
SandCONCEPTS ABOUT PRINT SCORE SHEETStonesMoonDate:ShoesName:Age:TEST SCORE:Recorder:Date of Birth:STANINE GROUP:PAGESCOREITEMCover1.Front of book2/32.Print contains message4/54/54/54/ to startWhich way to goReturn sweep to leftWord-by-word matching67.First and last concept78.Bottom of picture8/99.Begins ‘The’ (Sand)Begins ‘I’ (Stones)Begins ‘I’ (Moon)Begins ‘Leaves’ (Shoes)bottom line, then top, OR turns book10/1110.Line order altered12/1312/1312/1311.12.13.Left page before rightOne change in word orderOne change in letter order14/1514/1514.15.One change in letter orderMeaning of a question MeaningLocate:18/1920.Reversible words ‘was’, ‘no’2020202021.22.23.24.One letter: two lettersOne word: two wordsFirst and last letter of wordCapital letterof full stop (period)of commaof quotation marksm h (Sand); t b (Stones);m i (Moon); m i (Shoes)COMMENT/24

RUNNING RECORD SHEETName:Date:School:D. of B.:Age:yrsmthsRecorder:Text TitlesErrorsRunning lf-correctionRatio1:%1:1:%1:1:%1:Directional movementAnalysis of Errors and Self-correctionsInformation used or neglected [Meaning (M), Structure or Syntax (S), Visual (V)]EasyInstructionalHardCross-checking on information (Note that this behaviour changes over time)CountPage2 Marie M. ClayTitleAnalysis of Errorsand Self-correctionsInformation usedESCEMSVSCMSVCopymasters for the Revised Second Edition of An Observation Survey of Early Literacy Achievement (2006) and Literacy Lessons (2005)

CountAnalysis of Errorsand Self-correctionsInformation usedPage Marie M. ClayTitleESCEMSVCopymasters for the Revised Second Edition of An Observation Survey of Early Literacy Achievement (2006) and Literacy Lessons (2005)SCMSV3

LETTER IDENTIFICATION SCORE SHEETDate:Name:Age:TEST SCORE:Recorder:Date of Birth:STANINE nfusions:Letters ording:AAlphabet response:tick (check)SLetter-sound response:tick (check)Record the word theWordchild givesIncorrect response:I.R.Record what the childsaysgTOTALS4 Marie M. ClayTOTAL SCORECopymasters for the Revised Second Edition of An Observation Survey of Early Literacy Achievement (2006) and Literacy Lessons (2005)/54

WORD READING SCORE SHEETUse any one list of wordsDate:TEST SCORE:Name:Age:Date of Birth:/15STANINE GROUP:Recorder:Record incorrect responses beside wordLIST ALIST BLIST wayonpleaseCOMMENTS Marie M. ClayCopymasters for the Revised Second Edition of An Observation Survey of Early Literacy Achievement (2006) and Literacy Lessons (2005)5

WRITING VOCABULARY OBSERVATION SHEETDate:Name:Age:Recorder:Date of Birth:(Fold heading under before child uses sheet)6TEST SCORE:STANINE GROUP:

HEARING AND RECORDING SOUNDS IN WORDSOBSERVATION SHEETDate:Name:Age:Recorder:Date of Birth:(Fold heading under before child uses sheet) Marie M. ClayTEST SCORE:/37STANINE GROUP:Copymasters for the Revised Second Edition of An Observation Survey of Early Literacy Achievement (2006) and Literacy Lessons (2005)7

OBSERVATION SURVEY SUMMARY SHEETName:Date:School:D. of B.:Age:yrsmthsRecorder:Text TitlesErrorsRunning y1:%1:Instructional1:%1:Hard1:%1:Directional movementAnalysis of Errors and Self-correctionsInformation used or neglected [Meaning (M), Structure or Syntax (S), Visual (V)]EasyInstructionalHardCross-checking on information (Note that this behaviour changes over time)How rIdentificationStanine* SandConceptsAbout Print StonesShoesMoon* List AWordReadingList BList COther(Enter test nds inWordsOther tasksWriting sampleStorySpelling* Circle whatever was used8 Marie M. ClayCopymasters for the Revised Second Edition of An Observation Survey of Early Literacy Achievement (2006) and Literacy Lessons (2005)

An Analysis of the Child’s Strategic ActivityUseful strategic activity on text:Problem strategic activity on text:Useful strategic activity with words:Problem strategic activity with words:Useful strategic activity with letters:Problem strategic activity with letters:Summary statement:Signature: Marie M. ClayCopymasters for the Revised Second Edition of An Observation Survey of Early Literacy Achievement (2006) and Literacy Lessons (2005)9

OBSERVATION SUMMARY FOR MULTIPLE ASSESSMENTSName:Date of Birth:School:SUMMARY OF RUNNING RECORDText TitlesInitial AssessmentErrorRatioErrorsRunning wordsAccuracyRateSelf-correctionRatioDate:1. Easy1:%:1:2. Instructional1:%:1:3. Hard1:%:1:1. Easy1:%:1:2. Instructional1:%:1:3. Hard1:%:1:1. Easy1:%:1:2. Instructional1:%:1:3. Hard1:%:1:ReassessmentDate:Further Assessment Date:ASSESSMENTL.I.54StanineC.A.P.24StanineWord Reading15StanineOther ReadingTest ScoreWritingVocabularyNo. StanineHearing Soundsin Words37StanineInitial assessmentDate:ReassessmentDate:FurtherAssessment (1)FurtherAssessment (2)RECOMMENDATIONS: (for class teacher, or for review, or further teaching, or further assessment)10 Marie M. ClayCopymasters for the Revised Second Edition of An Observation Survey of Early Literacy Achievement (2006) and Literacy Lessons (2005)

Marie M. ClayCopymasters for the Revised Second Edition of An Observation Survey of Early Literacy Achievement (2006) and Literacy Lessons ookLevel90% accuracy or abovebelow 90% accuracyEnter examples oftitles hereDateGradient of Text Difficulty (Teacher Devised)Weekly ObservationsCHANGE OVER TIME IN TEXT LEVELDate of Birth:Name:

12 Marie M. ClayCopymasters for the Revised Second Edition of An Observation Survey of Early Literacy Achievement (2006) and Literacy Lessons (2005)Week:Date:Week:Date:Initial te:Date of Birth:Name:WEEKLY RECORD OF KNOWN READING VOCABULARYWeek:Date:Week:Date:

Marie M. ClayCopymasters for the Revised Second Edition of An Observation Survey of Early Literacy Achievement (2006) and Literacy Lessons (2005)13Week:Date:Week:Date:Initial te:Date of Birth:Name:WEEKLY RECORD OF KNOWN WRITING VOCABULARYWeek:Date:Week:Date:

CHANGE OVER TIME IN KNOWN WRITING VOCABULARYName:Date of Birth:5250484644424038Number of words the child can write36343230282624222018161412108642Weeks of instructionFirst EntryDate:14 Marie M. ClayLast EntryDate:Copymasters for the Revised Second Edition of An Observation Survey of Early Literacy Achievement (2006) and Literacy Lessons (2005)

ObservedPromptedLETTER WORK. BREAKING,WORD WORK AND ANALYSISFAMILIAR READINGNAME:NEW TEXTSTRATEGIC ACTIVITIES ON TEXTDATE:DAILY LESSON RECORD Marie M. ClayCopymasters for the Revised Second Edition of An Observation Survey of Early Literacy Achievement (2006) and Literacy Lessons (2005)15

COMMENTS ON ANY PARTOF THE LESSONMESSAGE COMPOSEDCONSTRUCTING WORDS,GAINING FLUENCYCUT-UP STORY, SPACE, CONCEPTS,SEQUENCE, AND PHRASINGWRITING16 Marie M. ClayCopymasters for the Revised Second Edition of An Observation Survey of Early Literacy Achievement (2006) and Literacy Lessons (2005)

RECOMMENDATIONS FOR DISCONTINUING BEFORE FINAL ASSESSMENTName:Date:School:1SETTING (Same class, new class, book level, teacher’s reaction, size of group etc.)2SURVIVAL (Detail what behaviours will ensure coping in group instruction)3RUNNING RECORD ANALYSIS (Detail information used and information neglected)4WRITING ANALYSIS5COMMENTS ON IMPROVEMENTS SINCE PREVIOUS SUMMARY AND PREDICTIONSRECOMMENDATIONS (for class teacher, or further teaching or further assessment):Signed: Marie M. ClayCopymasters for the Revised Second Edition of An Observation Survey of Early Literacy Achievement (2006) and Literacy Lessons (2005)17

OHIO WORD TEST SCORE SHEETTEST SCORE:/20STANINE GROUP:Date:Name:School:Recorder:Classroom Teacher: Record incorrect responses. Chooseappropriate list of words.3 (Checkmark) Correct ResponseLIST ALIST BLIST myessawhave(Dot) No Response

OHIO WORD TEST---- ADMINISTRATION SHEETLIST ALIST BLIST CPractice WordPractice WordPractice ouldgivefromyessawhave

Front of book 2/3 2. Print contains message 4/5 3. Where to start 4/5 4. Which way to go 4/5 5. Return sweep to left 4/5 6. Word-by-word matching 6 7. First and last concept 7 8. Bottom of picture 8/9 9. Begins ‘The’ (Sand) Begins ‘I’ (Stones) Begins ‘I’ (Moon) Begins ‘Leaves’ (Shoes) bottom