
THE EXISTENCE OF WILL TRAYNOR TO DEFINE HIS LIFE IN MEBEFORE YOU NOVEL BY JOJO MOYESA THESISSubmitted as a Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements for the SarjanaDegree of English Department Faculty of Arts and Humanities State IslamicUniversity of Sunan Ampel SurabayaBy : Filda Hilmia AdibahReg. Number : A73214037ENGLISH DEPARTMENTFACULTY OF ARTS AND HUMANITIESSTATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY SUNAN AMPEL SURABAYA2018i

ABSTRACTAdibah. 2018. The Existence of Will Traynor in Jojo Moyes’s Novel Me BeforeYou That Lead His Essence. English Departement, Faculty of Letters andHumanities, State Islamic University (UIN) Sunan Ampel. Surabaya.Advisor : Sufi Ikrima Sa’adah, M.HumThis thesis attempts to analyze a controversial novel written by an EnglishJournalist, Jojo Moyes under the titled Me Before You. The theme of this romanticnovel is about someone’s freedom in the way of choosing his own life choice.This thesis focuses on the main character in the novel, Will Traynor, who decidesto end his life, when he feels the life that he is living is not the life that he wants.Me Before You is a novel describes an effort of Will Traynor to rejectdetermination in his life through his choices. Life is made up of choices. Humanhave various destiny points that we must live through in this lifetime, with thesedestiny points firmly implanted in our soul makeup, we also have ‘free will’ andcan choose how we will live through the situation at hand.The result of this study shows that Will’s existence is expressed by his lifechoices and responsibilities. His choices to isolate himself and commits suicide,that makes him sacrifice his relationship and love. Until he has feeling of havingfull right to die defines that he is a brave person becomes his essence in his life.Dealing with the focus of the study above, this research uses new criticism asbasic theory to analyze Will Traynor’s characterization. In other way, to knowdeeper about existence and essence, researcher uses Jean Paul Sartre’sexistentialism theory. By choosing Sartre’s existentialism theory, it explains moredeeply the phases faced by Will Traynor in order to show his existence, until inthe end he decides to end up his life as main point of his essence.Keyterms : Existence, essence, choice,

INTISARIAdibah. 2018. The Existence of Will Traynor in Jojo Moyes’s Novel Me BeforeYou That Lead His Essence. Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra danHumaniora, Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Sunan Ampel. Surabaya.Pembimbing : Sufi Ikrima Sa’adah, M.HumSkripsi ini menganalisa sebuah novel kontroversi yang ditulis oleh penulisasal Inggris bernama Jojo Moyes, berjudul Me Before You. Novel bergenreromantis ini mengangkat tema tentang kebebasan seseorang dalam memilih jalanhidup. Dengan berfokus pada karakter utama dalam novel yaitu Will Traynoryang memutuskan untuk mengakhiri hidupnya, ketika dia merasa hidup yang iajalani bukanlah hidup yang ia inginkan.Me Before You adalah sebuah novel yang menceritakan tentang sebuahperjuangan Will Traynor dalam menolak determinasi dalam hidup melaluipilihannya. Hidup dibentuk dengan adanya pilihan. Manusia memiliki ketentuanyang harus dilalui dalam sejarah hidupnya. Dengan adanya ketentuan yangterimplementasi didalam pembentukan jiwa, kita juga memiliki kebebasan dalamberkehendak dan memilih bagaimana mengatasi keadaan yang ada.Will Traynor adalah sosok yang kuat dan pemberani. Hal itu ditunjukkanmelalui pilihan hidup dan pertanggung jawabannya dalam mewujudkan eksistensidirinya sendiri. Pilihan hidup yang ia jalani dengan mengisolasi dan lalumemutuskan untuk bunuh diri, membuatnya harus mengorbankan hubungan dancintanya. Hingga pada akhirnya ia merasa memiliki hak penuh untuk mati, yangberarti menunjukkan bahwa Will adalah sosok pemberani yang menjadi esensidikehidupannya. Berdasarkan fokus tersebut, penelitian ini menggunakan teoriNew Criticism sebagai teori dasar untuk menganalisa tokoh Will Traynor,sedangkan untuk menggali lebih lanjut tentang eksistensi dan esensi, penulismenggunakan teori eksistensialism oleh Jean Paul Sartre. Dengan menggunakanteori eksistensialism Sartre, fase-fase Will Traynor dalam menunjukkaneksistensinya akan dijelaskan secara detail sehingga haknya untuk mati, padaakhirnya mendefinisikan esensi dikehidupannya.Kata kunci : Eksistensi, esensi, pilihan hidup dan pertanggung

TABLE OF CONTENTSInside Cover Page .iInside Title Page . iiDeclaration Page .iiiAcknowledgement.ivMotto .vAdvisor’s Approved Page .viExaminer’s Approval Sheet .viiTable of Contents .viiiAbstract .xIntisari .xiCHAPTER I INTRODUCTION1.1 Background of the Study.11.2 Statement of Problem .41.3 Objective of the Study.41.4 Significance of the Study .41.5 Scope and Limitation .51.6 Method of Study .51.6.1 Research Design .51.6.2 Data and Data Source

1.6.3 Data Collection.61.6.4 Data Analysis .6CHAPTER II LITERARY REVIEW2.1 Theoretical Framework .82.1.1 Existentialism .82.1.2 Sartre’s Existentialism .122.1.3 New Criticism .172.2 Previous Study .20CHAPTER III ANALYSIS1. The way Will shows his existence .24A. Through Will’s Freedom of Choice .24B. Through Will’s Responsibility For His Choice .332. The Way Will Shows His Essence .38A. Before Accident . 39B. After Accident . 43C. After Knowing Louisa . 47CHAPTER IV CONCLUSION. 53REFERENCES.

Adibah 1CHAPTER IINTRODUCTION1.1Background of the StudyThis research discusses the novel written by Jojo Moyes, entitled Me BeforeYou. Novel is one of the fiction prose. According to Bluestone, novel contains apiece of prose fictions which are assumable longest. The novel is imaginary objectthat include, myth, symbol and convention to statisfy all time and place (23). Thenovel has been a long story that is written by the author. The author can be free forwriting their imaginations, their feelings or their thoughts.In studying a novel, the readers would know several aspects that build a novel.One of the aspects is intrinsic elements. The intrinsic element is the elements whichdevelops the literary work from inside such as; plot, character and characterization,and the moral value. All of them make story come to alive.In this thesis, the researcher analyzes the novel focus on the main character.According to Gill, character is the person who playing in the novel. While, thecharacterization is the creating of a character in a story (16). The study of characterrequires an analysis of its relations with all of the other character in the work(Aston 35). The individual status of a character is defined through the network ofoppositions that it forms with the other characters (Aston 41).Another way in analyzing literary work is to consider researcher’s ownperspective. Rather than thinking about the author’s intentions, researcher candevelop an argument based on any single term (or combination of terms). Theresearcher will just need to use the original text to defend and explain researcher’

Adibah 2argument to the reader (Anthony 1). The researcher will analyze the main characterin the novel using existentialism by close reading to know further.Existentialism is a term that belongs to intellectual history. According to Sartrein his book Existentialism Is A Humanism, existentialism is theory of free will.Everyone is free choosing their way, without thinking right or wrong. Because eachindividual is unique, the truth is relative and society is unnatural (5).The novel Me Before You is the story about Will Traynor, a successful,wealthy, and active young man. He has perfect life, the life that every man in theworlds wants. He has beloved family, so many cool friends and a beautifulgirlfriend. Unfortunately, when he is on the top, he gets a motorcycle accident thatinjured him very badly. He must spend almost 2 years for the treatment after theaccident that makes him become a C5/6 quadriplegic which means a spinal cordinjury. He cannot move his upper chest until feet, he cannot walk again no matterhow many times he got therapy. Will feels very desperate. The perfect life that Willhave before, suddenly dissapear and becomes so different. Since the accident hebecame anti-social. He isolates himself by spending most of his time in his room,watching movie. He does not want to deal with the people. He likes being alone.Because of his disability, Will feels like his life is meaningless. He hates his life.He feels like this condition is not the life that he must be living. That is why hedecides to end his life through dignitas, a swiss-based assisted suicide organizationafter six months. His mother is totally desperate to refuse her son’s request which isout of mind. She is trying hard to change Will’s decision, by hiring Louisa in orderto be friend with Will. The relationship between Will and Lou is very rough at first,

Adibah 3but by the time Lou finally be able to get Will’s attention. Since then Will starts tochange his behaviour, but not his decision to suicide. Will can not bear to live in awheelchair and there is nothing he could do without the help of someone else. Hecannot bear to live with unrequited love to the woman even that woman loves himback, but he cannot touch her, kiss her or having normal sex with her.In this research the writer decides to analyze the topic with existentialismtheory that focuses on how Will’s existence define his essence. The researcher’sargument about Will’s character in the novel because he is interesting, challengingto analyze his existentialism through Jean Paul Sartre’s theory about free will.Will’s character in this novel is very strong in choosing the way of his own life.The main reason is that he chooses to end his life because that is how he defineshimself. No matter people around him trying to change his mind, no matter truelove with full of acceptance trying to makes him stronger and keep alive, he stillinsists with his decisions about his plan to suicide. Someone will never know abouthow Will Traynor through his life in a wheelchair until he decided to suicide, evenhe has found someone who loves him deeply. Because they never know how does itfeels. Everyone has their own sense experience in life, and it has so various ofdifferences. Everything that Will chooses for his own life is entirely his choice.Therefore, this research seeks to examine the existentialism from intrinsicelement by analyzing the character Will Traynor in the novel Me Before You aswell as his

Adibah 41.2Statement of the Problem1.2.1 How does Will Traynor show his existence in his life?1.2.2 How does Will Traynor define his essence?1.3Objective of the Study1.3.1 To find out the way Will Traynor shows his existence.1.3.2 To find out the way Will Traynor define his essence.1.4Significance of the StudyIn doing this research, The researcher expects this study will giveunderstanding to the readers who read this despite their non-literary backgroundthat every human being freedom to choose the way of life and must be responsibleof the choice that has been choosen. Hence, the result of this study is expected tohelp literature learners in studying existence preeceds essence through choice andresponsibility. The researcher hopes the thesis will be able to give knowledge thateveryone has choice in their life and has to take responsibility for the choice.The researcher hopes the research will enrich reader’s understanding of thetheory existence preeceds essence. It is also hoped that they are able to use thisreasearch as reference of further studies for the lectures and students of Englishdepartment and letters who analyze Me Before You novel by Jojo Moyes usingother theory.1.5Scope and LimitationTo avoid broad discussion, the study is limited to the novel written by JojoMoyes entitled Me Before You. This study focuses on the main character,

Adibah 5Traynor. To answer problem of statements above, Will Traynor’s life choice andresponsibility becomes the most important point to analyze. Therefore, the scope ofthis study focusses on the part of the novel where Will Traynor’s gotunderchanging character in his life before and after got motorcycle accident. Theprocess of Will Traynor showing his existence by his choice and responsibility todefine his essences becomes the scope of this study.1.6Method of the StudyThis part discusses the methodology of the research. It consists of researchdesign, data and data sources, data collection, and data analysis.1.6.1Research DesignThis research uses qualitative methods. The researcher uses library ressearchby using some books and other references like articles, journals and wibsites relateto the subject that will be analyzed. This research will be discriptive qualitativemethods because it is conducted to describe the elements that become object of theresearch.1.6.2Data and Data SourcesData is an important part of the research. There are two sources of data, thefirst data is from the novel itself that is written by Jojo Moyes entitled Me BeforeYou, that contained words or sentences that cited in this study. The secondary dataare taken from some books, thesis, journals and online resources that relate with thenovel and explanation about existentialism

Adibah 61.6.3Data CollectionDue to the most important part of the research is data, so data must be collectedeffectively and completely.a.Reading the novel multiple times to get the best understanding of thestory.b.Highlighting and collecting the sentences that has related to the statementof the life choice that show Will Traynor’s existence and the essence thatdefines his life.c.1.6.4Classifying the data based on objectives of the study.Data analysisAfter applying and collect the data, the researcher then takes a further step –analyze the data which have been already collected from the novel Me Before You.Thus there are several steps in which the researcher would do to analyze the data :a.Analyzing the list selected and collected the naration and conversationfrom the novel that are proving the character of Will Traynor in showinghis existence and essence that define his life.b.Describing how existence preeceds essence presented in the novel basedon the evidences in the selected data list.c.Analyzing the collected data based on the theory and concept in theoricalframework to strengthen the argument of existence preeceds essencethrough choice and responsibilityd.Drawing conclusion based on the result of data

Adibah 7CHAPTER IILITERARY REVIEWReview of literature consists of some theories that are going to be used as theguidance for analyzing this study and the previous study that related with thisresearch. The main purpose of literature review is to make the argument strongerthrough some theories. In review of literature, the writer devides in two generaldiscussion. The first is about the theory that relates to this study itself, and thesecond about the previous study of conducting this research.2.1Theoretical Framework2.1.1 ExistentialismExistentialism comes from Latin word existere that means stand out orbecome. In philosophy, the terms exist and existence denote something activerather than passive. The term existentialism means „pertaining to existence‟(Cuddon 251). According to Graham, existentialism is a proccess of being thanstate of being condition (238). In existentialists‟s thought, man must responsibleof proccess of being. It means that he choose between alternative ways which hasdifferent behaviour, he become himself – who he trully is.Marcel Gabriel (1889-1973) who coined the term “existentialism”, althoughhe was reluctant to be a Christian existentialist (Craig 211). Existentialism isassociated with the family of philosophers, Simon de Beauvoir and Jean PaulSartre, who gathered in Paris at the end of World War II, after the liberation ofParis. The mood is one of enthusiasm, creativity, anguished self-analysis,

Adibah 8freedom. It is linked with the problems of the day, and invites the subsequentgeneration to view them as having the currency of yesterdays news. It is as old asphilosophy itself, because it addresses the issues that matter most in people‟slives. It is also as current as the human condition it examines.Existentialism is the philoshopy that makes an authentically human lifepossible in a meaningless and absurd world (Panza 28). In other words,existentialism is a philoshophical thought that deals with the conditions ofexistence of the individual person and their emotions, actions, responsibilities, andthoughts.The freedom makes human being different with other creature. Most of thecommon existentialists concern in the commitment of freedom humanity andrejection of all determinism forms. According to Warnock, freedom is not abstractthing, but practice. The main purpose is not only studying about freedomcharacteristic, but feels it and shows to the other people that they are free tochoose (109).The intrinsic elements of existentialism according to Heiddegger is freedom.One of human values which aspired poets, politicians, spiritual leaders andphilosophers is freedom. Freedom is absolute thing. Humans responsible to buildtheir own experiences and reality, choices and actions, because life is a gamewithout rules. Everybody can do anything with their life and responsible for whatthey

Adibah 9Plato says in his book Republic, a free man is the man who attitude of thephilosopher. A philosopher is concerned with freedom of the will or the power tochoose between choices. He is in full control of his life using his own judgementin its conduct. He is an expert at pleasure, knows how to organize his life and isable to cope with certain sorts of situation (Gosling 89).Freedom is totally of human existence in one‟s environment, involving bothchoices and responsibilities, for man is always free within his situation to choosethe meaning in his life, free to reconstruct his interpretation of experience, free toreassess and alter them if he chooses (Spinelli 116).Acceptance of death is also becomes intrinsic element of existentialistidealism. It become paradox for human. In their struggle to reach his ownexistence, human always confronts with their nothingness which can not be deny.Sartre says, “The being by which Nothingness comes to the world must be its ownNothingness” (58). The consciousness from the death reflects not only at human‟sfear, but also at loosing the feeling of theirself, loosing their identity or loosingtheir face.There are many existentialists‟s opinions about death as mad or nihilisticsthing. The acceptance of death will make humans to live the real lifes. Accordingto Heiddegger on his Theory of Existentialism, there are two conditions of humanbeing: 1. Mindfulness of being: full of consciousness or authencity, where humansrealize his own nothingness and responsibility. 2. Forgetfulness of being: full

Adibah 10forgetfulness or inauthencity, where humans tempted with things in the worldsand forget his responsibility in his life.Beside that, there is also isolation. Isolation comes from loneliness whichcreate theirself and their world. The deepest loneliness will affect the proccessingof create someone‟s life and character, and that proccess will lead to the top ofisolation of humanity.Isolation has same characteristics as freedom, absolute. Isolation appearbecause freedom. He create his own experiences and unreplaceable. Humans whoisolate himself, believes that togetherness is illusive thing. No matter how closesomeone with someone else, always there are big differences. According toYalon, existentialism started from loneliness, tears of loosing, and worry forwaiting the answer(89).Heidegger classify isolation in two type: 1. Interpersonal: loneliness thatinvolves isolation from other, because of geography, limit, character oruncapability in social life. 2. Intrapersonal: parts from himself, because of feelingand emotions, lust or desire to be far and untouchable.The proccess of human creation in unstructural universe, then stay alone anddie, is meaningless thing and absurd. Humans get suffer, they always looking forthe meaning of life but can not explains their own existence.According to Saifullah, characteristics and the doctrine of theoryexistentialism is varied. Many concepts which are belong to this theory such asanxiety, dread, death, choice, being, essence existence and absurdity are

Adibah 11in different ways by existentialist (55). That is makes difficult to defineexistentialism such as the other theory in philosophy. Those existentialists whoare influenced by the different life experience, ideology, feeling, knowledge andspirit of age try to define existentialism based on their critical point.Therefore, in this discussion it will be limited to the one of existentialistfigure then discussing the whole one. That is the existentialism theory of JeanPaul Satre.2.1.2 Sartre’s ExistentialismAccording to Satre, In so far as the individual wants to maintain himselfagainst other individuals, he will under natural circumstances employ the intellectmainly for dissimulation (2). But if we try to be “somebody” or “something” else,Sartre argues we become inauthentic and are acting “in bad faith”. To try to makesomething of ourselves, as a purpose in life, is a mistake, for such an attemptwould only tend to objectify what we are. No one wishes to be regarded as anobject. Instead, Sartre emphasizes that each person is entirely the author of hischoices.Freedom is the brain of Sartre‟s philosophy and also it has the main place inexistential philosophy. He said freedom is an act of choice and humans are free tomake choices. This statement of Sartre, existence Precedes essence has raisedcategorization of all things into duality. First, „Being-in-itself‟ and second „Beingfor-itself‟. Being-in-itself is the group of „things‟ such as rocks, trees and

Adibah 12knifes and there characteristics are as: they are not free, they are not responsiblethey have determined essence and they are fixed and complete.The second category is being-for-itself. This is the category of conscioussubjects and these conscious subjects are characterized as, free beings, responsiblefor themselves, they have no determined essence and they are not fixed and cannever be complete. Sartre‟s duality of non-conscious object‟s and self conscioussubjects is the basis of his assertion that only self conscious subjects „humanbeing‟ can be free. If we talk about object, being-in-self, that is determined by itsessence, like a tree, its not free to choose its destiny because it must live lifeaccording to its nature. Satre said, we humans have no intrinsic nature or essencebecause we have the unique ability of conscious of self-reflection and we are freeto determine ourselves.In the book of Existentialism Is A Humanism (1946) that written by Sartre,that will be explained in this research.A.Man is condemned to be freeAccording to Sartre in his work Man Makes Himself, every human being iscondemned to be free, condemn because human did not create himself, but fromthe moment that he thrown into the world, he is free to choose every choices andresponsible for everything he does (8). There is no limits to the freedom can befound except the freedom itself. Sartre does not believe in the power of passion.He will never regard a grand passion as a destructive torrent upon which a man isswept into certain actions as by fate, and which, therefore, is an excuse for

Adibah 13The first principle of existentialism according to Sartre in his book ManMakes Himself is subjectivity. Man is nothing else but that which he makes ofhimself (4). Man simply is. Not that he is simply what he wants himself to be. Buthe is what he wills, and as he conceives himself after already existing. Freedom isimpossible to distinguish from the being of human reality. Man does not exist firstin order to be free subsequently. There is no difference between the being of manand his being free (Sartre 2).B.Existence Preeceds EssenseAccording to Satre, man first of all exists, encounter himself, surges up in theworld – and defines himself afterwards (4). If man as the existentialist sees himnot defineable, it

in his book Existentialism Is A Humanism, existentialism is theory of free will. Everyone is free choosing their way, without thinking right or wrong. Because each individual is unique, the truth is relative and society is unnatural (5). The novel Me Before You is the story about W