Insights on the top SAP technology trends 2020Innovating at the pace of disruption
Insights on the top technology trendsInnovating at the pace of disruptionSAP solutions in focusMACRO TECHNOLOGY FORCES01DIGITAL TWINS: BRIDGING THE PHYSICAL AND DIGITAL02FINANCE AND THE FUTURE OF IT03The “built to last” paradigm for business is fading. The relentless pace of change across allindustries and all geographies is forcing leaders to adopt a new vision: the “built to evolve”enterprise, a Kinetic Enterprise capable of responding at the speed of disruption—leveraging intelligent capabilities, cloud solutions, an inclusive ecosystem of apps, and aclean core.It’s a vision of an evolving enterprise that’s well paced and placed for change. For leadersARCHITECTURE AWAKENS04ETHICAL TECHNOLOGY AND TRUST05HUMAN EXPERIENCE PLATFORMS06HORIZON NEXT: A FUTURE LOOK AT THE TRENDS07who want to enable the “built to evolve” Kinetic Enterprise, understanding what lies ahead isimperative. And for organizations that rely on SAP solutions, the stakes can be especiallyhigh. As disruption accelerates, making an impact with your SAP technology investments hasbecome more critical than ever.Ready and responsiveActivating the “built to evolve” Kinetic Enterprise will require organizations to createand adopt solutions that straddle both today’s realities and tomorrow’s possibilities.WHAT DOES YOUR FUTURE LOOK LIKE?
Insights on the top technology trendsMoment of impactSo how can you prepare for what comes next? Clear trends are emerging, and01Deloitte is tracking them. Understanding the trends can allow your organization toinnovate more effectively with SAP solutions—putting you on a potential path tointelligent insights and innovative capabilities that can help you operate more02efficiently, elevate the human experience, and grow.03Begin the journey here. As a complement to Deloitte’s Tech Trends 2020publication, this report projects several important trends through the lens of04SAP—also touching on the technology macro forces at play and how modernbusinesses can navigate digital transformation. These SAP-specific insightsprovide an essential starting point that can help you reimagine everything,activate the Kinetic Enterprise, and make an impact with SAP solutions.050607
Macro technology forces01The imperativeBy exploring the intersection of macro technologyyour specific vision of the Kinetic Enterprise andforces,purposeful,determine where to start building it, beginningtransformational change. These forces extend acrosswith any or all of its four pillars: intelligentfour areas: enabling (e.g., analytics and cloud),(insightful digitized intuitive apps), clean (withfoundational (e.g., risk and core modernization),low technical debt), responsive (cloud-enableddisruptive (e.g., digital reality and blockchain) andto scale right on demand), and inclusive (with“horizon next” (e.g., ambient experience, quantum).integration of technologies and services).Potential SAP solutionsOur solutionsInnovative IoT services assetsorganizationscandriveSAP Cloud Platform for extending the power ofapplications;SAPAnalyticsCloudandSAPS/4HANA Cloud; SAP intelligent capabilities, includingblockchain and IoT services; SAP Digital Supply Chain;and SAP Digital Interconnect—all to help businessesscale rapidly, meet shifting demands, and holders.How we can help030405Fleet Management, Cold Chain, Smart City,Connected Products, Predictive Maintenance.06Deloitte Reimagine PlatformReady-to-deploy capabilities through SAPCloud Platform, including Lights Out Finance.Cloud Total Value CalculatorSupporting a holistic business case for cloud.Deloitte’s “built to evolve” Kinetic Enterprise approachKinetic Integrationprovides a framework for addressing the macroProviding seamless application-to-applicationand business-to-business forces in play. We can help you define0207
Digital twins: Bridging the physical and digital01The imperativeDigital twins provide a digital simulation of physicaltwins, we are embracing intelligent automationsystems, assets, or processes—often pairing IoTourselves. Around the world, we are augmenting ourtechnologies to instrument-simulated systems, andworkforce with digital twin capabilities, AR/ VR,typically relying on data science and machine learningprocessto drive physical-world action. Leveraging digital twinsefficiency, increase speed to value, and improve thecan help you design and deploy responsive capabilities,quality of the work we do for clients.automation,andAItodrivegreateroptimize your business processes, and activate thePotential SAP solutionsSAP HANA in-memory computing platform, SAP CloudPlatform, SAP Digital Business Services and machineintelligentlearningandSAPIoTservices—to help organizations optimize and innovate,and deliver new services.How we can helpDeloitte has real-world experience at the ready when itcomes to digital twins. In addition to helping majorglobal organizations deploy digital0304Our solutionsDigital Maintenance AssistantKinetic Enterprise.0205Interactive, voice-based “live enterprise” assistant,powered by Google Home and SAP Cloud Platform.06Kinetic Delivery for Intelligent CodeNext-generation AI-powered collaboration platformfor efficient project delivery.Deloitte Digital TwinMore than 150 RPA bots supporting employees inday-to-day delivery operations, including: projectmanagement,cutovermanagement,configuration, and quality assurance.SAP07
Finance and the future of ITThe imperativeIT operations are becoming nimbler and more productfocused while the finance function may continue tobudget and fund the same way it has for decades.Leading organizations are transitioning to new finance,budgeting, and accounting processes that support agileinnovation, with the help of a risk-based portfoliomindset, capex-versus-opex strategies, capacity-basedfunding, and investments in a digital foundation thatcovers cloud, core modernization, and data platforms.Potential SAP solutionsSAP Central Finance, powered by SAP HANA, to deliverreal-time insights and agility, with centralized financialinformation for enterprise wide transparency; SAPActivate, an agile methodology that can enable fastertime to value for digital transformation.How we can helpWith deep capabilities in finance transformation,Deloitte helps CFOs drive business performanceand shareholder value while improving operational01effectiveness and efficiency. Our offerings andaccelerators focused on SAP solutions r and an SAP S/4HANA Finance Lab, aswell as offerings for revenue recognition and03lease accounting, RPA-enabled processes, EPMmodernization, and predictive finance analytics.Our solutionsKinetic Finance EnterpriseIntelligent, responsive, clean, and inclusive—with0405automation, harmonization, and orchestration.06Reimagine GR/IRAn SAP Cloud Platform-driven Intelligent solution07for optimizing GR/IR processes dynamicapplication environment.AtomAn SAP Cloud Platform-driven Intelligentsolution for optimizing GR/IR processes dynamicapplication environment.
Architecture awakensThe imperativeHow we can helpThe role of architects is evolving, focused onWe can help you create communities wheretransformingwellarchitects thrive and share leading practices withsupporting the increased speed of the another. Deloitte provides critical CXOOrganizations now need collaborative, responsive,advisory services for SAP-centric organizations—and creative architects with a big-picture view, whoso you can foster a corps of enterprise andcan deliver value by bridging the gap betweensolution architects for SAP services, spanningtechnology and business. Big areas of focus:business, data, applications, and technology. Areducingfew major aspects of our approach: semphasizingautonomics, microservices, and agility.grounded in enterprise-specific/industry-specificinsights, and focused on the certification journey.Potential SAP solutionsSAP’s Enterprise Architecture program, addressingOur solutionsarchitecture through a multidimensional approachCertified SAP Technology SolutionthatArchitect program Bringing depth andcoversbusinessarchitecture,dataarchitecture, and solution architecture—to helpbreadth across the SAP technology spectrumaccelerate—to solve complex client challenges and enabletime-to-value,simplifydelivery, and support consistency.innovationthe “built to evolve” Kinetic Enterprise.0102030404050607
Ethical technology and trust01The imperativeHow we can helpHow you use the tools of business matters. How youThrough its extended network or practices,engageorganizationsDeloitte brings capabilities that covers risk,understand the importance of an overarching set ofadvisory, technology enablement, tax, and more.values for guiding the use of technologies—for seeingIt’s a package that includes leading practices,the complete picture and what it means for thehighly focused specialists, and innovative toolsbusiness as well as its human stakeholders. Thatfor supporting ethical use of technology—helpingincludes owners, leaders, workers, and customers asyou to sense risk early and unlock the fullwell as third parties. The ultimate vision? To havepotential of the Kinetic Enterprise.peoplematters.Leadingmeaningful corporate values focused on buildingtrust—and applied to technologies, people, andbusiness processes.Potential SAP solutionsand quantify potential risks associated withSAP Business Integrity Screening, enabled byfinancialSAP HANA and SAP Cloud Platform—for detecting,machine learning and advanced, as well as helping to prevent fraud in ultra-highvolume environments.030405Our solutionsRisk Sensing & AnalyticsProvides real-time insights to help quickly identifyinvestigating, and analyzing irregularities in02andothertransactions—leveraging0607
Human experience platformsThe imperativeHow we can helpPutting humans at the center of things remains apriority for business. And it’s getting easier.Historically, computers have been unable tocorrelate events with human emotions oremotional factors, but that’s changing asinnovators are adding an emotional quotient (EQ)to technology’s IQ, at scale—leveraging AI, big data,and other advanced tools. The potential payoff? Anintelligent, human-first enterprise focused onstrengthening human connections and gaining anedge in the market.A more responsive enterprise can address risingPotential SAP solutionsSAP Cloud Platform plus IoT, machine learning, AI,and RPA services to help sense human parametersin real time, generate insights, and drive actions;SAP Customer Experience cloud solutions andSAP’s Qualtrics experience management platformto understand and elevate the human experienceacross touchpoints and business processes.expectations and unlock powerful new value. AndDeloitte can help you every step of the way—supporting you as you activate an intelligent,cloud-enabled Kinetic Enterprise that can respond010203at the pace of disruption. Our strengths inexperience design, machine intelligence, analytics,IoT, industry-specific needs, and more all come04together in the solutions and services we provide.And we can help you address a total set ofneeds—from the front office to the back office tothe extended supply chain.Our solutionsSketch to Screen(S2S)Design fully functional SAP Fiori UIs by drawingyour vision on paper and scanning it.Voice-enabled Warehouse OperationsProvides an effective two-way voice-enabledinventory- handling system with hands-freetransaction postings.05060607
Horizon next: A future look at the trends01The imperativeHow we can helpIn a world of seemingly infinite unknowns, it isDeloitte can help you bridge today’s realitiespossible to focus attention on a meaningfuland tomorrow’s possibilities—to see yourcollection of known and emerging technologiesopportunitiesthat, taken together, can help you chart a path tocapabilities for acting on them. Our 30-yearthearehistory of collaborating and co-innovating withalready doing it today—with clear programs thatSAP is one of the big reasons we earned thealign innovation with business strategy and a long-inauguraltermdisruptionPartner of the Year. Business innovation andaccelerating, other organizations should considerdigital transformation are in our DNA, and wefollowing suit—using the knowledge gained tohave more than 2,300 innovation architectsreimagine and transform their enterprises beforeand dozens of innovation assets at the readythey themselves are help you prepare for what comes next.Potential SAP solutionsOur solutionsThe entire suite of SAP solutions—especially the SAPKinetic Enterprise services and solutions A “builtS/4HANA digital core ERP; SAP Cloud Platform; andtoSAP intelligent enterprise technologies for big data,portfolio of offerings to help you enable anadvancedintelligent,nexthorizon. ionsWithmachineintelligence,application development, and tegratedas ivecloud-enabledenterprise—operating with a clean core and aninclusive ecosystem of technologies, services,and capabilities.0207
What does your future look like?David ColganNordic SAP Practice LeaderDeloitte DenmarkNo matter what comes next, one thing is certain:dcolgan@deloitte.dkchange. Disruption will keep coming. For “built to last”businesses, tough realities lie ahead. Activating a “built toevolve” enterprise can allow you to respond at thepace ofdisruption—even as new trends emerge and technologiesmove forward.Andreas HallbergSAP Practice Leader Swedencan move confidently and get maximum value from your investments in SAP technologies.What makes Deloitte different? Plenty—including our 30-year SAP history, o
Potential SAP solutions SAP Central Finance, powered by SAP HANA, to deliver real-time insights and agility, with centralized financial information for enterprise wide transparency; SAP Activate, an agile methodology that can enable faster time to value for digital transformation. How we can help With deep capabilities in finance transformation,