Manhattan Prep 1000 GRE Words: Definitions


Manhattan Prep 1000 GRE Words: DefinitionsStudy online at 8mddh1.abaseDegrade or humble; to lower in rank, status, oresteem2.abateReduce, diminish3.abdicateFormally give up the throne (or some otherpower or responsibility)4.aberrantAbnormal, deviant5.abeyanceTemporary suspension, inactivity6.abhorDetest, regard with disgust7.abjureGive up, renounce; repudiate, recant, or shun(especially formally or under advocateSpeak or argue in favor of (verb); a personwho pleads for a cause or on behalf of anotherperson (noun)28.aerieDwelling or fortress built on a high place; thenest of a bird of prey, such as an eagle orhawk, built on a mountain or cliff29.aestheticConcerning the appreciation of beauty or goodtaste, pertaining to the science of what isbeautiful (adj); a sense of beauty and taste of aparticular time and place (noun)30.affableWarm and friendly, pleasant, approachableRough, suitable for grinding or polishing (suchas sandpaper); causing irritation or annoyance31.affectationFake behavior (such as in speech or dress)adopted to give a certain impressionSide-by-side. The more common "abreast of"means keeping up with, staying aware of, orremaining equal in progress with.32.aggrandizeMake greater; exaggerate33.aggregateGather together, amount to (verb);constituting a whole made up of constituentparts (adj)34.alacrityCheerful or speedy willingness35.albeitAlthough, even though36.alienateCause to become unfriendly, hostile, ordistantReduce or lessen; shorten by omitting partsthroughout while retaining the main ideaCutting off; sudden termination; the separationof leaves, petals, or other parts from a plant oranimal12.abscondDepart suddenly and secretively37.alleviateLessen, make easier to endure13.abstainHold back, refrain (especially from somethingbad or unhealthy); decline to vote38.aloofA deep and vast space or cavity; anythingprofound or infiniteDistant physically or emotionally; reserved;indifferent39.amalgamateBlend, merge, or unite14.abyss15.accedeAgree, give consent; assume power (usually as"accede to")40.ambiguousNot clear, hard to understand, open to havingseveral meanings or interpretations16.accretionGradual increase; an added part or addition41.ambivalent17.acerbicSour; harsh or severeUncertain; unable to decide, or wanting to dotwo contradictory things at once42.ameliorateImprove; make better or more bearable18.acidulousSlightly acid or sour; sharp or caustic43.amortize19.acmeSummit, peak, highest pointGradually pay off a debt, or gradually write offan asset20.activismThe practice of pursuing political or other goalsthrough vigorous action, often including protestsand demonstrations44.anachronism21.acumenKeen, quick, accurate insight or judgmentSomething that is not in its correct historicaltime; a mistake in chronology, such as byassigning a person or event to the wrong timeperiod22.adhereStick (to), such as with glue, or to a plan or belief45.analgesiaPain relief; inability to feel pain23.admonishMildly scold; caution, advise, or remind to dosomething46.analogousComparable, corresponding in someparticular way (making a good analogy)adulterateMake impure by adding inappropriate or inferioringredients47.24.anarchyAbsence of law or government; chaos,disorder25.adumbrateGive a rough outline of; foreshadow; reveal onlypartially; obscure48.annulMake void or null, cancel, abolish (usually oflaws or other established rules)adverseOpposing, harmful49.26.anodyneMedicine that relieves pain (noun); soothing,relieving pain (adj)

50.anointRub or sprinkle oil on; make sacred, such as bya ceremony that includes applying oil tosomeone75.asepticFree from germs76.asperityRigor, severity; harshness or sharpness oftone; roughness of surface77.aspersionsDamaging remarks, defamation, slander51.anomalyDeviation from what is common;inconsistency52.antagonizeMake hostile or unfriendly78.assailAttack violently, assault53.antedateBe older than, precede in time; assign to anearlier date79.assiduousPersevering, diligent, constant80.assuageMake milder, relieve; soothe, pacify, or calm81.attenuateWeaken or thin out82.attunedIn harmony; in sympathetic relationship83.audaciousVery bold or brave, often in a rude or recklessway; extremely original84.augmentMake larger85.auguryTelling the future, such as throughsupernatural means86.augustVenerable, majestic; inspiring admiration87.austereSevere in manner or appearance; very selfdisciplined, ascetic; without luxury or ease;sober or serious54.55.antitheticalapathyDirectly opposed, opposite; involvingantithesis (the rhetorical act of placing twophrases opposite one another for contrast, asin love me or hate me)Not caring; absence of feeling; lack of interestor concern56.apocryphalOf questionable authenticity; false57.apostatePerson who deserts a party, cause, religion,etc.58.apostlePioneer of a reform movement (originally, anearly follower of Jesus)59.appositeHighly appropriate, suitable, or relevant60.appriseInform, give notice to88.autonomousSelf-governing, independent61.approbationPraise or approval, especially formal approval89.avarice62.appropriateSet aside or authorize (such as money) for aparticular purpose; take for one's own useInsatiable greed; a miserly desire to hoardwealth90.averDeclare or affirm with confidence63.arbiterJudge, umpire, person empowered to decidematters at hand91.avidEnthusiastic, dedicated, passionate;excessively desirous64.arcaneKnown or understood by only a few; obscure,secret92.axiomSelf-evident truth requiring no proof;universally or generally accepted principle65.archaicCharacteristic of an earlier period, ancient,primitive93.balkRefuse to proceed or to do something94.balloonSwell or puff out; increase rapidly95.banalLacking freshness and originality; cliché66.ardentVery passionate, devoted, or enthusiastic67.arduousVery difficult, strenuous; severe, hard to endure96.baneSomething that ruins or spoils68.arrogateClaim or take presumptuously or without theright to do so97.baseMorally low, mean, dishonorable; of little orno value; crude and unrefined; counterfeit69.articulateUsing language in a clear, fluent way (adj);speak distinctly or give clarity to an idea (verb)98.bayingHowling in a deep way, like a dog or wolf70.artifactAny object made by humans, especially thosefrom an earlier time, such as those excavatedby archaeologists99.belieContradict or misrepresent100.beneficentDoing good101.benignHarmless; favorable; kindly, gentle, orbeneficial; not cancerous102.bentPersonal inclination or tendency103.besiegeAttack, overwhelm, crowd in on or surround104.bevyGroup of birds or other animals that stay closetogether; any large group105.bifurcateTo fork into two branches or divide into twohalves71.artlessFree of deceit or craftiness, natural, genuine;lacking skill or knowledge, crude, uncultured72.ascertainFind out with certainty73.asceticabstinent or austere in lifestyle (adj); a personwho leads an austere and simple life withoutmaterial pleasures, esp. someone who doesthis for religious reasons74.ascribeAssign or credit to a certain cause or source

106.bilkCheat or defraud133.catholicUniversal, broad-minded107.blightDisease that kills plants rapidly, or any causeof decay or destruction (noun); ruin or causeto wither (verb)134.causticCapable of corroding metal or burning theskin; very critical or sarcastic108.blitheJoyous, merry; excessively carefree (so as toignore more important concerns)135.censureStrong disapproval or official reprimand(noun); to issue such disapproval orreprimand (verb)109.bogusFake, fraudulent136.chauvinismFanatical patriotism or blind enthusiasmfor military glory; undue or biaseddevotion to any group, cause, etc.110.bolsterStrengthen or support111.bombastic(Of speech or writing) far too showy ordramatic than is appropriate; pretentious137.chicaneryTrickery, deception by knowingly falsearguments112.bonhomieFriendliness, open and simple goodheartedness138.chronologicalArranged in or relating to time orderboorRude, ill-mannered, or insensitive person; apeasant or country bumpkin139.113.circumscribeStrictly limit a role, range of activity, orarea; in math, to be constructed around soas to touch as many points as possible114.brandishShake, wave, or flourish, as a weapon140.circumspect115.brookSuffer or tolerateCautious, prudent; careful to consider thecircumstances and consequences116.bucolicPertaining to shepherds; suggesting apeaceful and pleasant view of rural life141.clamberClimb awkwardly or with difficulty,scramble117.bufferSomething that shields, protects, absorbsshock, or cushions142.clamorNoisy uproar or protest, as from a crowd; aloud, continuous noise118.bureaucracyGovernment characterized by many bureausand petty administrators or by excessive,seemingly meaningless requirements143.clinchMake final or settle conclusively; to fastenor hold together144.cloyingDisgustingly or distastefully sweet119.burgeonGrow or flourish rapidly; put forth buds orshoots (of a plant)145.coagulateCause a liquid to become solid or semisolidburnishPolish, make smooth and lustrous146.120.coalesceCome together, unite; fuse togetherbuttressSupport or encourage (verb); a support orprop, esp. projecting from and supporting thewall of a building (noun)147.121.codaFinal part of a musical composition; anending, esp. one that sums up what hascome before122.bygonePast, former (adj); that which is in the past(usually plural noun)148.cofferChest for storing valuables; financialresources, a treasury123.cacophonyHarsh, discordant, or meaningless mixture ofsounds149.cogentVery convincing, logical150.colludeConspire; cooperate for illegal orfraudulent purposes151.commensurateThe same in size, extent, etc., equivalent;proportional152.compendiumConcise but complete summary; a list orcollection153.complacentSelf-satisfied, smug; overly content (andtherefore lazy, neglectful, or some otherbad quality)154.complaisantEager to please; cheerfully complying155.complementaryCompleting; fitting together well; fillingmutual needs156.compliantObeying, submissive; following therequirements124.calumnyMalicious lie intended to hurt someone'sreputation; the act of telling such lies125.canardRumor, a false or baseless story126.candidOpen, sincere, honest127.canonicalAuthorized, recognized; pertaining to thecanon, or body of accepted rules, standards orartistic works128.capriciousActing on impulse, erratic129.cardinalChief, most icize severely; punish in order to correct132.catalystCauser of change

157.concedeGive in, admit, yield; acknowledgereluctantly; grant or give up (such as givingup land after losing a war)186.counterintuitiveAgainst what one would intuitivelyexpect187.counterpointContrasting item, opposite; acomplement; the use of contrast orinterplay in a work of art188.counterproductiveDefeating the purpose; preventing theintended goal189.covertSecret, veiled, undercover190.craftyCunning, skillful in deception orunderhanded schemes191.cravenVery cowardly, lacking courage192.credibilityBelievability, trustworthiness193.credulousGullible; prone to believing or trustingtoo easily or without enough evidence194.crescendoSteady increase in force, intensity, orthe loudness of a musical passage; aclimactic moment or peak195.culminateReach the highest point or final stage196.cupidityGreed, great or excessive desire197.curmudgeonBad-tempered, difficult person; grouch198.cynicalPlace in context, such as by giving thebackground or circumstancesThinking the worst of others'motivations; bitterly pessimistic199.dauntThings that are opposing; either of twoopposite thingsDiscourage, dishearten, lessen thecourage of200.debaseRemorseful; feeling sorry for one's offensesor sinsDegrade; lower in quality, value, rank,etc.; lower in moral quality201.debunkExpose, ridicule, or disprove false orexaggerated claims202.declaimSpeak in an impassioned, pompous, ororatorical manner; give a formalspeech203.declivityDownward slope204.decorousBehaving with propriety and goodtaste; polite205.deemJudge; consider206.defaceVandalize, mar the appearance of207.defaultFailure to act, neglect (noun); fail tofulfill an obligation, especially afinancial one (verb)208.deferenceRespectful submission; yielding to theauthority or opinion of another209.deflectCause to curve; turn aside, esp. from astraight course; avoid210.deleteriousHarmful, unhealthful211.delimitFix, mark, or define the boundaries of158.conciliatoryReconciling, appeasing, attempting to makethe peace159.concurApprove, agree160.condoneOverlook, tolerate, regard as harmless161.conferConsult, compare views; bestow or give162.confoundConfuse, frustrate; mix up or make worse163.connoisseurExpert, especially in the fine arts; person ofeducated, refined tastes164.connoteSuggest or imply in addition to the precise,literal meaning165.consoleLessen the suffering or grief of (verb); acontrol panel, or small table or cabinet(noun)166.consolidateUnite, combine, solidify, make coherent167.constrictSqueeze, compress; restrict the freedom of168.construeInterpret or translate169.contentiousControversial; prone to causing arguments,especially gratuitous or petty .contumaciousRebellious; stubbornly disobedient174.conundrumRiddle, the answer to which involves a playon words; any mystery175.convergeMove towards one another or towards apoint; unite176.conversantKnowledgeable about or experienced with177.converselyIn an opposite way; on the other hand178.convokeCall together, as to a meeting179.convolutedTwisted; very complicated180.copiousPlentiful, bountiful181.corroborateSupport, add evidence to182.cosmopolitanBelonging to the entire world, at homeglobally; free from local or nationalprejudices or attachments183.cossetTreat as a pet, pamper184.coterieClose or exclusive group, clique185.countenanceFacial expression or face (noun); approve ortolerate (verb)

212.delineateMark the outline of; sketch; describe in detail240.di

1.abase Degrade or humble; to lower in rank, status, or esteem 2.abate Reduce, diminish 3.abdicate Formally give up the throne (or some other power or responsibility) 4.aberrant Abnormal, deviant 5.abeyance Temporary suspension, inactivity 6.abhor Detest, regard with disgust 7.abjure Give up, renounce; repudiate, recant, or shun (especially formally or under oath)