Microsoft Training And Certification Guide - ITYM


MicrosoftTraining andCertificationGuideCurrent as of March 16, 2015

Welcome to the Microsoft Training and Certification Guide.This guide is intended to provide a quick, comprehensive viewof our training and certification landscape, and covers all ofthe training requisites and upgrade paths that lead to modernMicrosoft Certifications. Use this guide to help you achieveyour IT goals.New editions of this guide will be provided periodically. To ensure that you’re referencing the most recentinformation, be sure to replace this tool as new editions are provided. Please send questions and feedbackto Learning Partners: Please send questions on print version availability and orders

ExperientialvalidationCertificationGet recognized for yourreal-world experience.Robust validation of yourknowledge through exams.Earn certification credit forreviewed software apps in theAppToCert Program.Regardless of your careerstage, there’s a certificationthat fits.Skills validationContinuouslearningKeep your skills current with:Instructor-led training fromMicrosoft Learning Partners.Online, on-demand coursesfrom Microsoft VirtualAcademy.

CertificationsValidates fundamental knowledgeof technology conceptsAudience:IT Pro arned after passing first specialist,intermediate, or expert examAudience:IT Pro idates knowledge and skills in aspecialized area of technologyAudience:IT Pro idates core technical skills requiredfor technology infrastructureAudience:IT idates application of deep skills to design andimplement solutions on-premises and in the cloudAudience:IT ProLevel:ExpertRecertificationrequired:Every 3 yearsValidates application of deep skills to design anddevelop solutions across multiple onrequired:Every 2 years

MTAIT InfrastructureMTAIT InfrastructureExam 687Exam 410MCPMCPExam 688Exam 411MCSAWindows 8Exam 412MCSAWindowsServer 2012ClientServerExam 695Exam 696Exam 415Exam 416Exam 413Exam 414Exam 246Exam 247Exam 336Exam 337ProductivityDatabaseDevelopmentMTAIT InfrastructureMTADatabaseFundamentalsExam 346Exam 461Exam 480Exam 480MTASoftwareDevelopmentMCPMCPMCPExam 347Exam 462Exam 481MCSAOffice 365Exam 463Exam 482MCPExam 486Exam 487Exam 480MCPExam 486Exam 488Exam 483MCPExam 484Exam 485MCPExam 497Exam 498AzureExam532Exam533Exam534Exam 496MCSASQL Server2012Exam 341Exam 342Exam 331Exam 332Exam 464Exam 465Exam 466Exam 467MCSEEnterprise Devices and AppsMCSEDesktop InfrastructureMCSEServer InfrastructureMCSEPrivate CSEData PlatformMCSEBusiness IntelligenceMCSDWindows Store Apps Using HTML5MCSDWeb ApplicationsExam 489MCSDSharePoint ApplicationsMCSDWindows Store Apps Using C#MCSDApplication Lifecycle Management


LEVELMicrosoft Technology AssociateMTA: IT Infrastructure1Passing any one exam achieves MTA certification.Pass two IT Infrastructure exams to validate the breadth of skills needed to pursue MCSA Client path.COURSE 40349EXAM 98-349EXAM 98-368Windows Operating SystemFundamentalsMobility and Device Fundamentals Understanding Operating SystemConfigurations Understand Data Access and Management Installing and Upgrading Client Systems Managing Applications Managing Files and FoldersMTA Understand Device Configurations Understand Device Security Understand Cloud Services Understand Enterprise Mobility Managing Devices Understanding Operating SystemMaintenance7

LEVELMicrosoft Certified Solutions AssociateMCSA: Windows 82Passing both exams is required to achieve MCSA certification.MTACOURSE 20687EXAM 687COURSE 20688EXAM 688Configuring Windows 8.1Supporting Windows 8.1 Install and Upgrade to Windows 8.1 Support Operating System andApplication Installation Configure Hardware and Applications Configure Network Connectivity Configure Access to ResourcesMCSAWINDOWS 8 Support Resource Access Maintain Windows Clients and Devices Configure Remote Access and Mobility Monitor and Maintain Windows Clients Configure System and Data Recovery Options8

LEVELUpgrade Paths from Windows 7MCSA: Windows 8UPassing one exam is required to achieve MCSA certification.MCITP:COURSE 20689EXAM 689ENTERPRISE DESKTOPADMINISTRATOR ONWINDOWS 7Upgrading Your Skills to MCSA Windows 8ENTERPRISE DESKTOPSUPPORT TECHNICIANON WINDOWS 7 Configure Hardware and ApplicationsMCSA: Install and Upgrade to Windows 8.1 Configure Remote Access and Mobility Configure System and DataRecovery Options Support Operating System andApplication InstallationMCSAWINDOWS 8 Maintain Resource Access Support Windows Clients and DevicesWINDOWS 79

LEVELUpgrade Paths from earlier versions of WindowsMCSA: Windows 8UPassing one exam is required to achieve MCSA certification.MCDST:COURSE 20689EXAM 692WINDOWS XPUpgrading Your Windows XP Skills to MCSA Windows 8MCSA or MCSE:WINDOWS 2000WINDOWS SERVER 2003 Install and Upgrade to Windows 8.1 Configure Hardware and Applications Configure Remote Access and Mobility Configure System andData Recovery Options Support Operating Systemand Application InstallationMCSAWINDOWS 8 Maintain Resource Access Support Windows Clients and Devices10

LEVELMicrosoft Certified Solutions ExpertMCSE: Enterprise Devices and Apps3Passing both exams is required to achieve MCSE certification.MCSAWINDOWS 8ORMCSAWINDOWSSERVER 2012COURSE 20695EXAM 695COURSE 20696EXAM 696Deploying Windows Devices andEnterprise AppsManaging Enterprise Devices and Apps Implement the Operating SystemDeployment (OSD) Infrastructure Deploy and Manage Desktop andMobile Applications Implement a Lite Touch Deployment Plan and Implement Software Updates Implement a Zero Touch Deployment Manage Compliance and EndpointProtection Settings Create and Maintain Desktop Images Prepare and Deploy the ApplicationEnvironment Deploy and Manage Virtual ApplicationsMCSEENTERPRISEDEVICESAND APPS Manage Configuration Manager Clients Manage Inventory UsingConfiguration Manager Provision and Manage Mobile Devices11


LEVELMicrosoft Technology AssociateMTA: IT Infrastructure1Passing any one exam achieves MTA certification.Pass all three IT Infrastructure exams to validate the breadth of skills needed to pursue MCSA certification.COURSE 40365EXAM 98-365COURSE 40366EXAM 98-366COURSE 40367EXAM 98-367Windows Server AdministrationFundamentalsNetworking FundamentalsSecurity Fundamentals Understanding NetworkInfrastructures Understanding Security Layers Understanding Server Installation Understanding Server Roles Understanding Network Hardware Understanding Active Directory Understanding Protocolsand Services Understanding StorageMTA Understanding OperatingSystem Security Understanding Network Security Understanding Security Software Understanding Server PerformanceManagement Understanding Server Maintenance13

LEVELMicrosoft Certified Solutions AssociateMCSA: Windows Server 20122Passing all three exams is required to achieve MCSA certification.MTACOURSE 20410EXAM 410COURSE 20411EXAM 411COURSE 20412EXAM 412*Installing and ConfiguringWindows Server 2012Administering WindowsServer 2012Configuring AdvancedWindows Server 2012 Services Install and Configure Servers Deploy, Manage, andMaintain Servers Configure and ManageHigh Availability Configure File andPrint Services Configure File andStorage Solutions Configure NetworkServices and Access Implement Business Continuityand Disaster Recovery Configure a Network PolicyServer Infrastructure Configure Network Services Configure Server Rolesand Features Configure Hyper-V Deploy and ConfigureCore Network Services Install and AdministerActive Directory Create and ManageGroup Policy Configure and ManageActive Directory Configure and ManageGroup PolicyMCSAWINDOWSSERVER 2012 Configure the ActiveDirectory Structure Configure Access and InformationProtection Solutions*See page 56 for availableexam substitutions.14

LEVELUpgrade Paths toMCSA: Windows Server 2012UPassing one exam is required to achieve MCSA certification.MCITP:VIRTUALIZATIONADMINISTRATOR ONWINDOWS SERVER 2008 R2ENTERPRISE MESSAGINGADMINISTRATOR 2010COURSE 20417EXAM 417Upgrading Your Skills to MCSA Windows Server 2012 Deploy and Configure CoreNetwork Services Configure a Network PolicyServer Infrastructure Create and Manage Group Policy Configure and Manage Active DirectorySHAREPOINTADMINISTRATOR 2010 Configure File and Print Services Configure and Manage Group PolicyENTERPRISE DESKTOPADMINISTRATOR Install and Configure Servers Configure and Manage High Availability Configure Server Roles and Features Configure File and Storage Solutions Configure Hyper-V Implement Business Continuity andDisaster RecoveryLYNC SERVERADMINISTRATOR 2010 Install and Administer Active Directory Deploy, Manage, and Maintain ServersMCSA:MCSAWINDOWSSERVER 2012 Configure Network Services Configure Network Services and AccessWINDOWS SERVER 200815

LEVELMicrosoft Certified Solutions ExpertMCSE: Desktop Infrastructure3Passing both exams is required to achieve MCSE certification.MCSAWINDOWSSERVER 2012COURSE 20415EXAM 415COURSE 20416EXAM 416Implementing a Desktop InfrastructureImplementing Desktop ApplicationEnvironments Create and Maintain Desktop Images Design and Deploy Desktops Plan and Implement a Remote DesktopServices Infrastructure Design and Configure Desktop Settings Manage and Maintain a DesktopInfrastructure Design and Prepare the ApplicationEnvironmentMCSEDESKTOPINFRASTRUCTURE Design and Implement a PresentationVirtualization Environment Design and Implement an ApplicationVirtualization Environment Deploy, Manage, and Maintain theApplication Environment Design Business Continuity for theDesktop and Application Environment16

LEVELMicrosoft Certified Solutions ExpertMCSE: Server Infrastructure3Passing both exams is required to achieve MCSE certification.MCSAWINDOWSSERVER 2012COURSE 20413EXAM 413COURSE 20414EXAM 414Designing and Implementinga Server InfrastructureImplementing an Advanced ServerInfrastructure Plan and Deploy a Server Infrastructure Manage and Maintain a ServerInfrastructure Design and Implement NetworkInfrastructure Services Design and Implement NetworkAccess Services Design and Implement an Active DirectoryInfrastructure (Logical) Design and Implement an Active DirectoryInfrastructure (Physical)MCSESERVERINFRASTRUCTURE Plan and Implement a HighlyAvailable Enterprise Infrastructure Plan and Implement a ServerVirtualization Infrastructure Design and Implement Identityand Access Solutions17

LEVELMicrosoft Certified Solutions ExpertMCSE: Private Cloud3Passing both exams is required to achieve MCSE certification.MCSAWINDOWSSERVER 2012COURSE 20246EXAM 246COURSE 20247EXAM 247Monitoring and Operating a PrivateCloud Using System Center 2012Configuring and Deploying a PrivateCloud Using System Center 2012 Configure Data Center Process Automation Design and Deploy System Center Deploy Resource Monitoring Configure System Center Infrastructure Monitor Resources Configure the Fabric Configure and Maintain ServiceManagement Configure System Center Integration Manage Configuration and ProtectionMCSEPRIVATECLOUD Configure and Deploy Virtual Machinesand Services18


LEVELMicrosoft Technology AssociateMTA: IT Infrastructure1Passing any one exam achieves MTA certification.Pass all four IT Infrastructure exams to validate the breadth of skills needed to pursue MCSA certification.COURSE 40365EXAM 98-365COURSE 40366EXAM 98-366COURSE 40367EXAM 98-367EXAM 98-369Windows talsSecurity FundamentalsCloud Fundamentals UnderstandingSecurity Layers Understand the Cloud Understanding ServerInstallation UnderstandingNetwork Infrastructures Understanding Server Roles UnderstandingNetwork Hardware UnderstandingActive Directory UnderstandingProtocols and Services Understanding Storage Understanding OperatingSystem Security UnderstandingNetwork Security UnderstandingSecurity SoftwareMTA Enable MicrosoftCloud Services Administer Office 365and Microsoft Intune Use and ConfigureMicrosoft Cloud Services Support Cloud Users Understanding ServerPerformance Management Understanding ServerMaintenance20

LEVELMicrosoft Certified Solutions AssociateMCSA: Office 3652Passing two exams achieves an MCSA certification.MTACOURSE 20346EXAM 346COURSE 20346EXAM 347Managing Office 365 Identities andRequirementsEnabling Office 365 ServicesMCSA Manage Clients and End-User DevicesOFFICE 365 Provision Office 365 Provision SharePoint Online Site Collections Plan and Implement Networking andSecurity in Office 365 Configure Exchange Online and Lync Onlinefor End Users Manage Cloud Identities Plan for Exchange Online and Lync Online Implement and Manage Identitiesby Using DirSync Implement and Manage FederatedIdentities [Single Sign-On (SSO)] Monitor and Troubleshoot Office 365Availability and Usage21

LEVELMicrosoft Certified Solutions ExpertMCSE: Communication3Passing both exams is required to achieve MCSE certification.MCSAOFFICE 365ORMCSACOURSE 20336EXAM 336COURSE 20337EXAM 337Core Solutions of MicrosoftLync Server 2013Enterprise Voice and Online Serviceswith Microsoft Lync Server 2013 Plan and Design a Lync Topology Design Enterprise Voice Plan and Design Lync Features Design and Configure Network Services Deploy and Configure Lync Configure Enterprise Voice Manage Operations and DataResiliency for Lync Plan and Configure a Lync OnlineHybrid SolutionMCSECOMMUNICATIONWINDOWSSERVER 201222

LEVELMicrosoft Certified Solutions ExpertMCSE: Messaging3Passing both exams is required to achieve MCSE certification.MCSAOFFICE 365ORMCSAWINDOWSSERVER 2012COURSE 20341EXAM 341COURSE 20342EXAM 342Core Solutions of Microsoft ExchangeServer 2013Advanced Solutions of MicrosoftExchange Server 2013 Plan, Install, Configure, andManage Transport Configure, Manage, and MigrateUnified Messaging Install, Configure, and Managethe Mailbox Role Design, Configure, and ManageSite Resiliency Plan, Install, Configure, andManage Client Access Troubleshooting Design and Manage an ExchangeInfrastructureMCSEMESSAGING Configure and Manage Compliance,Archiving, and Discovery Solutions Implement and Manage Coexistence,Hybrid Scenarios, Migration, and Federation23

LEVELMicrosoft Certified Solutions ExpertMCSE: SharePoint3Passing both exams is required to achieve MCSE certification.MCSAOFFICE 365ORMCSAWINDOWSSERVER 2012COURSE 20331EXAM 331COURSE 20332EXAM 332Core Solutions of Microsoft SharePointServer 2013Advanced Solutions of MicrosoftSharePoint Server 2013 Design a SharePoint Topology Plan Business Continuity Management Plan Security Plan a SharePoint Environment Install and Configure SharePoint Farms Upgrade and Migrate a SharePointEnvironment Create and Configure Web Applicationsand Site Collections Maintain a Core SharePoint EnvironmentMCSESHAREPOINT Create and Configure Service Applications Manage SharePoint Solutions, BI, andSystems Integration24


LEVELMicrosoft Technology AssociateMTA: Database Fundamentals1Passing any one exam achieves MTA certification.Pass a set of four IT Infrastructure exams to validate breadth of skills needed for a DBA career.COURSE 40364EXAM 98-364IT INFRASTRUCTURECOURSES AND EXAMSDatabase Fundamentals Windows Operating System Fundamentals Understanding Security Layers Windows Server AdministrationFundamentals Understanding Operating System Security Understanding Network Security Understanding Security SoftwareMTA Networking Fundamentals Security Fundamentals26

LEVELMicrosoft Certified Solutions AssociateMCSA: SQL Server 20122Passing all three exams is required to achieve MCSA certification.MTACOURSE 20461EXAM 461COURSE 20462EXAM 462COURSE 20463EXAM 463*Querying MicrosoftSQL ServerAdministering MicrosoftSQL Server Databases Create Database Objects Install and ConfigureImplementing a DataWarehouse with MicrosoftSQL Server Work with Data Maintain Instances andDatabases Design and Implement aData Warehouse Optimize and Troubleshoot Extract and Transform DataLoad Data Modify Data Troubleshoot and Optimize Manage Data Implement Security Implement High AvailabilityMCSASQL SERVER2012 Configure and DeploySSIS Solutions Build Data Quality Solutions*See page 56 for availableexam substitutions.27

LEVELUpgrade Paths toMCSA: SQL Server 2012UPassing two exams is required to achieve MCSA certification.MCTS:EXAM 457EXAM 458SQL SERVER 2008,IMPLEMENTATION ANDMAINTENANCETransition Your MCTS on SQL Server2008 to MCSA: SQL Server 2012,Part 1Transition Your MCTS on SQL Server2008 to MCSA: SQL Server 2012,Part 2 Create Database Objects Manage Data Work with Data Implement Security Modify Data Implement High Availability Troubleshoot and Optimize Queries Design and Implement aData WarehouseSQL SERVER 2008,BUSINESS INTELLIGENCEDEVELOPMENT ANDMAINTENANCESQL SERVER 2008,DATABASEDEVELOPMENTMCSA:SQL SERVER 2008 Install and Configure SQL Server Maintain Instances and Databases Optimize and Troubleshoot SQL ServerMCSASQL SERVER2012 Extract and Transform Data Load Data Configure and Deploy SSIS Solutions Build Data Quality Solutions28

LEVELMicrosoft Certified Solutions ExpertMCSE: Data Platform3Passing both exams is required to achieve MCSE certification.MCSASQL SERVER2012COURSE 20464EXAM 464COURSE 20465EXAM 465Developing Microsoft SQL ServerDatabasesDesigning Database Solutions forMicrosoft SQL Server Implement Database Objects Design Database Structure Implement Programming Objects Design Databases and Database Objects Design Database Objects Design Database Security Optimize and Troubleshoot Queries Design a Troubleshooting andOptimization SolutionMCSEDATAPLATFORM29

LEVELMicrosoft Certified Solutions ExpertMCSE: Business Intelligence3Passing both exams is required to achieve MCSE certification.MCSASQL SERVER2012COURSE 20466EXAM 466COURSE 20467EXAM 467Implementing Data Models andReports with Microsoft SQL ServerDesigning Business IntelligenceSolutions with Microsoft SQL Server Build an Analysis Services Database Plan Business Intelligence (BI) Infrastructure Manage, Maintain, and Troubleshoot anSSAS Database Design BI Infrastructure Build a Tabular Data Model Design BI Data Models Build a Report with SQL Server ReportingServices (SSRS)MCSEBUSINESSINTELLIGENCE Design a Reporting Solution Design an ETL Solution30


LEVELMicrosoft Technology AssociateMTA: Software Development1Passing any one exam achieves MTA certification.Pass additional exams to validate breadth of skills needed for given MCSD path.COURSE 40361EXAM 98-361COURSE 40363EXAM 98-363COURSE 40375EXAM 98-375COURSE MVAEXAM 98-379Software DevelopmentFundamentalsWeb DevelopmentFundamentalsSoftware TestingFundamentals Understanding CoreProgramming Programming WebApplicationsHTML5 ApplicationDevelopmentFundamentals UnderstandingObject-OrientedProgramming Working with Dataand Services Understanding GeneralSoftware Development Troubleshooting andDebugging WebApplications Understanding WebApplications Working with Client-SideScripting Understanding DesktopApplications Configuring andDeploying WebApplications Understanding Databases Manage the ApplicationLife Cycle Build the User Interfaceby Using HTML5MTA Describe TestingFundamentals Describe TestingMethodology Create Software Tests Format the User Interfaceby Using CSS Manage SoftwareTesting Projects Code by Using JavaScript Work with Bugs Automate SoftwareTesting32

LEVELMicrosoft Certified Solutions DeveloperMCSD: Windows Store Apps Using HTML5 (AppToCert)3MCSD certification is earned by passing App Review, publishing to Windows Store, and passing a single exam.App Review (HTML5) Design the UI Layout and StructureMTA Design and Implement Process LifecycleManagement Plan for the Application Deployment Implement SearchCOURSE 20482EXAM 482Advanced Windows Store AppDevelopment using HTML5 andJavaScript Implement Share Develop Windows Store Apps Manage Application Settings and Preferences Discover and Interact with Devices Implement WinJS Controls Program User Interaction Create Layout-Aware Apps to HandleWindowing Modes Enhance the User Interface Design and Implement the App/Nav Bar Prepare for a Solution DeploymentMCSDWINDOWS STOREAPPS USINGHTML5 Manage Data and Security Manage Input Devices Design and Implement Navigation in an App Create and Manage Tiles Retrieve Data Remotely33

LEVELMicrosoft Certified Solutions DeveloperMCSD: Windows Store Apps Using HTML5 (Exam Only)3Passing all three exams is required to achieve MCSD certification.MTACOURSE 20480EXAM 480COURSE 20481EXAM 481COURSE 20482EXAM 482Programming in HTML5with JavaScript and CSS3Essentials of DevelopingWindows Store Appsusing HTML5 andJavaScriptAdvanced Windows StoreApp Development usingHTML5 and JavaScript Implement and ManipulateDocument Structureand Objects Design Windows Store Apps Develop WindowsStore Apps Access and Secure Data Develop WindowsStore Apps Discover and Interactwith Devices Use CSS3 in Applications Create the User Interface Program User Interaction Program User Interaction Enhance the User Interface Manage Security and Data Manage Data and Security Implement Program FlowMCSDWINDOWS STOREAPPS USINGHTML5 Prepare for a SolutionDeployment34

LEVELUpgrade Paths toMCSD: Web ApplicationsUPassing two exams is required to achieve MCSD certification.MCPD:WEB DEVELOPER 4COURSE 20480EXAM 480COURSE 20486, 20487EXAM 492Programming in HTML5 withJavaScript and CSS3Upgrade your MCPD: WebDeveloper 4 to MCSD: WebApplications Implement and Manipulate DocumentStructure and ObjectsMCSDWEBAPPLICATIONS Design the Application Architecture Implement Program Flow Design the User Experience (UX) Access and Secure Data Develop the User Experience Use CSS3 in Applications Troubleshoot and DebugWeb Applications Design and Implement Security Access Data Design and Implement WCF Services Deploy Web Applications and Services35

LEVELMicrosoft Certified Solutions DeveloperMCSD: Web Applications3Passing all three exams is required to achieve MCSD certification.MTACOURSE 20480EXAM 480*COURSE 20486EXAM 486COURSE 20487EXAM 487Programming in HTML5with JavaScript and CSS3Developing ASP.NET MVCWeb ApplicationsDeveloping WindowsAzure and Web Services Implement and ManipulateDocument Structureand Objects Design the ApplicationArchitecture Accessing Data Implement Program Flow Develop the User Experience Access and Secure Data Use CSS3 in Applications*See page 56 for availableexam substitutions. Design the User Experience Troubleshoot and DebugWeb Applications Design and ImplementSecurityMCSDWEBAPPLICATIONS Querying and ManipulatingData by Using the EntityFramework Designing andImplementing WCF Services Creating and ConsumingWeb API-based Services Deploying Web Applicationsand Services36

LEVELMicrosoft Certified Solutions DeveloperMCSD: SharePoint Applications3Passing all four exams is required to achieve MCSD certification.COURSE 20480EXAM 480*COURSE 20486EXAM 486COURSE 20488EXAM 488COURSE 20489EXAM 489Programming inHTML5 with JavaScriptand CSS3Developing ASP.NETMVC Web ApplicationsDeveloping MicrosoftSharePoint Server 2013Core SolutionsDeveloping MicrosoftSharePoint Server 2013Advanced Solutions Plan and DesignSharePoint Sites Design and Implement Search Implement andManipulate DocumentStructure and Objects Implement Program Flow Access and Secure Data Use CSS3 in Applications*See page 56 for availableexam substitutions. Design the ApplicationArchitecture Design the UserExperience Develop the UserExperience Implement Authorizationand Authentication Access and Manage Data Troubleshoot and DebugWeb Applications Implement SharePointSolutions Design and ImplementSecurity Implement the UserExperience andInformation Architecture Create Business Processes Create Office ApplicationsMCSDSHAREPOINTAPPLICATIONS Implement BusinessConnectivity Services Implement User Profiles andCustomize Social Workload Implement EnterpriseContent Management andWeb Content Management Design for Performance andTroubleshooting Implement ManagedMetadata Service37

LEVELMicrosoft Certified Solutions DeveloperMCSD: Windows Store Apps Using C# (AppToCert)3MCSD certification is earned by passing App Review, publishing to Windows Store, and passing a single exam.App Review (C#) Design the UI Layout and StructureMTA Design and Implement Process LifecycleManagementCOURSE 20485EXAM 485 Plan for the Application DeploymentAdvanced Windows Store AppDevelopment using C# Implement Search Develop Windows Store Apps Implement Share Discover and Interacting with Devices Manage Application Settings and Preferences Program User Interaction Create Layout-Aware Apps to HandleWindowing Modes Enhance the User Interface Design and Implement the App/Nav Bar Prepare for a Solution DeploymentMCSDWINDOWS STOREAPPS USING C# Manage Data and Security Design and Implement Data Presentation Create and Manage Tiles Manage Input Devices Design and Implement Navigation in an App Retrieve Data Remotely38

LEVELMicrosoft Certified Solutions DeveloperMCSD: Windows Store Apps Using C# (Exam Only)3Passing all three exams is required to achieve MCSD certification.MTACOURSE 20483EXAM 483COURSE 20484EXAM 484COURSE 20485EXAM 485Programming in C#Essentials of DevelopingWindows Store Appsusing C#Advanced WindowsStore App Developmentusing C# Design Windows Store Apps Develop WindowsStore Apps Manage Program Flow Create and Use Types Debug Applications andImplement Security Implement Data Access Develop WindowsStore Apps Create the User Interface Program User Interaction Manage Security and DataMCSDWINDOWS STOREAPPS USING C# Discover and Interactingwith Devices Program User Interaction Enhance the User Interface Manage Data and Security Prepare for a SolutionDeployment39

LEVELMicrosoft Certified Solutions DeveloperMCSD: Application Lifecycle Management3Passing all three exams is required to achieve MCSD certification.COURSE 20496EXAM 496MTAAdministering MicrosoftVisual Studio TeamFoundation Server 2012 Install and Configure TeamFoundation Server Manage TeamFoundation Server Customize Team FoundationServer for Team Use Administer Version ControlEXAM 497EXAM 498Software Testing withVisual Studio 2012Delivering Continuous Valuewith Visual Studio 2012Application Lifecycle Mgmt Create and ConfigureTest Plans Manage Test Cases Define an Effective End-to-EndSoftware Development Lifecycle Manage Test Execution Define the ALM ProcessMCSDAPPLICATIONLIFECYCLEMANAGEMENT Define a Software Iteration Define End Value for theSoftware Iteration Develop Customer Valuewith High Quality Integrate Developmentand Operations40


LEVELMicrosoft SpecialistMicrosoft Specialist: Azure2Passing any one exam is required to achieve Microsoft Specialist certification.COURSE 20532EXAM 532COURSE 20533EXAM 533EXAM 534Developing Microsoft Azure SolutionsImplementing Microsoft AzureInfrastructure SolutionsConfiguring Advanced Windows Server2012 Services Create and Manage Virtual Machines Implement Websites Design and Implement Cloud Services Implement Virtual Machines Design Microsoft Azure Infrastructureand Networking Design and Implement a Storage Strategy Implement Cloud Services Manage Application and Network Services Implement Storage Design and Implement Websites Implement an Azure Active Directory Implement Virtual Networks Secure Resources Design an Application Storage andData Access Strategy Design an Advanced Application Design Websites Design a Management, Monitoring,and Business Continuity Strategy42


LEVELUpgrade Paths from Windows 7MCSA: Windows 8UPassing one exam is required to achieve MCSA certification.MCITP:COURSE 20689EXAM 689ENTERPRISE DESKTOPADMINISTRATOR ONWINDOWS 7Upgrading Your Skills to MCSA Windows 8ENTERPRISE DESKTOPSUPPORT TECHNICIANON WINDOWS 7 Configure Hardware and ApplicationsMCSA: Install and Upgrade to Windows 8.1 Configure Remote Access and Mobility Configure System and DataRecovery Options Support Operating System andApplication InstallationMCSAWINDOWS 8 Maintain Resource Access Support Windows Clients and DevicesWINDOWS 744

LEVELUpgrade Paths from earlier versions of WindowsMCSA: Windows 8UPassing one exam is required to achieve MCSA certification.MCDST:COURSE 20689EXAM 692WINDOWS XPUpgrading Your Windows XP Skills to MCSA Windows 8MCSA or MCSE:WINDOWS 2000WINDOWS SERVER 2003 Install and Upgrade to Windows 8.1 Configure Hardware and Applications Configure Remote Access and Mobility Configure System and DataRecovery Options Support Operating System andApplication InstallationMCSAWINDOWS 8 Maintain Resource Access Support Windows Clients and Devices45

LEVELUpgrade Paths toMCSA: Windows Server 2012UPassing one exam is required to achieve MCSA certification.MCITP:VIRTUALIZATIONADMINISTRATOR ONWINDOWS SERVER 2008 R2ENTERPRISE MESSAGINGADMINISTRATOR 2010COURSE 20417EXAM 417Upgrading Your Skills to MCSA Windows Server 2012 Deploy and Configure CoreNetwork Services Configure a Network Policy ServerInfrastructure Create and Manage Group Policy Configure and Manage Active DirectorySHAREPOINTADMINISTRATOR 2010 Configure File and Print Services Configure and Manage Group PolicyENTERPRISE DESKTOPADMINISTRATOR Install and Configure Servers Configure and Manage High Availability Configure Server Roles and Features Configure File and Storage Solutions Configure Hyper-V Implement Business Continuity andDisaster RecoveryLYNC SERVERA

Welcome to the Microsoft Training and Certification Guide. This guide is intended to provide a quick, comprehensive view of our training and certification landscape, and covers all of . ENTERPRISE DESKTOP SUPPORT TECHNICIAN ON WINDOWS 7 MCSA: WINDOWS 7 Install and Upgrade to Windows 8.1