The Mystic Life - Order Of Christian Mystics


rbe J*1ptjtAN INTRODUCTION TO PRACTjCCHRISTIAN MYSTICISMBrILI.RRIEZ-rE AUGUSTA CURTISSANDF. HOMER CURTISS, B.S.,M. D.Co-founders of The Order of Cbi,,j4 Myitic,andThe Univeuaj Re1i1j0, Foundation, Inc.Authors of "The Curtjss Books."Second EditionCompiled byMt Itnt L. Cte*sspzonTHE CURTISS PHILOSOPHICBOOK CO.Washington, D. C., U. S. A.1936

Copyright, 1934, byTHE UNiVERSAL RELIGIOUS FOUNDATION,INcTranslation and All Other RightsReserved.LONDON AGENTSL N. Fowler & Co.7. Imperial Arcade. Ludgate Circus,E. C 4.

CONTENTSPREFAcEyTUE MYsTIc L1n13452ILLUMINATIONTHE Mvsrzc CHRIST.66RECOMMENDATIONS FOR DAILY LI}t 92THE PATH OF DISCIPLESHIPAPPENDIXAnnouncement of the OrderThe Fellowship of the Order ofChristian MysticsOrganizationsAs to Other MovementsSpecial Objects of the OrderFinancial ObligationsThe Object of Study ClassesHow to Form a Study ClassOrder of ServiceThe Prayers of the 140145in

PREFACETeachings of The Order ofTHEChristian Mystics (also known asThe Order of the Fifteen), of which thefollowing pages form a part, have beenissued privately to students each monthcontinuously since 1908. In view of theirgreat value to the spiritual growth ofthese students, who now comprise residents of over seventy different countriesof the world, this booklet is issued so thatthe Teachings may be more widely in-troduced to the general public in popularform.A description of the aims and objectsof this non-sectarian, uplifting, unifying,spiritual movement will be found in theAppendix herein.V

Ifje *Ip%tft ZifrCHAPTER IHow CHRISTIAN Mysricis,z SoLVES THEWoau PRoBLEMs1The life of cause!.THE Mystic Life is the life of causes,the life of realization, the life of theSoul, the manifestation ofthe innerthrough the outer. It is called mysticalbecause it is a manifestation of a mystery; for all life is a mystery. All manifestation comes from the unseen. Allthe myriad forms we see around us inNature appear from out the unseen, apparently self-generated. For there is nolife,consciousness,norcreative andformative power in matter itself. Matter is only the substance with which uslAn address delivered by F. Homer Curtis,,11. D., Co.founder of The Order of Chridia%Mjshcs, before the Second Parliament pf Re.ligions of the World Fellowship of Faiths atthe Morrison Hotel in Chicago at 8 p.u., onSeptember 13th. 1933.1

2The Mystic Lifeseen forces and intelligences clothe them-selves to manifest for a short cycle hereon Earth. Therefore nothing that we seein the outer world around us is the thingitself.It is only a shell or instrumentthrough which the mystic Life of Causation finds expression.A mystic not a dreamer.A mystic is one who is not satis-fied with the study of the mere outerforms of manifestation, the mere physical vehicles and the various phenomenaconnected with their manifestation. Amystic is one who wants to get behindthe seen into the unseen. He wants togo back of the outer phenomena of lifeand study their causes; for only so canhe really understand their manifestation.A true mystic, therefore, is not a meredreamer. He is not one who spends histime in idle speculation. Still less is heone who thinks so vaguely that his mindis in a mental mist, a fog of impracticalintellectual or metaphysical speculations.A true mystic is one who seeks the Real

Mysticism Solves World Problems 3back of the seeming; the Reality back ofall outer manifestations. He is one whoseeks to penetrate the mists of radiantglory that forever surround the throne ofthe Creator, the true cause and source ofall manifestation. And he tries to applythe realization of these basic truths to hisdaily life. For the mystic, therefore, thehighest ideal of each phase of life is theonly goal worthy of striving for.Our many lives.The mystic sees that we live many as-pects of life within our one life. Wehave our outer life that we live beforethe world and whose achievements maybe worthy for history to record as constituting our life. That is our outer, pub.lie or physical life. Then we have a lifethat is known only to our family and closefriends. That is our personal life. Thenwe have our mental life which is sharedonly by those of like mind and ideas.We also have our psychic life inwhich we commune with our loved oneswho have finished their work here on

The Mystic Life4Earth and have withdrawn from theouter physical body to continue their lifemanifestation in a finer body, "One flightup with their overcoats off" as we expressit.2 We also have our own life in thosehigher realms when we withdraw fromthe physical during sleep and mingle withour loved ones up there in that higherschool of life. For, remember, there isno death. Only a withdrawal from atemporary and lower manifestation oflife to function in a higher.The Real Life.But hack of all, we have that InnerLife of the Soul, that Real Self which isthe Real Life and which animates all theforms in which we may manifest on allplanes in all the worlds of manifestation.That is the mysterious Inner Self whoseinner urge keeps us ever seeking, everstriving. Striving for what? For satis-faction. And why? That we may attain2 Por details see Realms of the Lijvsg Dead,Curtiss.

Mysticism Solves World Problems 5that happiness whose ultimate is heavenlybliss; that "peace which passeth under-standing"; the realization of the consciousness of the Divine within us.The source of happiness.Unfortunately the unfoldment. of thevast majority of mankind enables themto live for the most part only in the consciousness of the outer world and to re-spond as a rule only to the vibrationswhich reach their consciousness throughthe five physical senses. Therefore theynaturally seek satisfaction and happinessthrough these senses. They naturallyseek it in things, in possessions, in outerattainments, in the gratification of theanimal desires, appetites, and passions.But no true satisfaction can be attainedwhen the inner is made to vibrate only tothe outer. There may be a certain degreeof pleasurable sensations from without,but they culminate only in satiety, nottrue satisfaction or happiness. Truesatisfaction and happiness are attainedonly from within outward; only when the

6The Mystic Lifeouter is made to vibrate to the inner;when manifestation responds to causation,the personality to the Inner Self or Soul.Therefore the mystic solves the greatbasic problem of human happiness byseeking it within instead of without; byseeking .that inner guidance from withinwhich shall so order and direct thethoughts, the words and the deeds of theouter life that it shall give ever greaterexpression to that Divine Self withinwhich is striving for expression, and thusattain that happiness which comes onlywhen the Divine within has found at leastsome degree of manifestation in theworld without.Expren love now.Happiness is, therefore, not merely atransient and ephemeral vibration of theouter senses. It is a manifestation of anessential Soul quality. Hence, when wesay or do something that makes othershappy, we are awakening and bringinginto expression a Soul vibration in them.And this vibration is expansive, creative,

Mysticism Solves World Problems 7and constructive. For no vibration of inharmony, antagonism, evil, or sin can findexpression when the whole being is expressing happiness.And it takes so little to snake peoplehappy! Akindwordoract;anodandapleasant smile; an unselfish deed. A floweror a postcard or other remembrance. Aword of sympathy or of appreciation maybrighten and snake happy a whole day ofdepression or discouragement or of otherwise routine work. And the happinessreturns every time one thinks of it. Sodo not wait to "say it with flowers" aftera loved one is gone. Express your love,your appreciation or your approval hereand now. Do not do it in such a way asto flatter or make them vain, but to express your appreciation of the good, thebeautiful, and the true in others and encourage them in its expression.The mystic lives life.The true mystic is, therefore, the happiest person in the world, and he naturallyradiates that vibration of peace, harmony,

8The Mystic Lifeand the joy of living to all he contacts.For he has realized within himself thejoy of living in harmony with the Divinewithin. And having found the source oftrue happiness within he naturally wantseveryone else to be happy likewise.Since he finds his happiness here andnow, he does not have to wait until hegoes to heaven to experience it. He is,therefore, not one who seeks to get awayfrom life, but one who seeks to live lifeto its fullest and highest; to let the highest spiritual vibrations dominate and thrillthe human personality and thus give it itsgreatest satisfaction and happiness. Heseeks to perfect the animal body and develop the mind, not for their own sake,but only that they may become moreperfect instruments for the expression ofthe indwelling Soul.The Law of Manifestation.But since the mystic has studied theLaws of Causation he has learned thatthe Law of Sacrifice underlies the Lawof Manifestation. Therefore, he understands that to bring happiness to others

Mysti&m Solves World Problems 9he must give something of himself andthus become an integral part of an openchannel for the fulfillment of at least atiny expression of that great Cosmic Lawof Sacrifice.The Law of Sacrifice.Through an understanding of this Lawhe realizes that on the downward arc ofmanifesting the Unmanifestedcalled theCycle of Necessitythe Greater mustsacrifice Itself that the lesser may inanifest and have an individualized expression of the One Divine Life which animates all forms of life. For just as thephysical Sun sacrifices its light, life,warmth, and radiant energy that all theseeds and germs and countless forms oflife may sprout and grow and have theirtiny individual expressions of life, so doesGodthe Creator and Manifestor of allsacrifice His oneness that the multitudes may manifest.The Seven Archangels.Through this Law He sacrifices HisUnity that Duality may spring forth.

The My.dic LifeAnd Duality sacrifices itself that theTrinity may find expression. And fromthe Trinity there is generated that sevenfold expression of the God-head whichunderlies the structure of all manifestedlife.3 First we have "The seven Spiritswhich are before His throne. . . theseven angels which stood before God.the seven Spirits of God sent forth intoall the earth," as the book of Revelationtells us. These are the seven mightyArchangels who are the PlanetaryDeities who rule the seven sacred planetsof our solar system. From these greatAngels there radiate the seven greatHierarchies of lesser Celestial Beings10which bring into expression every ideal inthe mind of God that is to make up themanifested universe.Evolution begins.And when the cycle of outgoing hasbeen completed and the higher forms ofS The seven Creative Spirit!, the DhianChohans. who correspond to the Hebrew Elo.him. For details see the chapters on number7 in The Key oj the Uasverse. Curtiu.

Mysticism Solves World Problç,ns 11manifestation have each sacrificed some.thing of themselves that lesser formsmay manifest, and so on down until themineral kingdom is reached, then the reverse process begins and the upward arcor the cycle of evolution starts.The Cycle of Necessity.The mineral sacrifices its form of life,or, we may say, is killed and eaten, thata higher form of the One Life, the vegetable, may find expression.Thevegetable, in turn, sacrifices its form oflife, is killed and eaten, that a higherform, the animal, may manifest. Theanimal, in turn, sacrifices its form of lifethat a still higher form of life, man, maylive. And man, the animal self and thehuman personality, must sacrifice its life;that is, give up its selfishness, its selfwill, its vanities, ambitions, and desires,in such a complete surrender that it cor-responds to being killed and eaten orswallowed up, and all its powers absorbedand utilized that the highest form of life,the Real or Spiritual Self, may find ex-

12The Mystic Lifepression through it and thus complete theCycle of Necessity by the union of theIndividualized Spirit with its Source.In this way the sacrifice of each formto a higher form receives its compensa-tion by being built into that form andexperiencing and being uplifted by thevibrations of a higher form of life whichis expressing vibrations of life which aremany octaves above those of the lowerform. It therefore follows that no formof life has a right to take the life ofanother form unless it can furnish itsome corresponding compensation.How God expreue. in humanity.Thus we see that just as God submittedHimself to this cosmic and universalLaw of Sacrifice that we might have individualized expression, so must we sub-mit to this same Law of Sacrifice bygiving up our wills, our hearts, our livesthat we may be swallowed up and absorbed in Him that He may find expression through us. For, remember, that we

Mystithm Solves World Problems 13mortals are the only avenues or meansthrough which God con find expressionin humanity! We all know how necessary God is to us. But did you ever stopto think how necessary we arc So God?It is a tremendous concept to realize thatwithout our making ourselves holy chan-nels for the expression of His Life, Hislove, His compassion, His blissful happiness, we are hampering His manifestation. Once we have realized this greatconcept, how glad and willing and howjoyous should be our complete surrenderto Him!We must voluntarily choose.This may seem very mystkal and impractical at first sight, but it has a verypractical application. For just as thelight and life of the Sun is poured outto be embodied in the plants and all grow-ing things, so is the Light and Life ofthe Spiritual Sun poured out to be embodied in us as spiritual enlightenment.which we call the Christ-consciousness or

The Mystic Lifeour spiritual guidance in all our affairs.But just as the sunlight does the plantno good unless the plant absorbs it, so the14light, life and love of God does us nogood unless we correlate with and absorbit. The Sun cannot compel the plant toabsorb its rays, neither can God compelus to absorb the down-pouring of Hisforces that we may grow spiritually. Andstill less can He make us sacrifice ourselves to and become absorbed in Him.Those are things that we must voluntarilychoose to do because we desire to. Thiswe do through meditation on Him,through prayer, aspiration, and constantdevotion to Him.This is not a matter of the brain, butof the heart. Therefore great education,great learning and a highly developed intellect are not necessary. Only a tender,loving heart; only a steadfast desire toknow and be one with Him; only an open,receptive, child-like mind that is willingto be taught of God and is willing toobey Him. That is all that is necessary.

Mysticism Solve: World Problems15The one Source.This law is of universal application.For since it requires no creed, no dogma,no ritual, it is applicable to all mankind,no matter what their stage of intellectualunfoldment, their religion, their creed,their color, or their race may be. For allmankind are emanations from one of theseven great Archangels, and it makes nodifference what the color of the Ray ofwhich they are a part. The Source of allthe Rays is the same, the One EternalBeing who is above and beyond all human, finite conception, call Him by whatname or term you wilLThe Sun is the one central orb of lightand life to our solar system, no matter bywhat name it is called in various languages. So the Spiritual Sun, the Sun ofRighteousness, is the one central sourceof spiritual light, life, and love in theuniverse, no matter what name He iscalled or how He is worshipped in thevarious religions. The only thing thatcounts is, is He recognized in some way,

The Mystic Lifesought for and correlated with throughsome form of worship, and embodied andexpressed in our lives?16It therefore matters little what theform of the worship or ritual may be.All who worship God are necessarilyworshipping the same God; for He is oneGod, not many, although He manifestsunder and through all the Divine Beingswho compose His Hierarchies of Manifestation, just as the Sun manifeststhrough the seven color rays of the rainbow.Each religion a Path to God.Once one's mind is trained from childhood to seek for and correlate with Himthrough one religion or one Path ofLight, one should be devoted to that re-ligion and walk up that Path to Him.One should follow the race-thought inwhich he was brought up. He should,therefore, not change his religion exceptunder unusual circumstances, and thenonly as a result of his own Divine Guidance from within and not from argument

Mysticism Solves World Problems 17or the emotional storm of a revival service. For each religion is a Path of Lightleading to God if its highest ideals aregrasped and followed and embodied in thelife.It is only the childish conceit of avery limited outlook on life that makesthe followers of any one religion claimthat it is the best and only true religion.All religions and forms of worship whichlead their devotees to a personal realication and ultimate union with their ideal ofGod are true religions. On a moonlitlake the silver path to the Moon is seena little differently from every boat onthe lake. And it is only by following thepath that shines down to our boat thatwe can row toward the Moon. And it isexceedingly dangerous to change boatsafter we have left the shore.The one goal of realization.Rama Krishna, the great Hindu Godrealized Saint of the nineteenth century,said that he had followed and masteredall the different forms of yoga and that

The Mystic Lifethey had all brought him to the one goalof realization (Sadhana), although alongdifferent paths. He also said that he hadstudied all the great religions, includingtwo whole years spent in concentrationon Jesus' teachings and in meditation on18the Christos, living all alone like aChristian anchorite in the famous woodsof Panchabati,"4 and he found that theyall led him to the same goal of Advaitaor identity with God. And the testimonyof that great Saint who had experimentally followed each religion to its goal ofrealization should be conclusive.The only heathen.The practical application of this is thatwe need no missionaries to convert the"heathen." For certainly those who arefollowing the Path of Realization and areworshipping the one God are not"heathen." The only heathen there areare those who refuse or neglect to walktheir path and worship their highest con4 See The Face of the Silence,Chapter V.Mulcerji,

Mysticism Solves World Problems 19cept of God. And we do not have to gooutside of Chicago or any other city tofind them. But we do need ,nissionariesto teach mankind the beauties of theirown religion, and above all, to recognizethe One in the many, Unity in diversity,the Eternal in the ephemeral.Creeds and dogmas.Jesus did indeed say that His gospelshould be preached unto all nations andpeoples. But He also said: "Other sheephave I, which are not of this fold; themalso I must bring, and they shall hear myvoice (through their own religion); andthere shall be one fold, and one shepherd."But did He enunciate a creed orformulate a dogma or establish a church?Certainly not. Those are all the offspring of man's speculations, often hundreds of years after the Master taught.His gospel was a realization of the Cosmic Christ-consciousness; the identity of5SS.Johi, x, 16.

The Mystic Life20all men in the Father, hence the universalBrotherhood of Man. That Christ-consciousness within was what St. Paul referred to when he said: "Until Christ beborn in you." Jesus' only doctrine wasDivine Love.Love a cosmic power.Now love is centripetal not centrifugal;is cohesive and constructive, not disruptive and destructive; is unifying, not separative. In fact love is the cohesivepower of the universe. In the solar sys-tem it is that cohesive power, known asgravitation, which holds the planets intheir orbits around the Sun. In the worldof matter it is the cohesive powercalledchemical affinitythat holds the molecules together to form objective materialthings.In the atom it is the cohesivepower that holds the electrons and neutrons around the central proton.In the family it is the affection thatbinds the children to the parents and toeach other to form the family. If it is

Myssicism Solvcs World Problems 21absent, the family naturally disintegratesbecause there is no cohesive force of loveto hold it together. And if there is not,then it is the fault of the parents for notinvoking it through prayer and meditationand allowing it to manifest in the family.Like the electricity, love is alwaysavailable, but we must take the time,thought and attention to turn it on, just aswe must push the electric light button, ifwe would have spiritual light and love illumine our homes and our hearts. So donot blame the so-called "modern" children.It is the "modern" and God-less parentswho are to blame. In the community lovemanifests as the civic spirit that bindsthe community or city together as an entity. Among nations it is patriotism andnationalism that makes the country onepeople.In races it is the blood tie thatwelds the various nations into a race. Inhumanity as a whole it is that spiritualquality of the species; that incarnatedRay of Divinity which distinguishes manfrom all other animals.

The Mystic LifeMysticism solves the world's problems.22To be practical mystics and see howmysticism solves the world's problems,we must apply these few basic principlesto our daily lives and contacts. From theone divine origin of mankind we deducethe basic Law of Brotherhood: that allmen are brothers, no matter what theirrace, their color, or their creed. Indeed,as we identify ourselves with the OneCause we see our brothers as ourselves.With this first basic law understood andrealized and applied, there could be nomore war among nations, any more thanthere could be among members of afamily who were manifesting that secondgreat Law of Divine Love and living inand being ruled by love and affection.There would naturally be differences ofopinion, but they are adjusted withoutlighting.So should it be among nations. Eachlike each organ of the body,nation,has its own boundaries, its own life tolive, and its own functions to perform.But none can live to themselves alone.

Mysticism Solves World Problems 23AU arc needed for the good of She whole.If one organ functions excessively or isfeverish or ill, through the constructiveapplication of the Law of Harmony, itsactivities are curbed and harmonized byconstructive methods until it is broughtinto harmonious relationship with its fel-lows, and without injuring it or theothers or destroying it or them. Therefore, if the principles of Christian Mysticism were applied there could be no waramong the nations of mankind.All classes necessary.Just as each nation and race isnecessary for the expression of humanityas a whole, so is each class within the nation necessary for the good of the whole.Just as the head or the heart or the lungsor the hands and feet cannot be considered superior the one to the other, exceptrelatively, for all are necessary for themanifestation of the complete man, soare all classes necessary for the completemanifestation of God in humanity. Andsince the health of the body is an iznpor-

24The Mystic Lifetant factor in the manifestation of theSoul through it, even the man who digsa ditch for a sewer to contribute to thehealth of a city is a factor which assiststhe manifestation of God on Earth.Hence his seemingly lowly labor is vitallyimportant to the whole community andmay even be regarded as service to God.6Service and co-operation the Law of Life.Therefore if the principles of ChristianMysticism are understood and practisedthere can be no class antagonism; foreach class will recognize the necessity ofperforming its own tasks in the best pos-sible manner and co-operating with allother classes in the most harmonious andconstructive way. For we have seen thataccording to the cosmic laws of Sacrificeand of Love, unselfish service and liarinonious co-operation, instead of selfishand antagonistic competition is the trueLaw of Life and happiness.6 See lesson Work as WorsMp, Curtiss.

Mysticism Solves World Problems 25If this involves planned and controlledproduction, distribution, and labor, thenthese things must come before our civilization is organized upon the lines of constructive cosmic forces which alone canmake it endure. Tue National RecoveryAct is now striving and working towardthis goal of universal planned co-operation for the best good of all. And nearlyevery point in this plan which we broad-cast before the Chamber of Commerceof Orlando, Florida, on March 29th,l932, has already been enacted into lawor been proposed, and the other pointsmust ultimately be added to complete theplan.Simplified civilization.In the light of this law of unselfish co-operation our whole system of livingmust be reorganized so as to make thedemands of the outer life subservient tothe manifestation of the inner life. For7 See lessons Coiwsc Causes of World Con.dstions and the Remedy, Curtiss.

26The Mystic Lifethe material mechanics of living have become so complicated that we have becomeenslaved to our instruments of living.Our time and attention is so taken upwith manipulating the so-called instruments of civilization that we have littletime to live life itself. We are so diverted by the trivial details of the outerpersonality that we have no time norattention left for communion with God,our Source of Life, or for the recognition and cultivation and expression of ourReal Self or Soul.From this standpoint "mass production"has proved a curse, in that it has developed new so-called needs which arereally aids to self-indulgence, and haveadded to our enslavement to the complexities of living, instead of freeing usto enjoy the simplicities of life. Weboast of labor-saving devices. But whysave labor? Labor should be an avenueof creative self-expression and not blindtoil And we have "saved" so much of itthat we do not know what to do with it,hence millions are unemployed.

Mystithm Solves World Problems 27Enlightenment, realization, aervice.The solution which Christian Mysticism presents for the ills of our presentcivilization is enlightenment, reolkotionand manifestation or service. For beforewe can properly organize our lives alongcosmically constructive lines, we must beenlightened as to those lines or forces ofcausation. Then we must realize whatlife is all about, namely, where we camefrom, why we are here, and whither weare bound. We must realize that we incarnate here on Earth not to make moneyor to be hampered in the expression ofour Divine Self by many complicatedouter details and things to do. We comehere to manifest as much of the innerDivine Self as our degree of unfoldmentpermits, and to learn to take the nextstep in that spiritual unfoldment. Andwe should make all our outer activitiescontribute to and yet be subordinate tothat main object of life. If this be calledputting our religion first, then so be it.For that is the most practical thing we

28The Mystic Lifecan do; that is, put th accomplishmentof our mission on Earth first in our lives.In touch with Nature.Simplifying life naturally calls for thegradual abandonment of city life, and theorganizing of our lives in relatively smallcommunities or villages ofkindred Souls. And we should be in suchdetachedclose touch with the soil and with thecreativeforces of Nature thateachfamily can expend at least a part of itscreative energies in raising the majorityof its food supply and in fashioning itsfundamental instruments of living. Inother words, we should so simplify ourlives that each family would be relativelyself-sustaining. Yet we need not scrapall modern conveniences of living, butmake them subservient to our real needsand not merely generate new needs.The plan of the hive.Then our lives would be as normal andas well organized, yet as simple and self-

Mysticism Solves World Problems 29sustaining, as that of the bee. If youwill study the glass hives at the Centuryof Progress Exposition you will see thatwhile from the outside the bees seem tobe rushing to the hive in great haste andconfusion, yet inside all is calm andpeaceful and without haste or confusion.Each detail is carried out quietly and orderly by its own trained corps of workersuntil it is done thoroughly and efficientlyaccording to the plan of the hk'e which isimpressed upon the bees through the instinct of the group-soul of the species.Follow our guidance.Like the bee, we also have a plan forour lives to manifest and toward whichwe should direct all our activities, thatour lives may become perfect cells in thehoneycomb of life in which the nectar ofGod's light, life, and love may be storedup for our spiritual nourishment. Thatplan is impressed upon the Soul-con-sciousness and will be revealed step bystep by God Himself through intuition to

The Mystic Lifeall who will listen and obey. We shouldtherefore cultivate and follow the guidance of our intuition until our response tothat guidance becomes just as habitual30and instinctive as does the response ofthe bee to its guiding instinct.Higher help needed.But the Christian Mystic is one whoalso realizes that we do not have to workout our plan of life alone and unaided.In fact, we cannot fully accomplish ourlife's mission, learn its lessons, and re-deem its mistakes in our own humanstrength; for that requires higher octavesof force than the mortal and human.And we know that if we will only seekfor it we can have the help of higher beings than the human, just as the seedscan have the higher help of man to cultivate them. We can have the help, notonly of our own Soul, our Spiritual Self,but also many classes of Invisib

CHRISTIAN MYSTICISM Br ILI.RRIEZ-rE AUGUSTA CURTISS AND F. HOMER CURTISS, B.S., M. D. Co-founders of The Order of Cbi,,j4 Myitic, and The Univeuaj Re1i1j0, Foundation, Inc. Authors of "The Curtjss Books." Second Edition Compiled by Mt Itnt L. Cte*sspzon THE CURTISS PHILOSOPHIC BOOK CO. . Christi