Sahaja Yoga Meditation Guide Week 3


Sahaja YogaMeditation GuideWeek 3

Week 3 : Nirvicharita- Be Thoughtless1Week 3Meditation: Add Lord’s prayer to footsoakmeditation2Affirmation: I forgive everyone and Iforgive myself and I forgive all thoughts.3Technique: Agnya (forehead) candling andhand movements4Activity: Write a letter and place inmeditation altar

1‘Footsoak’ Meditation & Lord’s PrayerBenefitPowerful emotional and stress detox that rapidly removes imbalances and thoughts. Do in night or as neededQuick Video Guide 34H96cp n9kPreparationPut handful of salt in lukewarm water in tub. Keepfresh water in bowl next to you.Meditation StepsWith hands in lap you can meditate for duration 5 to 15minutes. You can do ‘balancing’ meditation steps andrecite Lord’s Prayer.Wrap upWash your feet with fresh water from bowl before youstep out. Meditate for 2-3 minutes more and thenthrow the water in toilet without spillingStepwise PicturesClick on pdf document to rightto see steps in pictures

Affirmations2Affirmations can be usedduring meditation or anyother time.Say this from your heart a fewtimes:Tilt head back and press with hand andsay. Say this from your heart a few times:Mother, I forgive everyoneincluding myselfMother, please forgive me for anymistakes I may have made against myDivine

3Technique: CandlingFront Agnya: Look at meditation altar throughcandleflameBack Agnya: Needs another person help normally.Candle at back of head. AskYogi help to do it online.Sample Video: P7-A7ppVHLY

3Technique: Hand MovementsBandhan (circle of love) - clockwise handmovement to clearLeft hand to clear right side: EgoRight hand to clear left side: Super-ego

4Activity- Write a letter to Mother After meditation, write a letter to your Mother Energy opening your heart Place in meditation altar Can keep it there until we feel necessary. After that preferably place in recyclingbin for respectable disposal.

21 Days Course StructureSaturdaySundayMonday-ThursdayFridayWeek 1:Know ThyselfMain ClassCompletedRevisionGroup PracticeOn DemandWeek 2:AscentMain ClassOne to One &WorkshopGroup PracticeOn DemandWeek 3:ThoughtlessnessMain ClassOne to One &WorkshopGroup PracticeOn DemandConclusionOne to One &Workshop

TimingsSaturday &Sunday11:45 AM New York (8:45 AM LosAngeles)Monday-Friday8:45 PM New York (5:45 PM LosAngeles)Same link class for every class

Picture for Meditation Altar

Sahaja Yoga Meditation-Online up/Music for Meditation FMVyboTWwjc&t 24s ft Instrumental (at work,relaxing, in transit ) 34?start 2000Meditative Video (absorb the joy ilL0 QQand go thoughtless) nhVf4-AwaUw&t 137sYouth Meditation / o76is4l-H0KODH5EftIA

Vibrations Exchange- Assisted AwakeningBenefitAccelerate your Kundalini energy awakening, strengthen experience and receive subtle system state feedbackSetupAs above so that assisting Yogi can view your spinal cord and head in Zoom. In front can use photo of Shri Mataji onscreen to prevent attention from wandering and strengthen your experience.StepsTake ‘bandhan’. When process is complete Yogi will let you know and take your feedback. Yogi can offersuggestions for blockages perceived in your subtle system and offer suggestions for how to cleanse them.

About Sahaja Yoga MeditationSahaja Yoga meditation was founded in 1970 by ShriMataji Nirmala Devi as a means to help take meditationto masses in easy steps. Sahaja Yoga is practiced in over100 countries and is always free.Online Meditation team comprises of volunteers acrossthe world with various backgrounds such as engineers,researchers, teachers, data scientist, students etc whovolunteer to support meditation enthusiasts.

Free Sahaja Yoga Guided MeditationFounded in 1970 by 'Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi'Sahaja Yoga is a simple but profound technique and always freeJust with pure desire we get meditative once we awaken our Divine energySahaja Yogain a proseSahaja Yoga is a meditation very social with spiritual growth achieved in collectivityIn balanced and joyous state eliminate loneliness with spiritual solidarityDepression and stress are fruits of modernityTechniques are shared that help when practiced with regularitySorrow just peel off when in meditative witness state and purityBe with meditative people with noble pursuits to shed social anxietyLife transformation does not come with sermons or postures with no durabilityWork on inner system roots, water with pure desire and shine some DivinityIn Sahaja Yoga meditation following just comes, like a seed that just germinatesMetaphysics, Consciousness, Self improvement, self empowerment, mindfulness and mental clarityMeditation is not a pill but a plant needing nourishment with sincerityWhile we cannot predict through meditation what heights you will achieve in lifeOur heart felt desire is to always share joy and knowledge in simplicityOur experiences say you will not be ordinary any more, shaken easily by any rife

About Sahaja Yoga Meditation Sahaja Yoga meditation was founded in 1970 by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi as a means to help take meditation to masses in easy steps. Sahaja Yoga is practiced in over 100 countries and is always free. Online Meditation team comprises of volunteers acr