Bible Verses Atheist Making


&REASON & REVELATIONA Monthly Journal of Christian EvidencesDecember 2019 Vol. 39 No. 12‟Atheist-Making”Bible VersesYou Need toKNOWGifts& Saleon R&R &Discovery

"Atheist-Making" Bible VersesYou Need to KnowEric Lyons, M.Min.will turn you atheist faster thananything.”4What scriptures do these andother atheists contend will turna Bible reader into an unbeliever?What, exactly, in the Bible wouldturn a person to atheism or agnosticism?#1—“LOT OFFERED HIS DAUGHTERSTO THE WICKED MEN OF SODOM”WHEN Penn Jillette wasasked, “Why would reading the Bible make you an atheist?”he said, “Because what we get toldArticle In Brief.about the Bible is a lot of pickingNo lie is more dangerous than that told by many modernand choosing.” He then gave hisatheists, agnostics, and skeptics—that the Bible is notfirst actual example of what willthe inspired Word of God. However, when the biblicalmake a person an atheist, saying:“When you see Lot’s daughter gangcriticisms of unbelievers are fairly considered, then theraped and beaten and the Lordfaith of Christians should only grow stronger, and honestbeing okay with that.”5unbelievers will see the error of their ways. Indeed, theIndeed, in an attempt to proholy, loving, just God of the Bible, and the Bible itself,tect two guests in his house, Lotstand in perfect harmony.offered his two daughters to anangry mob of homosexuals inT might surprise some Chris- lative wisdom or the superlativetians to learn that a number goodness of Christ as depicted Sodom, saying, “See now, I haveof prominent atheists and in the Gospels . I am concerned two daughters who have notagnostics have alleged that, of with Christ as He appears in the known a man; please, let me bringall things, the Bible “made them” Gospels, taking the Gospel narra- them out to you, and you may doas you wish” (Genesisunbelievers. According to 20 th- tive as it stands, and there one does to them6century British playwright, A . A . find some things that do not seem 19:8). As incomprehensible anddetestable as Lot’s actions were,to be very wise.”3Milne, author of the Winnie thethere is nothing in Genesis 19 orIn more recent times, the YouPooh books, “ The Old Testamentanywhere in Scripture that indiis responsible for more atheism, Tube channel BigThink featuredcates God was “okay with that” (asagnosticism, and disbelief—call popular American magician, actor,Jillette contends). Quite the oppoit what you will—than any book and entertainer Penn Jillette in site, in fact. Genesis 19 actuallyever written.”1 Renowned British a video titled, “How Did You reveals that the two guests, whoagnostic Bertrand Russell wrote a Become an Atheist?” The video were really angels sent by God, didbooklet in 1927 titled “Why I A m has been viewed over 2.2 million not allow anything to happen totimes. In it, Jillette stated: “I read Lot’s daughters. Rather, theyNot a Christian” (which eventuallymade its way onto the New York the Bible, cover to cover. And I struck the wicked men of SodomPublic Library’s “Books of the Cen- think that anyone who is thinkingwith blindness and later safely ush2tury” list). In the pamphlet, Rus- about maybe being an atheist, if ered Lot’s daughters (as well as Lotsell commented on Jesus and the you read the Bible cover to cover, and his wife) out of the repulsivelygospel accounts, saying, “I do not I believe you will emerge from that sinful city prior to God destroyingbelieve one can grant either super- as an atheist . The Bible itself it (19:12-25).IR&

Still, some find it quite troubling that in the New Testament,Peter uses the term “righteous”three times in 2 Peter 2:7-8 todescribe Lot: “God deliveredrighteous Lot, who was oppressedby the filthy conduct of the wicked(for that righteous man, dwelling among them, tormented hisrighteous soul from day to day byseeing and hearing their lawlessdeeds).” Why did Peter repeatedlycall Lot “righteous” when manysee a different picture of Lot inGenesis? Was Lot really righteous?One must keep in mind that,though a Bible writer may haverecorded specific sins and foolishacts of an individual, such revelation does not mean that theperson could not also have beenrighteous. Christ was the onlyperfect man ever to live (2 Corinthians 5:21; 1 Peter 2:22). ThoughNoah, Abraham, Moses, etc. werecounted faithful (Hebrews 11:729), they occasionally disobeyedGod’s will (cf. Numbers 20:1-12),and acted foolishly or cowardly(cf. Genesis 9:21; 12:12-20; 20:118). God never blessed their disobedience, only their faithfulness.Similarly, just because Peter calledLot righteous does not mean thatLot was perfect. Even the apostlePeter, who also served as an elderin the Lord’s church (1 Peter 5:1),was guilty at one time or anotherof having a lack of faith (Matthew14:31), denying that he knew theLord (Matthew 26:69-75), andhypocritically withdrawing himself from Gentiles (Galatians 2:1114).Furthermore, Peter’s statementsabout Lot’s righteousness must beconsidered in their proper context. Similar to how Noah wasan island of righteousness sur- that Lot was perfect, but that herounded by a sea of iniquity (2 remained uncontaminated by thePeter 2:5), Lot was surrounded by level of intense iniquity prevalentextremely “wicked,” “filthy,” “law- throughout Sodom. Like Chrisless” citizens of Sodom (2 Peter tians today who strive to walk in2:7-8). Although Lot was far from the light, though they are imperperfect, he was not a wicked, law- fect (1 John 1:5-10), Lot was aless unrighteous citizen of Sodom; righteous man, who also madehe was righteous. Lot separatedsome memorable mistakes.himself from the unlawfulness#2—“GOD TOLD ABRAHAMof the inhabitants of Sodom andTO KILL HIS SON”was even tormented “day to dayENESIS 19:8 is only the proby seeing and hearing their lawlessverbial tip of the iceberg ofdeeds” (2 Peter 2:8).Though Lot’s offering of his verses atheists contend will makea person an unbeliever. The verydaughters to the sodomites isinexcusable (as it seems were next example Penn Jillette gave inAbraham’s actions in Egypt and his popular six-minute video wasGerar when he allowed his wife “Abraham being willing to killto be taken by kings in order his son.”7 Not only was Abrahamto preserve his life; see Genesis willing to kill his son Isaac, God12:10-20; 20:1-18), Genesis 19 actually instructed him to do so,clearly indicates the distinction saying, “Take now your son, yourbetween the righteousness of Lot only son Isaac, whom you love,and the wickedness of the inhab- and go to the land of Moriah andoffer him there as a burnt offeritants of Sodom. The sodomiteseven hinted at such when they ing on one of the mountains ofdeclared that Lot “keeps acting as which I shall tell you” (Genesisa judge” (Genesis 19:9). This was 22:2). The Telegraph of Londonthe distinction Peter made—not highlighted this verse as “No. 8”GReason & Revelation is published monthly by Apologetics Press, Inc. Periodicals postagepaid at Montgomery, AL. Postmaster: Send address changes to Reason & Revelation,230 Landmark Dr., Montgomery, AL 36117; issn :[1542-0922] usps # 023415.Apologetics Press is a non-profit, tax-exempt work dedicated to the defense of NewTestament Christianity. Copyright 2019. All rights reserved.Editor:Orders:Dave Miller, M.A., M.Div., M.A.R., Ph.D.*(*Communication, Southern Illinois University)Associate Editor:Jeff Miller, M.S., Ph.D.*(*Biomechanical Engineering, Auburn University)Annual Subscription Rates: 14.00 12.00DomesticDomestic Bulk 14.00Canada & Overseas(5 TO SAME ADDRESS)(PLUS SHIPPING)General inquiries, changes of address,or international callers:Phone:Fax:(334) 272-8558(334) 270-2002R&Phone:Fax:(800) 234-8558(800) 234-2882On-line Web store/catalog, subscriptionorder/renewal form, current issues, archives,and other information (all orders processedon a secure server):URL :www.ApologeticsPress.orgURL: /espanolE-mail:mail @ApologeticsPress.orgDiscovery—Scripture & Science forKids is a sister publication for children. Formore information, please contact our officesor visit the Discovery Web site at:URL

in its article, “Top 10 Worst Bible It Was a “Test”what He would do” (6:6). Would8Passages.” In his 2009 debateEven still, Genesis 22 poses Philip and the apostles recall thatwith Kyle Butt, American atheist no real problem. Why? Because Jesus miraculously had furnishedDan Barker asked the audience to God did not actually intend more than 100 gallons of a tasty“remember the thing about when for Abraham to kill his son as a beverage at the wedding feast inAbraham—he [God] asked Abra- burnt offering; God’s command Cana of Galilee (in John 2) andham to sacrifice his son, Isaac. By was only a “test” (22:1). When a conclude that Jesus alone couldjust as easily miraculously feedthe way, Abraham should have mother asks her young son (whomthousands of people on this occasaid, ‘No way, I’m better than you, she watched from a distance makea mess), “Who did this?” the sion if He so desired? Or, wouldI’m not going to kill my son.’”9the disciples worry themselvesAre Penn Jillette, Dan Barker, question is not asked for infor- with the large number of peoplemational purposes. She is testingand other atheists right? Is this aher son to see if he will tell the and the limited natural resources?good Bible verse to use to spread truth and take responsibility for Jesus knew they were not going toatheism? Should this passage of his actions. When a teacher gives purchase food for the multitude,Scripture logically lead people her class what appears to be an but He still asked the question—away from the Bible and the God impossible-to-pass, closed-book because it was a test of their faith.of Abraham to atheism?test (the contents of which have He made it a growing moment.On another occasion, JesusPrior to a discussion of Gen- never been covered in class), thetesteda Gentile woman (Matesis 22, one is compelled to ask students may initially think theirthe atheist upon what basis he teacher is being terribly unfair. thew 15:21-28). Initially (anddeems the killing of a child as However, the students later learn superficially), one might concludethat Jesus was rude and unlovingwrong or evil? As leading unbe- that the test was actually “a test”to the woman who asked Him,lievers have admitted, atheism of their character: who all would“Havemercy on me, O Lord, Sonbe honest and take their “F” versuslogically implies, “Everything iswho would dishonestly cheat on of David! My daughter is severelypermitted,”10 including murder. the test in order to get an “A”? In demon-possessed” (15:22-27).Do atheists not frequently justify the end, those who “failed” were However, many people miss thethe murder of unborn children? actually given a “100,” while fact that Jesus was testing thisRenowned atheist Peter Singer those who “passed” were given a Canaanite woman, while at theindicated in 2000 that it would “0.” At first, before all the factssame time teaching His disciplesnot even be wrong to kill a disabled were known, the teacher seemed (who earlier claimed that thechild who had already been born. quite unfair; but in the end, the Pharisees were offended at HisHe wrote: “[K]illing a disabled students learned an important life- preaching—15:12) how the teninfant is not morally equivalent lesson, while also discovering that derhearted respond to potentialto killing a person. Very often it their teacher was actually very just offensive truths. Unlike the hypocritical Jewish scribes and Phariis not wrong at all.”11 Thus, some and wise.sees who, earlier in the chapter,Scripture reveals that God hasof the world’s leading atheists haverespondedto Jesus’ “hard preachjustified murdering human beings, occasionally asked questions andmade statements that were meant, ing” with hard-heartedness (Mateven when doing so means thenot in the more normal ways, but thew 15:1-12), a Gentile womantaking of the only life that a childas “teaching moments” or “tests.” seeking assistance from Jesuswill have (according to naturalistic In John 6, Jesus asked Philip about acknowledged her unworthinessatheism, which implies that there the great multitude who followed and persistently pursued the Holyis no eternal afterlife). So how, Him, saying, “Where shall we buy One for help, even in the face ofexactly, can atheists objectively bread, that these may eat?” (John a difficult, divinely orchestratedand non-hypocritically condemn 6:5). But Jesus asked the question test. In the end, Jesus did whatGod and Abraham in Genesis 22? “to test him, for He Himself knew He knew He was going to do allR&

along—He healed the humblewoman’s demon-possessed daughter.12So what does all of this have todo with Abraham in Genesis 22?Simply that God never actuallywanted Abraham to sacrifice hisson—anymore than Jesus wantedHis disciples to purchase bread tofeed thousands of people, or thanHe wanted to withhold healingfrom a Gentile woman’s daughter.Abraham’s faith was tested, andHe passed the test without everkilling Isaac (Hebrews 11:17).In fact, had Abraham actuallykilled Isaac, he would have disobeyed God, since at the momentwhen Abraham was about to slayhis son, “The Angel of the Lordcalled to him from heaven, andsaid, ‘Abraham, Abraham!. Donot lay your hand on the lad, ordo anything to him’” (Genesis22:11-12).Admittedly, God’s test of Abraham was a deep and difficult experience for the patriarch. But keepin mind that God knew all along(1) it was a test, and (2) that thepassing of the test did not actually include Abraham killing Isaac.The patriarch demonstrated suchgreat, trusting commitment toGod that he would be willing notto withhold (22:12) even his mostprecious, promised son, if that iswhat his Master asked of him.13Such complete trust is what Godwants from anyone who seeks afterHim (Matthew 16:24-25; Philippians 1:21).14#3—“GOD ACCEPTED JEPHTHAH’SDAUGHTER AS A HUMAN SACRIFICE”IN “The 10 Worst Old Testament Verses by Dan Barker,” theco-president of the Freedom FromReligion Foundation listed Judges when “the Spirit of the Lord came11:30-39 as #5–Jephthah burning upon him, and he judged Israel”his daughter “as an acceptable sac- (Judges 3:10). At other times, itrifice to God.”15 This Bible passage refers more to the courage andalso made The Telegraph’s top 10 superhuman strength that thelist, coming in at #7.Lord provided them, such as inIs it possible that Jephthah lit- Samson’s case (Judges 14:6; 14:19;erally sacrificed his daughter as 15:14). Jephthah was a courageousa “burnt offering” (Judges 11:29- leader, but he was not without sin40)? Yes, it’s possible. Sadly, many (Judges 11:3; Romans 3:23). If hechildren in ancient history were literally sacrificed his daughter, hesacrificed at the hands of powerful did so without God’s authorizaleaders, including some evil kings tion.of Judah (2 Chronicles 28:1-3;In light of some of the state33:6-9). But if Jephthah actually ments later in Judges 11, it issacrificed his daughter, he com- quite reasonable to conclude thatmitted a grave sin, since literal Jephthah actually only “sacrificed”human burnt offerings were con- his daughter in a figurative sense,demned by God under the Law similar to how the Levites (Numof Moses (Deuteronomy 12:31; bers 3:12-13; 8:10-18) were sym18:10).bolically offered before the LordDespite what Barker and others (cf. Exodus 13:2,12-16; 22:29-30).contend, there simply is no indi- Consider that, upon learningcation in the book of Judges of Jephthah’s vow, his daugh(or anywhere else in Scripture) ter and her friends mourned forthat God sanctioned Jephthah’s two months—though the textactions (and such silence on God’s never indicates they mourned herpart cannot reasonably be inter- death. What was their sorrow?preted as approval). Admittedly, They “bewailed her virginity”Judges 11:29 indicates that “the ( Judges 11:38). In fact, threeSpirit of the Lord came upon times her virginity is mentionedJephthah,” but this occurred prior (11:37-39), the last of which isto his journey through Gilead, noted immediately following theManasseh, and Mizpah, and prior revelation that Jephthah “carriedto his battle with the Ammonites, out his vow with her which hewhich included conquering 20 had vowed. She knew no man”of their cities (11:33). Thus, the (11:39). These statements seemstatement of Judges 11:29 refer- to indicate Jephthah’s daughterences to a moment in time at least was likely “sacrificed” as a “burntseveral weeks or months prior to offering” at the tabernacle in theJephthah carrying out his rash vow. sense that she became one of theWhat’s more, having “the Spirit of “serving women who assembledthe Lord” does not mean a person at the door of the tabernacle”could never sin and do foolish (Exodus 38:8; cf. 1 Samuel 2:22).things (e.g., Samson). This phrase Perhaps like Anna centuries later,is found seven times in Judges. It Jephthah’s daughter was “offered”can indicate God’s consecration of to serve God “with fastings anda judge, such as in Othniel’s case, prayers night and day,” never again(cont. on p. 140)R&

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to leave the area of the tabernacle(cf. Luke 2:36-38).If Jephthah killed his daughter as a literal burnt offering, therepeated bewailing of her virginity makes no sense. (If someonewas about to kill your unmarrieddaughter, would you feel the needto mourn her virginity—or herimminent death?) On the otherhand, if Jephthah’s daughter wasabout to be “offered” to God toserve perpetually at the tabernacle,and to live the rest of her life asa single, childless servant of theLord, it makes perfect sense thatshe and her friends would lamenther lasting virginity. When weallow the Bible to explain theBible, the symbolic offering ofJephthah’s daughter makes perfectsense. But regardless, there was nowrongdoing by God in the eventsof Judges 11.#4—“GOD KILLED ALL SORTSOF PEOPLE IN THE BIBLE”ON virtually every extensive list of Bible verses thatshould supposedly produce unbelievers is a reference to the Godof the Bible being a blood thirstymurderer. In his New York Timesbest-selling book The God Delusion, Richard Dawkins (arguably the most famous atheist inthe world today), called God, a“racist, infanticidal, genocidal capriciously malevolent bully.”16Both The Telegraph’s and DanBarker’s list of “worst Bible passages” included examples of Godinstructing the Israelites to destroyvarious Canaanite nations. So howcould a loving God instruct onegroup of people to kill and conquer other groups?In truth, God’s actions in that murderers would receive thedeath penalty (Leviticus 24:21,17).Israel’s conquest of Canaan werein perfect harmony with HisSecond, the Canaanite nationssupremely loving, merciful, righ- were punished because of theirteous, just, and holy nature. How? extreme wickedness. God did notFirst, because punishing evildo- cast out the Canaanites for beingers is not unloving. Similar to a particular race or ethnic merciful parents, principals, God did not send the Israelitespolicemen, and judges can justly into the land of Canaan to destroyadminister punishment to rule- a number of righteous nations.breakers and evildoers, so, too, can On the contrary, the Canaanitethe all-knowing, all-loving Creator nations were horribly depraved.of the Universe (cf. Hebrews 12:3- They practiced “abominable cus11). Loving-kindness and corpo- toms” (Leviticus 18:30) and didral or capital punishment are not “detestable things” (Deuteronomyantithetical. Prior to conquering 18:9, NASB). They practiced idolaCanaan, God commanded the try, witchcraft, soothsaying, andsorcery. They attempted to castIsraelites, saying,spells upon people and call upYou shall not hate your brother inthedead (Deuteronomy 18:10-11).your heart . You shall not takeThe inhabitants of Canaan wouldvengeance nor bear any grudge“burneven their sons and daughagainst the children of your people,ters in the fire to their gods” (Deubut you shall love your neighbor asteronomy 12:30). The Canaaniteyourself . And if a stranger dwellswith you in your land, you shallnations were anything but “innonot mistreat him. The strangercent.” They were so nefarious thatwho dwells among you shall beGod said they defiled the land andto you as one born among you,the land could stomach them noand you shall love him as yourlonger—“the land vomited outself (Leviticus 19:17-18,33-34; cf.its inhabitants” (Leviticus 18:25).Romans 13:9).[Keep in mind that God warnedThe faithful Jew was expected, Israel before ever entering Canaan,as are Christians, to “not resist an that if they forsook His law, they,evil person” (Matthew 5:39) but too, would be severely punishedrather “go the extra mile” (Mat- (Deuteronomy 28:15ff.). Surethew 5:41) and “turn the other enough, similar to how God usedcheek” (Matthew 5:39). “Love,” the Israelites to bring judgmentafter all, “is the fulfillment of the upon the inhabitants of Canaanlaw” (Romans 13:10; cf. Matthew in the time of Joshua, He used22:36-40). Interestingly, however, the pagan nations of Babylon andthe Israelite was commanded to Assyria to judge and conquer Israelpunish (even kill) lawbreakers, hundreds of years later.]including (and especially) fellowThird, unlike the impulsive,Israelites. Just five chapters after quick-tempered reactions of manycommanding the individual Isra- men (Proverbs 14:29), the Lord iselite to “not take vengeance,” but “slow to anger and great in mercy”“love your neighbor as yourself ” (Psalm 145:8). He is “longsuffer(Leviticus 19:18), God twice said ing , not willing that any shouldR&

perish but that all should come to ham “the iniquity of the Amorites” only God has the right to take therepentance” (2 Peter 3:9). Imme- was “not yet complete” (Genesis life of His creation whenever Hechooses (for the righteous purdiately following a reminder to 15:16).17 In Abraham’s day, thethe Christians in Rome that the inhabitants of Canaan were not so poses that He has). At times in hisOld Testament was “written for degenerate that God would bring tory, God took the life of men outour learning, that we through the judgment upon them. However, of righteous judgment. At otherpatience and comfort of the Scrip- by the time of Joshua (more than times (as in the case of children),19tures might have hope,” the apos- 400 years later), the Canaanites’ it was for merciful reasons.tle Paul referred to God as “the iniquity was full, and God used#5—“GOD IS JEALOUSGod of patience” (Romans 15:4-5). the army of Israel to destroy them.AND INSECURE”Throughout the Old Testament,Yes, God is longsuffering, butICH A R D Dawkins hasthe Bible writers portrayed God as His longsuffering is not an “eteralleged that “[t]he God oflongsuffering. When “the wicked- nal” suffering. His patience withness of man was great in the earth” impenitent sinners eventually the Old Testament is arguablyin Noah’s day, and “every intent ends. It ended for a wicked world the most unpleasant actor in all20of the thoughts” of man’s “heart in the days of Noah. It ended for fiction: jealous and proud of it.”was only evil continually” (Gen- Sodom and Gomorrah in the Penn Jillette listed God beingesis 6:5), “the Divine longsuffering days of Abraham. And it even- “jealous and insecure” seventh inreasons for becoming anwaited” (1 Peter 3:20). It appears tually ended for the inhabitants his list of21atheist.Dan Barker went so farthat God delayed flooding the of Canaan, whom God justlyas to say:Earth for 120 years as His Spir- destroyed.If we were forced to reduce theit’s message of righteousness was“ButWhatAbouttheInnocententire Old Testament to a singlepreached to a wicked world (Genword, what would it be? It wouldChildreninCanaan?”esis 6:3 and 2 Peter 2:5). In thenot be “love.” There is not enoughThe children of Canaan weredays of Abraham, God ultimatelylove there to fill a communioncertainly not guilty of their pardecided to spare the iniquitouscup . The one word that sumsents’ sins (cf. Ezekiel 18:20); theycity of Sodom, not if 50 righteousup the scenario between Genesispeople were found living therein, were sinless, innocent, preciousand Malachi is “jealousy.” Almostevery page, every story, every act,but only 10 righteous individuals. human beings (cf. Matthew 18:3every psalm, every prophecy, every5).SohowcouldGodjustlytakeAnd what about prior to God’scommand,every threat in those 39destruction of the Canaanite the lives of children “who haveancientbookspoints back to thenations? Did He respond to the no knowledge of good and evil”possessiveness of one particularpeoples’ wickedness like an impul- (Deuteronomy 1:39)? In truth,god who wanted to own and consive, reckless mad-man? Or was as Dave Miller properly noted,trol his chosen lover by demandHe, as the Bible repeatedly states “Including the children in theing total devotion. “Love me! I amand exemplifies, longsuffering? destruction of such populationsbetter than the others! Don’t lookat them—look at me!”22Indeed, God waited. He waited actually spared them from a worsemore than four centuries to condition—that of being reared toIndeed, the Bible reveals inbring judgment upon the inhab- be as wicked as their parents and no uncertain terms that God isitants of Canaan. Although the thus face eternal punishment. All a “jealous God” (Exodus 20:5;Amorites were already a sinful persons who die in childhood, Deuteronomy 4:24). The truth is,people in Abraham’s day, God according to the Bible, are ushered however, sometimes “jealously” isdelayed in giving the descendants to Paradise and will ultimately a good thing. The word “jealous”of the patriarch the Promised reside in Heaven. Children who is translated in the Old TestamentLand. He would wait until the have parents who are evil must from the Hebrew word qin’ah, andIsraelites had been in Egypt for naturally suffer innocently while in the New Testament from thehundreds of years, because at the on Earth.”18 God, the Giver of life Greek word zelos. The root ideatime that God spoke with Abra- (Acts 17:25; Ecclesiastes 12:7), and behind both words is that ofRR&

“warmth” or “heat.”23 The Hebrew of “playing the harlot” (Jeremiahword for jealousy carries with it 3:6-10). God called Israel’s idolathe idea of “redness of the face that trous practice “adultery,” and foraccompanies strong emotion”24— this reason He had “put her awaywhether right or wrong. Depend- and given her a certificate ofing upon the usage of the word, divorce” (3:8).it can be used to represent bothThe fact is, love has a virtuousa good and an evil passion. In 1 jealous side. What atheist wouldCorinthians 13:4, Paul noted the not be “jealous” (in a good sense)negative side of jealousy when he of a wife, whom he loved with allwrote that “love is not jealous.”25 of his heart, flirting with othersInterestingly, however, three times in public and committing adulteryin this same context (1 Corinthi- with them in private? Most everyans 12-14), Paul used this word one understands there is a sense inin a good sense to encourage which one can be “justly jealous.”his brethren to “earnestly desire Such is especially true in the mar(zeeloúte)” spiritual gifts (12:31; riage relationship. Israel was God’s14:1,39). He obviously was not chosen people. He had begun tocommanding the Corinthians to set them apart as a special nationsin, but to do something that was by blessing their “father” Abragood and worthwhile. Later, when ham (Genesis 12:1-3). He ble

a Bible reader into an unbeliever? What, exactly, in the Bible would turn a person to atheism or agnos - ticism? #1—“LOT OFFERED HIS DAUGHTERS TO THE WICKED MEN OF SODOM” W HEN Penn Jillette was asked, “Why would read-ing the Bible make you an atheist?” he said, “Because what we get told abo