THE CORRELATION BETWEEN STUDENTS HABITIN READING ENGLISH AND VOCABULARY ACHIEVEMENT IN SMAUNISMUH MAKASSAR(A Descriptive Research at the Second Grade of SMA Unismuh Makassar)A ThesisProposed as the Fulfillment to Accomplish Sarjana DegreeAt faculty of Teacher Training and EducationMakassar Muhammadiyah UniversityBy:HUSNAINI105351114116ENGLISH EDUCATION DEPARTMENTFACULTY OF TRAINING AND EDUCATIONMUHAMMADIYAH UNIVERSITY OF MAKASSARAPRIL 2021i
FAKULTAS KEGURUAN DAN ILMU PENDIDIKANUNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH MAKASSARSURAT PERNYATAANNama: HusnainiNIM: 105351114116Program: English Education DepartmentTITLE: The correlation between students’ reading habit in Englishand vocabulary achievement in SMA Unismuh MakassarSkripsi yang saya ajukan di depan tim penguji adalah hasil karya saya sendiribukan hasil ciplakan dan tidak dibuatkan oleh siapapun.Demikian pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sebenar-benarnya danbersedia menerima sanksi apabila pernyataan saya tidak benar.Makassar,November 2020Yang membuat perjanjianHusnainivi
FAKULTAS KEGURUAN DAN ILMU PENDIDIKANUNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH MAKASSARSURAT PERJANJIANNama: HusnainiNIM: 10535114116Program: English Education DepartmentTITLE: The correlation between students reading habit in English andvocabulary achievementDengan ini menyatakan perjanjian sebagai berikut:1.Mulai dari penyusunan proposal sampai dengan selesai skripsi saya,saya akan menyusun sendiri skripsi saya.2. Dalam menyusun skripsi, saya akan selalu konsultasi dengan pembimbing.3. Saya tidak akan melakukan penjiplakan (plagiat) dalam menyusun skripsi saya.4. Apabila saya melanggar perjanjian saya seperti yang tertera pada butir 1, 2, dan3 maka saya bersedia menerima sanksi sesuai dengan aturan yang berlaku.Demikian perjanjian ini saya buat dengan penuh kesadaran.Makassar, November 2020Yang membuat perjanjianHusnainivii
MOTTO AND DEDICATIONMOTTOIt Only Takes a Smile To Hide a MillionTears, smile is a simple way of enjoying life.DEDICATIONI dedicated this thesis to my beloved parentsand my families who always love, support,and pray for me. Thank you for being mybiggest motivatiors to finish this thesis.viii
ABSTRACTHUSNAINI. 2020. In this study, the researcher wanted to find out therelationship between students' reading habits in English and vocabularyachievement (Descriptive Research at the Second Grade of SMA UnismuhMakassar). Supervised by Bahrun Amin at the first supervisor and also MaharidaAs my second supervisor.There are two problem formulations used in this study, namely, (1) How isthe students' habit in reading English text when learning English in the secondgrade of SMA Unismuh Makassar. (2) How is the correlation between studentsreading habits and their vocabulary achievement at the second grade of SMAUnismuh Makassar.This study aims to determine the correlation between students' readinghabits in English and vocabulary achievement at the second grade (IPA) of SMAUnismuh Makassar. In this study, using the correlation description method whichconsists of two instruments in collecting data, namely questionnaires and tests.This research was conducted in a class at SMA Unismuh Makassar wherethe sample chosen by the researcher was class two science consisting of 27students in one class. The results in this study indicate that variable X to variableY has a correlation with the degree of the correlation, namely a weak correlationin the form of a negative correlation.The negative correlation is the higher the variable X, the lower the Yvariable and vice versa. The data analysis calculation of r is the lower r-table(-0.287 0.3809). This means that there is no significant correlation betweenstudents' reading habits in English and vocabulary achievement. In other words,hypothesis H0 is accepted and hypothesis H1 is rejected.Key words: Reading Habit and Vocabulary Achievementix
ABSTRAKHUSNAINI.2020. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti ingin mencari tahu hubunganantara kebiasaan siswa dalam membaca teks bahasa inggris dengan pencapaiankosa kata ( Penelitian Deskripif at the Second Grade of SMA Unismuh Makassar).Di bimbing oleh Bahrun Amin sebagai pembimbing satu dan juga Maharidaselaku pembimbing dua saya.Ada dua rumusan masalah yang di gunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu, (1)Bagaimana kebiasaan siswa membaca teks bahasa inggris ketika belajar bahasainggris di kelas dua SMA Unismuh Makassar. (2) Bagaimana hubungan antarakebiasaan siswa dalam membaca dan pencapaian kosa kata mereka di SMAUnismuh Makassar. Penelitian ini bertujuan ingin mengetahui hubungan antarakebiasaan siswa dalam membaca bacaan bahasa inggris dengan pencapaian kosakata pada kelas dua (IPA) di SMA Unismuh Makassar.Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskripsi hubungan yangterdiri dari dua instrument dalam mengumpulkan data yaitu kuestioner dan tes.Penelitian ini di lakukan di kelas di SMA Unismuh Makassar dimana sampel yangdi pilih oleh peneliti yaitu kelas dua IPA yang terdiri dari 27 siswa dalam satukelas. Hasil dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan variabel X terhadap variabel Ymemiliki korelasi dengan derajat hubungan yaitu korelasi lemah dalam bentukhubungan negatif.Hubungan negatif itu semakin tinggi variabel X maka semakin rendahvariabel Y begitupun sebaliknya. Data analisis perhitungan r adalah lebih rendahr-table (-0.287 0.3809). Artinya, tidak ada korelasi yang signifikan antarakebiasaan membaca siswa dalam bahasa Inggris dengan pencapaian kosa kata.Dengan kata lain hipotesis H0 diterima dan hipotesis H1 ditolak.Key words: Kebiasaan membaca dan pencapaian kosakatax
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSAlhamdulliahi Robbil Alamin, the author would like to thank Allah SWT.Which has provided guidance, good health and long life. So that researchers canfinish writing this thesis. Greetings and prayers are addressed to the beloved andchosen messenger, the best man of the Prophet Muhammad SAW ( peace beupon him).Salawat and salam addressed to the prophet Muhammad SAW for hisguidance There was some handicaps and problems that the researcherencountered from the beginning to the end of writing this thesis, owing to helpand invaluable suggestion from numerous people, the researcher could completethis thesis. The researcher would like to express her appreciation and sincerethanks to all of them particularly:Researchers would like to express their deepest gratitude to the belovedparents Muhammad Bassa 'and Hasmawati for their prayers, love, finances,motivation, support and sacrifice for the success of the author. As well asbeloved brothers and sisters who always give me support and advice to completemy studies.xi
Therefore, I express his gratitude and respect to:1. Prof. Dr. H. Ambo Asse, M.Ag, the Rector of the MuhammadiyahUniversity of Makassar his advice during her studied at the University2. Erwin Akib, S.Pd., M.Pd., Ph.D, the Dean of Teacher Training andEducation Faculty3. Ummi Khaerati Syam, S.Pd., M.Pd, the Head of English EducationDepartment of FKIP UNISMUH Makassar4. The researcher most profound and sincere appreciation is due to his firstconsultant Dr. Haji Bahrun Amin. M. Hum. and to her second consultantMaharida, S.Pd., M.Pd. who patiently guided and assisted the rescarcher tofinish this thesis by giving their suggestion, motivation, and correction.5. My heartful thank to all lecturer of the FKIP UNISMUH especially to thelecturer of English Department and all staff of Muhammadiyah Universityof Makassar for their guidance during the year of the researcher’s study.6. The researcher's deep appreciation for a headmaster of SMAMuhammadiyah 1 Unismuh Makassar and the English teacher Mrs. SittiMuhajirah, S.Pd., and all the students, especially for the XI IPA inacademic year 2020/2021 who have spared their time and activities forsubject of this research.7. The researcher's beloved family, my brothers and sisters as well as allfamily members cannot be mentioned here. Thank you for your help andmotivationxii
8. Thank you very much to my dear friend; Erlita, Ardiya, Rani, Asty andNabila who always gave me encouragement while working on my thesis,for her friendship, togetherness, support, humor, advice, and time were themost important things.9. And also thanks to my friends from the Language UKM especially zona 4who have given me encouragement and support while working on mythesis and also thanks to my KKN friend, Aulia who has helped me in dataprocessing.Many people who have help the researcher that can't mention one by one,thanks all. Nothing is perfect but Allah SWT, the researcher realizes that thisthesis is still not perfect. Therefore, construction and suggestion will be highlyappreciated.Makassar, November 2020Husnainixiii
TABLE OF CONTENSCOVER .iAPPROVEL SHEET . iiCOUNSELING SHEET I . iiiCOUNSELING SHEET II .ivSURAT PERNYATAAN .vSURAT PERJANJIAN .viMOTTO AND DEDICATION . viiABSTRACT . viiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT .xTABLE OF CONTENTS.xLIST OF TABLE . xiiiLIST OF FIGURE .xvLIST OF APPENDICES .xviChapter I Introduction .1A. Background .1B. Research Question .4C. Objectives of the Research .5D. Significant of the Research .5E. Scope of the Research .5Chapter II Review of Literature .6A. Previous Related Research Findings .6B. Some Pertinent Ideas .8C. Conceptual Framework .35D. Hyphothesis of the Research .36Chapter III Research Design .37A. Research Design .37B. Research Variable and Indicators.37C. Population and Sample .38xiv
D. Instrument of the Research.39E. Data Collection.40F. Technique of Data Analysis .41CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION .46A. Finding .46B. Discussion .53CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONSA. Conclusion .57B. Suggestion .57BIBLIOGRAPHY .58APPENDICECURRICULUM VITAExv
LIST OF TABLETabel 2.1Types reguler and irreguler .22Tabel 2.2Adjectives and meaning .23Tabel 3.1Likert Scales .31Table 3.2Classifying the students’ score .32Table 3.3Classifying the students’ percent .36Table 3.4Interpretation of the value of r .38Table 4.1Categorization of students’ habit .40Table 4.2Classification of students’ main scorein students’ habit .42Table 4.3Categorization of students’ vocabulary achievement .42Table 4.4Classification of students’main score in students’ vocabularyachievement.44Table 4.5Analysiscorrelation between students’ reading habit (X) andvocabulary achievents (Y) .45Table 4.6Correlation between variabel X and variable Y .46xvi
LIST OF FIGURETabel 2.1Conceptual framework .29Table 4.1Watching English Reading Habit .41Table 4.2Vocabulary Achievement .43xvii
LIST OF FIGUREAppendix 1Questionnaire of Reading Habit in English .58Appendix IIQuesetionnare Student Scores’ .60Appendix IIIVocabulary Test ( Narrative Text )Appendix IVVocabulary Student Scores’ .69Appendix VResults of Reading Habit And Vocabulary Achievement.62Count .71xviii
CHAPTER IINTRODUCTIONA. BackgroundVocabulary is generally defined as the main key of English conversation.One aspect of language and is the most important part of language as acommunication tool. According to Laufer (2003) vocabulary is the brain oflearning in the use of language. It was explained that vocabulary was importantbecause it was the most important skill students had to master. Before they getother language skills such as listening, speaking, writing and reading. Learningvocabulary does not start from the vocabulary first. This is explained by thestatement of Hatch and Brown (2000). Vocabulary is the main pillar to buildlanguage, in which there is communication. people who have limited vocabularywill have difficulty speaking. During the student learning process in theclassroom, students will learn about language structure and grammar. But eventhough in class, about grammar they also still have difficulty masteringvocabulary well. They have difficulty memorizing new words and they havelimited vocabulary.Habit is a general action that has been carried out by humans continuously.According to Sujatmiko (2014) habit is a repeated action in the same form that isdone consciously and has a clear purpose. This habit is done by people when it isliked so it is done repeatedly. According to Andrews (1903) is a more uncertainway of thinking, the will or desire is obtained through repetition and previousmental experience.1
In the learning process of English reading skills is the ability of studentsto understand the various short texts and simple narrative-shaped essays andreviews in the context of everyday life and to access science. Write text. NationalStandard Agency Education 2006: 156.According to Fachrurrozi and Erta Mahyuddin 2010: 65 the readinghabit is an attempt to understand the information delivered through the writing. Tobe able to dig written information, the knowledge is required about the structureand language vocabulary and pay attention to the language rules, from the soundaspect until the meaning of the word.Student vocabulary achievement is a major factor in learning English. Inthe curriculum, achieving vocabulary is very important. Based on Englishsubjects, the curriculum in Indonesia in 1994 illustrated the aim of teachingEnglish is so that students can communicate in English. Students must reachwords for junior high school level, and 2500 for senior high school level. For mostEnglish subjects at the secondary school level, vocabulary is often a problem. Thelack of vocabulary is very influential in mastering four English language skills,especially in reading. Reading is one important element in learning English. Byreading and understanding the meaning of texts, students can obtain variousinformation and enrich their knowledge. Nowadays, most students don't like toread, they find reading boring. In fact, reading is the process of transferringknowledge.Vocabulary as one aspect of language must be learned when people arelearning languages. because vocabulary is the main key in learning English.2
according to (Hornby: 2010) Vocabulary is "all words that are known and used bycertain people". English vocabulary is also one of the main challenges faced bystudents who study English as a second or foreign language. Good vocabularymastery is important for students who learn the language used in listening,speaking, writing, and reading.Vocabulary knowledge plays an important role in reading comprehension.Vocabulary and reading cannot be separated, because the two are related to eachother. Vocabulary is very important for reading comprehension. Readers cannotunderstand what they are reading without knowing what most of the words mean.when students read an English reading text then in the reading there are manywords that are difficult to understand, so vocabulary plays an important role toknow. according to Hirsch,E.D. (2003) Vocabulary experts agree that adequatereading comprehension depends on someone who already knows between 90 and95 percent of the words in a text. Knowing at lea st 90 percent of words allowsthe reader to get the main idea from reading and guess correctly what themeanings of many unknown words mean, which will help them learn new words.Readers who don't recognize at least 90 percent of words will not only havedifficulty understanding the text, but they will lose the opportunity to learn newwords.Reading means seeing briefly and being ready to understand the readingwhen reading. Besides reading is an important ability such as listening, speaking,and writing. Students' understanding of reading English is still low. Reading is nota simple or easy task, arguing that the writing they are reading is not in their own3
language. As we know they have studied English for several years and it can beadmitted that they cannot understand the message well.Teaching English is now a challenge from before. To help students masterlanguage skills and in improving language skills, teachers must prove teaching,good qualities that are encouraging and interesting. Reading books are provided in'native language' which is used in the original settings where foreign languages areused. Based on the lecturer / teacher's explanation, they should prefer to useEnglish reading books as an additional source for their teaching activities.Based on the observations of researchers at SMA Unismuh Makassar.Researchers found several problems with students in learning English, one ofwhich is the lack of interest in reading English texts in class XI IPA at SMAUnismuh Makassar. With a lack of interest in reading English texts in secondgrade science, the researcher was asked by the English teacher there to research inthat class.Based on the problem described above, researchers are interested inconducting research about the The Correlation Between Students Habit InReading English And Vocabulary Achievment In SMA Unismuh Makassar .B. Research QuestionBased on the previous backgraound, research formulated the researchquestion inquestion forms as follow :1. How is the students’ habit in reading English text when learningEnglish in the second grade of SMA Unismuh Makassar?4
2. How is the correlation between students reading habit andtheirvocabulary achievement at the second grade of SMA UnismuhMakassar ?C. Objectives of the Research1. To find out students' habits in understanding English reading texts2. To know the correlation between students reading habit and howto achieve their vocabulary through the habit of reading EnglishtextsD. Significant of the ResearchIn this study, there are two important considerations: for teachers,this study provides information about the habit of reading English texts inclass. And find out the correlation between students' habits in readingEnglish reading texts and vocabulary achievement.E. Scope of the ResearchIn research, it is very important to make the scope of research to obtainrelevant data. There are some skills that might be observable, but in this study,this research will focus on reading habits and also vocabulary achievement.This research also needs to look at the correlation between two things namely(students' reading habits and their vocabulary achievement).5
CHAPTER IIREVIEW OF LITERATUREA. Previous Related Research FindingsReading habits and vocabulary achievement are two important skills.Some researchers conducted several studies on reading habits that correlatewith vocabulary achievement. Krashen (2011), Professor Emeritus at theUniversity of Southern California has investigated many cases related to thepower of reading. He emphasized Free Voluntary Reading (FVR). FVR meansreading because someone wants to. For school-aged children, FVR means thereare no book reports, no questions at the end of the chapter, and no search forvocabulary words. He gathered a lot of research that proves FVR that readingcomprehension is not only in Indonesian but also in vocabulary mastery .Elley and Mangubhai (1983) conducted a research which showed that freereading habit has a dramatic effect on second language acquirers. In their study,fourth and fifth grade students of English as a foreign language were dividedinto 10 three groups for their 30 minute daily English class. One group hadtraditional audio-lingual method instruction, a second did only free reading,while a third did “shared reading”. Group reading is a good method of sharingbooks with class, so that students are read by the teacher, as in a bedtime story.They then talk about the book, they read it together, they act out the story, theydraw the parts and write their own information, they rewrite the story withvarious characters or events. After two years, the results revealed that the free6
reading group and the group reading together were far superior to thetraditional group in reading, writing and grammar comprehension tests.Gallik conducted a study in March 1999 entitled "Are They Reading forFun? Reading Habits of Student Recreation ". The purpose of this study is toreveal whether there is a relationship between academic achievement and timespent in recreational reading. He surveyed the reading habits of students of theCollege of Liberal Arts. A total of 151 surveys were administered in theEnglish composition courses. By using Pearson product moment correlation theresult showed that there was a significant correlation between cumulative gradepoint average and the time spent for pleasure reading. As the results shown, thestudents who have a good reading habit also have a better academicachievement. It could be inferred that this relationship could indicate thatstudents who spend more time reading have, in general, superior academicskills and these skills help them achieve academic success.There is also substantial evidence that reading, especially reading pleasure,is a source of literacy development. therefore Lee and Krashen (1996) reportthat 11 people who read more write better, read better, spell better, have greatervocabulary and have superior grammar competence.After seeing several studies on reading, the author pays attention to hisresearch on the correlation between reading habits and the vocabulary retentionof students, which is to ascertain whether there is a significant correlationbetween reading habits and student vocabulary achievement or not.7
B. Some Pertinent IdeasDefinition of terms to reflect the research items, there are several termsused by researchers in making this research, to clarify researchers provide somedefinitions as follows:a. ReadingReading is the process of seeing a series of written symbols andobtaining meaning from written symbols. By reading we use our eyes tosee written symbols. such as punctuation, spaces and so on. And too inthese readings we convert them into sentences, paragraphs to form areading that we can read. Because according to Sandjaja (2005). reading isthe process of being able to recognize words and integrate them into wordmeanings and become sentences in the structure of reading. Besides that .Finochiaro (1973) explains that reading is understanding a meaning in thewritten language and understanding its meaning contained in a reading.According to Lado, (1976) to Reading is understanding of somepatterns or grammar of a written picture. While according to GorysReading is a process that contains physical and mental components.besides that it can also be translated as a methodology that givesimportance to visual images. Reading is the process carried out by thereader to get the message, which will be conveyed from the author usingthe word media or written language as explained by Hodgson : 1960.8
Besides that Frederick Mcdonald, (1996) gives the sense that readingis a complete set of responses, which includes attitude, cognitive, andmanipulative responses. And Bonomo (1973) also explained that reading isa way to understand a meaning and its meaning in the written language,and there is also the opinion that reading is a process of communicationbetween readers and writers using written language (Kolker).There are many ways of reading styles such as silence or loudnessdepending on each individual which makes them comfortable. Reading is areseotive skill. by reading someone can get information. reading alsorequires speaking skills so that we can hear what we read with otherpeople. That way by reading we can share information with other people.As explained by Smith in the book Ginting (2005) that Reading is aprocess that builds an understanding of the essence of the written readingtext. Juel and Sandjaja (2005) Reading is about knowing some new wordsand coordinating the importance of words into sentences. Juel andSandjaja (2005) explained that reading is about knowing some new wordsand coordinating the importance of words into sentences.Reading is a multi-faceted process, which can be described atvarious time and developmental stages as a thinking process (Wallace andLarsen, 1987). Reading is one of the language skills that is very importantbecause by reading someone is able to easily explain the contents f thereading as well as easily understand the purpose of the reading that areread. Reading is also able to increase knowledge in English. because by9
reading it can improve new words and then be applied in English. Readingis very helpful for those who want to learn English.1. The Nature of Readinga. According to Keller (1983: 3) reading is a process ofcommunication between readers and writers with writtenlanguage. There are three things that are essential, namelyaffective, cognitive, and language. Affective behavior refers tofeelings, whereas cognitive behavior refers to thoughts, andlanguage behavior refers to the child's language.b. Syafi’ei (1994: 6-7) mentions the nature of reading is thedevelopment of skills, ranging from the skills to understand words,sentences, paragraphs in reading to understanding critically theentire contents of the reading. then visual activity, which is in theform of a series of eye movements in following the lines ofwriting and reviewing words and groups of words to gain anunderstanding of reading.c. Reading as a processing of words, concepts, information and ideasstated by the author related to the knowledge and the initialexperience of the reader.d. Deglas ( in Cox,1998: 6) provides a definition of reading as aprocess of creating meaning of everything that is in theenvironment where the reader develops a consciousness.10
According to Simanjuntak, (1988), Reading habit is the number ofrepetitions in given time to read the English text . According to (Shen, 2006).Reading habits can be identified by reading the material students read, thefrequency of reading, the time spent reading and the purpose of reading. Readingmaterial is determined from students' reading habits. Students who have goodreading habits usually read several types of readings. When students read severaltypes of reading it will develop reading and writing skills in native and foreignlanguages (Cecile, 1989).When students read a variety of books, they spend more time reading
TITLE : The correlation between students reading habit in English and vocabulary achievement Dengan ini menyatakan perjanjian sebagai berikut: 1. Mulai dari penyusunan proposal sampai dengan selesai skripsi saya, saya akan menyusun sendiri skripsi saya. 2. Dalam menyusun sk