CHEAT SHEETHAM RADIO FOR DUMMIESCHEAT SHEETFrom Ham Radio For Dummies, 3rd EditionBy H. Ward SilverIf you’re new to ham radio, these articles contain information that newham radio operators should keep handy while gathering experience.You’ll find these references to be just what you need while learning tonavigate the radio bands and make contacts. Bookmarking thewebsites in your web browser will help you while you’re online, too.TECHNICIAN CLASS FREQUENCYPRIVILEGES IN HAM RADIOWhen you’re getting started, remembering where you’re allowed tooperate is important. As a Technician licensee, you have free accessto all amateur frequencies above 50 MHz, but what about on theshortwave high-frequency (HF) bands? This chart helps you follow therules. A band-by-band plan showing where to find different types ofactivity is available from the American Radio Relay League (ARRL).Band80 meters40 meters15 meters10 metersFrequencies (In MHz)3.525 – 3.6007.025 – 7.12521.025 – 21.20028.000 – 28.300Modes You Can UseCWCWCWCW, RTTY/data, 200 watts PEP maximum power28.300 – 28.500CW, phone, 200 watts PEP maximum powerAbove 50 MHz All amateur privileges
CW Morse code; PEP peak envelope power; RTTY radioteletype.GENERAL CLASS FREQUENCYPRIVILEGES IN HAM RADIOSoon, if you haven’t done so already, you’ll be thinking aboutupgrading. You have many more frequencies to use on the highfrequency (HF) bands, as shown in the following table. A completechart of the U.S. frequency and mode privileges for all license classesis available from the American Radio Relay League (ARRL).Band160, 60, 30 meters80 meters40 meters20 meters15 metersFrequencies (in 021.275–21.45017, 12, 10 metersAbove 50 MHzModeAll amateur privilegesCW, RTTY, dataCW, phone, imageCW, RTTY, dataCW, phone, imageCW, RTTY, dataCW, phone, imageCW, RTTY, dataCW, phone, imageAll amateur privilegesAll amateur privilegesCW Morse code; RTTY radioteletype.COMMON HAM RADIO Q SIGNALSHams use three-letter Q signals on every mode and even in face-toface conversation. Here are the Q signals most commonly used inday-to-day operation. Each signal can be a question or an answer, asshown in the Meaning column. A complete list of ham radio Q signals,including those used on nets and repeaters, is available fromthe AC6V website.
Q OQSTQSXQSYQTHMeaningIs the frequency busy?The frequency is busy. Please do not interfere.Abbreviation for interference from other signals.Abbreviation for interference from natural or human-madestatic.Shall I increase power?Increase power.Shall I decrease power?Decrease power.Shall I send faster?Send faster ( words per minute [wpm]).Shall I send more slowly?Send more slowly ( wpm).Shall I stop sending or transmitting?Stop sending or transmitting.Have you anything more for me?I have nothing more for you.Are you ready?I am ready.Stand by.Who is calling me?Abbreviation for signal fading.Did you receive and understand?Received and understood.Abbreviation for a contact.General call preceding a message addressed to allamateurs.I am listening on kHz.Change to transmission on another frequency (or tokHz).What is your location?My location is .COMMON HAM RADIO REPEATERCHANNEL SPACINGS AND OFFSETSUntil you become accustomed to using repeaters on all the differentham radio bands, this chart can help you remember the right offsetsand channel spacings to use. Many radios have the standard optionspreprogrammed, but you need to be aware of what they should be.
Output Frequencies of EachGroup (In MHz)51.62 – 51.98Band6 meters52.5 – 52.98Offset from Output toInput Frequency– 500 kHz53.5 – 53.982 meters (a mix of 20 kHz and 15 kHzchannel spacing)222 MHz or 1-1/4 meters440 MHz or 70 cm (local optionsdetermine whether inputs areabove or below outputs)145.2 – 145.5– 600 kHz146.61 – 146.97– 600 kHz147.00 – 147.39 600 kHz223.85 – 224.98442 – 445 (California repeatersstart at 440 MHz)– 1.6 MHz447 – 4501282 – 12881296 MHz or 23 cm1290 – 1294 5 MHz– 5 MHz– 12 MHzYOUR HAM RADIO GO KITWould you be ready if a call came from your local public service groupto provide some ham radio expertise for a day or so? Items in thefollowing list are the basics of what should be in your radio go kit. Nowis a good time to check your supplies and be prepared! Don’t forget toput together a personal go kit, too. Dual-band (VHF/UHF) handheld radio and mini manual Full-size flexible whip antennaCopy of your Federal Communications Commission (FCC)license and any public service group or government agency IDs Mag-mount antenna with necessary adapters for connecting tovarious connectors Extra battery packs and charger AA-cell battery pack if available and fresh batteries
AC power supply and cigarette-plug cord with spare fuses Headset with microphone (preferred) or speaker-mic Copy of your local emcomm frequencies, phone numbers, andprocedures Pocket knife and/or multipurpose tool Flashlight or headlamp and spare batteries Pencil and notebook, clipboard, and permanent marker Duct tape, electrical tape, and a few small cable ties Cash for food, gas, and telephone calls (about 20 in small billsand change)10 HANDY HAM RADIO WEBSITESThe most common question asked by newcomers to ham radio is“How do I ?” These ten websites are full of information that you canuse as you try new things or hone your existing skills. Be sure tobookmark these pages in your home and mobile browsers.WebsiteARRLAC6V and DX ZoneQRZ.comeHam.netRadiowave Propagation CenterSpace Weather Prediction CenterTAPRAMSATWA7BNM Contest CalendarYOTA (Youngsters On the Air)Organization and UseMany useful regulatory, educational, operating, andtechnical items and linksGeneral-interest websites with many links on allphases of ham radioCall sign lookup service and general-interest hamradio portalNews, articles, equipment swap-and-shop, productreviews, and mailing listsReal-time information on propagation and solardataReal-time information on space weather and radiocommunicationsInformation on digital data modes and softwaredefined radio (SDR)Main site for information on amateur satellitesContest calendar and log due datesWorld-wide group for student and young adult
DXMAPS.comDX Summithams, based in EuropeCollection of real-time maps showing worldwideactivity on any amateur bandWorldwide DX spotting network
HAM RADIO FOR DUMMIES CHEAT SHEET From Ham Radio For Dummies, 3rd Edition By H. Ward Silver If you’re new to ham radio, these articles contain information that new ham radio operators should keep handy while gathering experience. You’ll find these references to be just what you need whil