable to learning. Millers Nursing Review, Inc., the parent corporation,Remediation/Refresher continuing education courses have led to the establishment of aconventional framework for providing education. Millers College of Nursing (MCN) iscurrently located in an office plaza in south Orlando. Its location includes classrooms, labs,library, student lounge and administrative offices. MCN is a private, independent college.CORPORATIONMillers College of Nursing is owned by Millers Nursing Review, Inc.COLLEGE CONTACT INFORMATIONMillers College of Nursing2151 Consulate Drive, Suite 10 & 11Orlando, FL 32837Phone: (407) 846-3636 Fax: (407) 846-8581MILLERS COLLEGE OF NURSINGCOLLEGE HOURS OF OPERATIONMonday thru Thursday – 8:30am to 10pmFriday - 8:30am – 2:00pm62014- 2015 Catalog

LICENSUREMillers College of Nursing is licensed by the Commission for Independent Education,Florida Department of Education. Additional information regarding this institution may beobtained by contacting the Commission at 325 West Gaines Street, Suite 1414,Tallahassee, FL 32399-0400, toll-free telephone number (888) 224-6684.PROGRAMMATIC APPROVALThe Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing has been approved by the Florida Board ofNursing. Additional information regarding this program may be obtained by contacting theBoard at 4050 Bald Cypress Way, Bin #C06, Tallahassee, Fl. 32399-3256, telephonenumber (850) 245-4125.MILLERS COLLEGE OF NURSING72014- 2015 Catalog

COLLEGE ADMINISTRATIONPRINCIPLE OFFICERSTelva Miller, RN,Mark MillerPresident/CEOCorporate Vice PresidentNURSING FACULTYDr. Telva Miller RN, MSN, Ed.D.University of Phoenix – Ed.D. - Education LeadershipUniversity of Phoenix – Master of Science - NursingFlorida Southern College – Bachelor of Science - NursingValencia Community College – Associate of Science - NursingADJUNCT FACULTYLia Blanchard, RN, MSNValencia College – Associate of Science - NursingWalden University – Master of Science - NursingJeane Cole, ANRPMt. St. Joseph – Diploma NursingFlorida Southern College – Bachelor of Science – NursingSharon Haylett, RN, MSNValencia College – Associate of ArtsValencia College – Associate of Science – NursingUniversity of Central Florida – Bachelor of Arts – HistoryCleveland State University – Master of Arts – Public AdministrationLoyola University – Master of Science – NursingWalden University – Doctoral Candidate – Public Policy and LawStacy Rivera BSN, RNAntillean Adventist University- Bachelor of Science – NursingMaria Rosario Justina Dizon BSN, RN, LNC (Legal Nurse Consultant)CDONA(Certified Director of Nursing)Angeles University- Bachelor of Science - NursingHD (Certified in Hemodialysis), PICC certified and ICUDenise Urtarte, RN, BSNFlorida College of Health Sciences – Associate of Science – NursingJacksonville University – Bachelor of Science - NursingMILLERS COLLEGE OF NURSING82014- 2015 Catalog

ADMINISTRATIVE STAFFAcademic AffairsDr. Telva Miller, DeanDirector of Administration & CompliancePhyllis HuttoDirector of FinanceRonald LomaxDirector of Student Affairs & MarketingShallondra LomaxRegistrarSeresaa SetzerProgram AssistantKaren RaikesSafety & Security OfficerVincent Chiaiese, Jr.Help Desk TechnicianCarlos CayassoMILLERS COLLEGE OF NURSING92014- 2015 Catalog

2014 – 2015 ACADEMIC CALENDARFALL 2014SPRING 2015SUMMER 2015Application DeadlineJuly 31N/AMarch 31Classes BeginSeptember 28January 5May 4Drop/Add WeekSeptember 28 – Oct. 2 January 6 – 10May 5 – 9Last Day for Full RefundOctober 2January 10May 9Deposit Payment DeadlineAugust 16N/AApril 18Grade Forgiveness DeadlineNovember 15March 7July 4Classes EndDecember 20May 2August 29Deadline to Remove IncompleteDecember 20May 2August 29Final Examination PeriodDecember 16 – 20April 28 – May 2August 25 – 29Nursing Practicum BeginsN/AJanuary 6July 1Practicum Hours Completion Deadline October 4April 30Application for Graduation Deadline September 27March 7NOTE: Dates are subject to change.COLLEGE HOLIDAYSLabor DaySeptember 1, 2014Fall BreakNovember 24 – 28, 2014Winter BreakDecember 22, 2014 – January 5, 2015Martin Luther King, Jr. HolidayJanuary 19, 2015Spring BreakMarch 23 -27, 2015Independence DayJuly 3, 2015MILLERS COLLEGE OF NURSING102014- 2015 Catalog

COLLEGE NOTICESNON-DISCRIMINATION POLICYNon-Discrimination StatementMillers College of Nursing (MCN) is an equal opportunity/affirmative action institution anddoes not discriminate on the basis of sex, age, race, color, religion, disability, national originor sexual orientation in the educational programs, student development programs, learningresources services or the employment of all professional, classified and studentemployees. For further information, consult the MCN course catalog or contact the Office ofthe President.Americans with Disabilities ActMillers College of Nursing recognizes and complies with Americans with Disabilities Actwhich allows for qualified students with physical or documented learning disabilities to havethe right to free accommodations to insure equal access to education opportunities. Forassistance and clarification of any services provided under ADA, contact the Office of thePresident.DisclaimerInformation contained in this catalog describes Millers College of Nursing at the time ofpublication. However, changes may be made in policies, the calendar, curriculum, or costs.Such changes will be announced prior to their effective date.The MCN Nursing program meets all Florida requirements for Nursing (LPN-BSN) DegreeProgram. Upon completion of the program, the student will be awarded a Bachelor ofScience Degree in Nursing. Graduates of the program are eligible to take the NationalCouncil Licensure Examination (NCLEX) for registered nursing. Upon successfulcompletion of the NCLEX, the graduate is licensed as a registered nurse, provided all StateBoard of Nursing requirements are met. Completion of the nursing program is not aguarantee of licensure or employment as a registered nurse.COMMUNICATION IN THE SCHOOL OF NURSINGAll persons in the School of Nursing community (students, staff and faculty) are expected toconduct themselves in a professional manner when communicating with one another inperson, e-mail or on the telephone. All students who are members of Millers College ofNursing will be assigned a user name and password to login and check all grades. Contactthe Technology Department at tech@millerscollegeofnursing.com with any questions,issues, or concerns.MILLERS COLLEGE OF NURSING112014- 2015 Catalog

ADMISSIONSOFFICE OF ADMISSIONSThe Office of Admissions coordinates the admission and enrollment of all new students.The admissions counselors provide advising and transfer credit evaluation. The AdmissionsOffice focuses on attracting students who are motivated and committed to academicexcellence. This is accomplished through personal contact, strategic communication, andtargeted recruitment. The Office of Admissions plans, funds student activities such asrecruitment, new student orientation, welcome week, and student organization meetings.APPLICATION FOR ADMISSIONSAll interested applicants must complete a college admissions application. Applications areaccepted continuously throughout the year for our Summer and Fall semesters. Applicationdeadlines are August 15 for the Fall semester and March 31 for the Summer term.ADMISSIONS CATEGORIESApplicants may submit applications to the College for one of the following categories: Licensed Practical Nurse with general education and nursing prerequisiterequirements complete. Licensed Paramedic with general education and nursing prerequisite requirementscomplete Transfer (non-licensed) with general education and nursing prerequisiterequirements complete.ADMISSIONS REQUIREMENTS AND PROCEDURESFor consideration of acceptance into the Millers College of Nursing Bachelor of Scienceprogram, all interested applicants must meet the following requirements: Attend an information session or admissions interview prior to submitting theapplication. Submit a completed college application for admission and all related materials by theapplication deadline and the 50.00 application fee to:Millers College of NursingOffice of Admissions2151 Consulate Drive, Suite 10Orlando, FL 32837 Licensed Practical Nurse applicants must have a current/active United StatesPractical Nursing license without limitations or sanctions. Paramedic applicants must have a current/active United States Paramedic licensewithout limitations or sanctions.MILLERS COLLEGE OF NURSING122014- 2015 Catalog

Submission of all official transcripts indicating the successful completion course andprerequisite requirements from all previous institutions attended to the Office ofAdmissions for evaluation. Graduation from a valid High School or have completed a GED. Applicants must have an overall GPA of 2.5 or higher on a 4.0 scale in allprerequisite coursework and it must be confirmed on the official transcript(s). Two professional letters of recommendation (supervisor, professor, instructor). Student must provide proof of completion of the Test Essential Academic Skills(TEAS). For the TEAS, a composite score of 75% on versions 3 and 4 must beachieved. Students who completed Version 5 must earn a minimum composite scoreof 70% or 70% on the Health Education System Inc. (HESI) exam. Students with abachelor’s degree are exempt from the TEAS requirement.Applicants whose native language is other than English must demonstrate anestablished level of English proficiency by taking the internet based TOEFL andhave a minimum cumulative score of 90 with minimum individual scores of 26 inspeaking, 22 in listening, 20 in writing, and 22 in reading. Only official scores will beaccepted and the testing must be within two years of application to the program.If applicant attended or is a graduate of a foreign institution, all coursework from theforeign institution must be evaluated for U. S. institutional equivalence. The officialevaluation must be sent directly from the evaluation service. For evaluations, pleasecontact one of the following: World Education ServicesP.O. Box 745Old Chelsea StationNew York, New York 10113-0745(212) 966-6311www.wes.orgJosef Silny & Associates7101 SW 102nd AvenueMiami, Florida 33173(305) 273-1616(305) 273-1338 faxwww.jsilny.cominfo@jsilny.comEducational Credential EvaluatorsP.O. Box 514070Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53203-3470(414) 289-3400www.ece.orgMILLERS COLLEGE OF NURSING132014- 2015 Catalog

PROVISIONAL ADMISSIONSStudents may receive Provisional Admissions if they have not completed the requiredprerequisites. Upon completion of the courses with a passing grade of “C” or better, thestudent will be fully admitted into the program. All coursework must be completed prior tothe start of NUR 480 Nursing Practicum. The student may complete these courses at anycollege, university, or other similar institution. The general education courses are requiredfor completion of the Bachelor of Science in nursing degree program. Students that havepreviously attended an institution and have completed these courses/labs must submitofficial transcripts for evaluation. Courses with less than a “C” grade may be repeated once,and more than two courses may be repeated in the program. Exceptions to thisrequirement may be requested by letter to the Office of Admissions.DENIAL OF APPLICATIONDenial of the application for admission will occur if the applicant fails to meet the minimumrequirements or comply in any of the following areas: GPA, recommendations, andpersonal interview. Applicants who are denied admission to MCN will receive an officialnotice in writing of their denial. Interested students may reapply the following year.MILLERS COLLEGE OF NURSING142014- 2015 Catalog

TUITION & FEESUNDERGRADUATE PROGRAM COSTSGetting your education at Millers College of Nursing is considered affordable. The tuitionincludes one uniform set, malpractice insurance, student activity and lab fees. Additionaluniforms may be purchased by the student. Equipment is not included in the tuition cost.Tuition and fees are subject to change. Please refer to the Office of Admissions each termfor current tuition and fee information.PROGRAM TUITION AND FEESTuition 18,000.00Application Fee 50.00Uniform Set (1)IncludedStudent Activity FeesIncludedMalpractice InsuranceIncludedLab FeesIncludedTotal Program Cost 18,050.00STUDENT FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITYStudents are expected to pay all accounts due to the College (ex. tuition) based on thepayment schedule set by the Finance Office. Students who fail to meet their financialresponsibilities are given a “hold-credit” status, which makes them ineligible to register forthe subsequent semester until arrangements for payment have been made with theAdmissions Office.PAYMENT PLANSThe program tuition is driven by the cost of each credit hour. Tuition payments may be paidin full for the semester or payment plans are available.PAYMENT PLANS WILL BE ESTABLISHED FOR ALL CURRENT SEMESTERCHARGES. PAYMENT PLAN ARRANGEMENTS MUST BE MADE NO LATER THANFIVE DAYS PRIOR TO THE FIRST WEEK OF CLASS, EXCLUDING WEEKENDS.The student agrees to pay Millers College of Nursing all payments detailed in the paymentagreement by the established deadline. The student must understand and agree that failureto pay all charges by the due date will result in a hold being placed on the student accountand financial penalties, up to and including collection and legal fees. The student mustMILLERS COLLEGE OF NURSING152014- 2015 Catalog

understand and agree that any payments made to the college will be credited first to anydelinquent charges. He/she must also understand that any classes dropped during theDrop/Add Week will be refunded within 30 days if due.Withdrawal from the College does not release the student from any payment planobligation, any financial penalties or other collection cost. Failure to make payments in fullwill result in a financial hold being placed on the student account, which will prevent thestudent from continuing with classes.Late fees are assessed at the time of billing for accounts that are more than five (5) dayspast due. At 30 days past due, the entire payment plan balance will be accelerated (seenote below) and a late penalty of 10% of the outstanding balance is assessed. The latepenalty indicates that the student account is past due. Unless the student resolves the debtimmediately, the College will advance the matter to the next step in the collection process,and the student risks tarnishing their credit rating.Once an account is 90 days past due and forwarded to collections, repaymentarrangements must be made directly with the collection agency, and the account holderbears the cost associated with collection efforts. The cost associated with collection effortsis 25% of the outstanding balance. This can add substantial additional charges. Thestudent is encouraged to make payment in a timely manner and avoid financial penalties.CANCELLATION AND REFUND POLICYShould the student be terminated or cancels for any reason, all refunds will be madeaccording to the following refund schedule:1. Cancellation must be made in person or by Certified Mail.2. All monies paid will be refunded if the school does not accept the applicant or if studentcancels within three (3) business days after signing the enrollment agreement andmaking an initial payment with the exception of the application fee and an administrativefee of 125.00.3. Cancellation after the third (3rd) business day, but before the first class, will result in arefund of all monies paid with the exception of the application fee and an administrativefee of 125.00.4. Refunds that are approved are subject to an administrative fee of 125.00 whichincludes processing student records, the background check and the student catalog.5. Students may drop a class without financial penalty during the Drop/Add Week (the firstfive days of class), however the dropping of all classes is subject to the refund policy.6. All applicable refunds will be made within 30 days of termination or receipt ofcancellation notice.7. Refund amounts are calculated based on the enrolled and completed courses at thetime of withdrawal.8. A student can be dismissed, at the discretion of the President, for insufficient progress,non-payment of costs, or failure to comply with rules. The Cancellation and RefundPolicy will apply.MILLERS COLLEGE OF NURSING162014- 2015 Catalog

STUDENT SERVICESOFFICE OF STUDENT AFFAIRSThe also maintain academic records. In addition, maintain the student lounge and readingroom. The Admissions Office also plans, funds and manages student activities such asorientations, welcome week, student organization meetings, convocation and other schoolwide activities.STUDENT ORIENTATION PROGRAMOrientation is designed to assist students with understanding the policies, procedures, andexpectation at MCN. The orientation is mandatory for all students. It reviews in detail thecourses within the nursing program, clinicals, requirements of satisfactory academicprogress, repeating a course or lab, student services, student code of conduct (including,but not limited to academic honesty, attendance, and conduct in a classroom and at clinicalsites), grievance policy, cancellation and refund policy, course schedule, and other items.ACADEMIC ADVISINGAcademic advising is available for all College of Nursing students. A student who is havingacademic difficulty, has received an Academic/Clinical Course Warning or academicdiscipline notice, who may need to add or drop a course after the Drop/Add deadline, orseeks an exception to a College policy should make an appointment to meet with anacademic advisor to address these issues. To progress satisfactorily through the program,each student must have ample advice. Counseling and support are tailored to individualeducational needs. MCN is committed to a strong program of effective academic advisingfor all of its students. Academic and support services that are available to students includegroup and private tutoring before or after class by faculty members, study groups, careerservices support and assistance. Academic advisors can also assist students withnavigating College resources, including programs for improvement of study skills, tutoring,and counseling. Students who have other academic questions or concerns aboutcurriculum, transfer information or are in need of information of academic nature should callto make an appointment at Student Services.ATTENDANCE POLICYStudents are expected to attend all classes and clinical dates as scheduled. Absences maynot exceed 2 days per course or clinical rotation and no more than 10 days per calendaryear for any and all reasons. Anticipated absences of more than 2 days are reviewed bythe instructor to determine the student’s ability to complete the course based on factorslisted above. Occasionally, students will have special health concerns that could affect theirability to safely provide patient care or that would jeopardize the student’s health andsafety. Students are required to report any type of health problems affecting patient care orstudent performance. Examples include unstable diabetes, seizures, being immunecompromised and contagious infections. The ability of the student to have a safeMILLERS COLLEGE OF NURSING172014- 2015 Catalog

experience is determined by the College, their health care provider, and agencyrequirements and policies.In case of absence it is the responsibility of a student to promptly inform the school as wellas his/her clinical instructor in the event of an absence or illness. If students in a clinicalcourse cannot reach their faculty member, the student should call the unit to which she/heis assigned at least one hour (or earlier, if possible) before the scheduled assignment.When calling to report an illness or absence, give the nurse in charge the followinginformation: Name of studentClass (assigned instructor)Hours of clinical experienceName of clinical instructor to whom the message should be givenNature of your illnessAnticipated duration of the illnessAfter a student misses two clinical days or 15% of their required clinical experiences for anyreason, the clinical instructor will be notified. The clinical instructor will review the situationto determine if the student will be allowed to complete the course or should withdraw fromthe course. This decision will be made from the supporting documentation that the studentprovides, the centrality of the missed experiences, opportunity to make up theexperience/time, current standing in the course and projected length of time absent.All excused absences require appropriate documentation from the student, such as a notefrom a health provider for illness, or evidence of death of the family member. Examples ofexcused absences include:1. Absences may not exceed 10 days per year for any and all reasons. Personal illness – provide documentation from a physician of the illness. Serious illness or death in the immediate family – provide appropriatedocumentation. Such conditions as the institution may consider as dangerous to the health,welfare, or life of the student,2. All excused absences must be approved by the course instructor. It shall be thestudent's responsibility to report to the instructor the first day he/she returns from anabsence for verification of excused status. Failure to do so will automatically dictatean unexcused absence for that occurrence.3. All other absences are unexcused. If three unexcused absences occur in anysemester, the student is to be dropped for unsatisfactory attendance.4. Two tardies will count as an unexcused absence. A student is tardy when he/she isnot present at roll call for any class.An incomplete (I) grade will only be assigned at the discretion of the instructor.MILLERS COLLEGE OF NURSING182014- 2015 Catalog

STUDENT LOUNGE, STUDY ROOMS & COMPUTER ACCESS STATIONSA student lounge is located in the rear entrance of the College. This is an area wherestudents are encouraged to gather and relax. A reading room is located across from thelounge and is available for quiet study.LIBRARY AND STUDY RESOURCE AREAMillers College of Nursing provides the student with a Library and Study Resource Areaavailable during normal school hours to all enrolled students. The Library and StudyResource Area contains a variety of supplemental reference materials. Library Servicesavailable to the student include: Student ComputersResource books which must be signed out by studentThe following are a variety of online p://onlinebooks.library.upenn.eduResearch materials are available using a variety of media, including print, video, internetand online services. In addition to assigned class research, students are encouraged tosatisfy their personal interests by making use of fiction and non-fiction books, newspapers,and magazines.MILLERS COLLEGE OF NURSING192014- 2015 Catalog

REGISTRATIONThe Registrar’s Office facilitates the registration of students. This office monitors allstudents’ records and registration to insure that students have met progression orgraduation requirements. Students with questions or problems pertaining to admissions ortrans

Millers College of Nursing is owned by Millers Nursing Review, Inc. COLLEGE CONTACT INFORMATION COLLEGE HOURS OF OPERATION Millers College of Nursing Monday thru Thursday - 8:30am to 10pm 2151 Consulate Drive, Suite 10 & 11 Friday - 8:30am - 2:00pm Orlando, FL 32837 Phone: (407) 846-3636 Fax: (407) 846-8581